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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Thanks - just tried the Hide button and I feel that it should have some extra space around, eg. padding: 0 3px 0 5px; Plus I think it would look nicer to have the module icon (the bug) instead of the arrow. You could play with opacity to distinguish its on/off state.
  2. Just an idea: how about making it three-state, eg full-nolabel-min? I also think the new setting to hide the bar is not needed, and perhaps the hide label setting is also superfluous if my suggestion gets accepted.
  3. Thanks! So did I until recently
  4. Seems to work fine, thanks!
  5. v026 brings another "syntactic sugar" because the sweeter the better {1038|get:httpUrl} {$contactPage|get:title} {$gallery_items|getParent|get:httpUrl}
  6. I don't think you should worry about those extra characters in the markup.
  7. Is it possible to redirect all 404 hits to the homepage? I've just tried ".*" -> "/" and it appends the full url like this: http://domain.com/http://domain.com/ Tracker: I think most devs wouldn't like this feature but I'm not against it, provided it's OFF by default.
  8. I think you could use CSS, eg with Admin Custom Files or AdminOnSteroids. Phisicaly images would be the same size but would appear smaller.
  9. The module is set to "autoload' => true, is this surely needed? In my quick test 'autoload' => 'template!=admin' works too.
  10. Just committed a small update to GitHub which expands the select box if there's only one of it (field add confirmation page):
  11. Just for the info this can be used to autoload only if the template of the edited page in the admin is "basic-page": 'autoload' => function() { return wire('pages')->get(wire('input')->get->id)->template == 'basic-page'; },
  12. Is it only a preview or do you have a link? Looks great.
  13. v119 comes with a new "Apply to all" button to update all dropdowns with the selected option on the "Add field to templates" page (see the screen capture below), requested by @gmclelland. I've also updated the "Remove all" button on the field deletion confirmation page. Now it reads "Check all" and the default submit button can be used for deletion instead. The same "Check all" button is added to the other field deletion confirmation page (accessed from the Field edit page, Actions tab). All these are under the "Misc" submodule. Please re-check the checkbox "Add helper buttons to batch field add/remove confirmation pages" because it was renamed.
  14. The new v025 has a new feature "Use latte extension" that allows replacing PHP templates with Latte files, resulting in a cleaner structure. Note that /site/templates/admin.php needs to be renamed to admin.latte when using this. On existing installations it is recommended to clear the cache too.
  15. Thanks, working fine here. As for the snippet I think it's OK too. I usually check for multilanguage with something like this though I'm not sure it's a better approach. if ($this->languages && $this->pages->find('template=language, check_access=0')->count() > 0)
  16. I think a comprehensive multi-language support would be a really complex task. This tweak would require only adding an extra tag if the title is not in the current language.
  17. Ryan mentions UIkit in his comment here but reading it again he is only considering this.
  18. I don't use such frameworks for some time now so I wasn't too excited seeing the features for v3. To be honest I'm not very happy that PW is about to use UIkit in the admin though I understand it is about to simplify module developers' life (most of them being no CSS ninjas ).
  19. On a multilanguage install if pages doesn't have the title filled for the user's language, BCE shows the title on the default language. This is good, but can be misleading because one can think that the title is filled but actually it's empty. I could imagine a solution to notify the user about it, eg. like this: Perhaps there's a better solution, this was the first that came to me.
  20. @adrian Do you plan to extend the batch install module to include built-in modules? I just installed about 10 modules from the modules directory which saved me a lot of time. Being able to install built-in modules like AdminThemeReno, LanguageSupportPageNames, LanguageTabs etc would be great.
  21. You could use this // the parent <?php echo $pages->get("template=recommendations")->title;?> // children <?php foreach($pages->find("parent=recommendations") as $child) { ?> <?php echo $child->title;?> <img src="<?php echo $child->post_image->first()->size(200,0)->url;?>"> <?php } ?> or this: <?php // flag to track if parent title was shown $parentTitleShown = false; ?> <?php foreach($pages->find("parent=recommendations") as $child) { ?> <?php if(!$parentTitleShown) { // parent echo $child->parent->title; // set flag $parentTitleShown = true; } // children echo $child->title; ?> <img src="<?php echo $child->post_image->first()->size(200,0)->url;?>"> <?php } ?>
  22. Thanks! Such minor UI tweaks can add a lot to the overall feel and they were easy to add. I just took the opportunity to harvest some glory with minimal effort
  23. Sounds that you may have a Js error, is there any in the devtools console?
  24. You can also lock yourself out if you edit the "admin" template and check "Show a 404 page": Here is a thread with a fix by @BitPoet
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