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Robin S

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Everything posted by Robin S

  1. Hi @Macrura, a feature request: could you extend SelectizeImageTags to provide tagging support for File fields too? Hopefully not too difficult as I think the field types are quite similar. Thanks in advance! Also, I noticed a few issues with SelectizeImageTags: 1. The "Selectable Tags " inputfield shows "0" when the module has just been installed and no tags have yet been added. Maybe that's normal. 2. Line 129 isn't producing a proper array of tags in my Windows localhost environment. Changing to from PHP_EOL to "\n" did the trick but not sure if that's a fix that would work on all platforms. 3. The JS isn't initialising when the image field's visibility is set to "Closed + load only when opened (AJAX)", or when the field is inside an AJAX-loaded repeater item.
  2. Learning Git has got to be a good thing (I need to learn more about it myself), but in terms of solving the "two computers for local development" issue in the quickest and simplest way I would have thought this would be the thing to look at: I think you want a single version of the files and DB on the laptop (in case you need to work away from home some time) and then access those on the desktop machine via a local network. Just leave the laptop on when you want to work from the desktop. Or another idea: just carry the laptop downstairs and work exclusively on that machine (I have a large external monitor and external keyboard I plug my laptop into when working at my desk).
  3. @SamC, I usually do what @BitPoet suggests and create custom login and profile edit forms for the front-end if the user only needs to edit their profile (or some other single page). But there are a few modules and snippets around that take the approach of creating a custom dashboard in the PW admin for users with non-superuser roles and redirecting them to that when they log in rather than the page tree. Here are a couple of links, and just search for "dashboard" to find more: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-dashboard/
  4. @adrian, just as an aside: reading the issue you opened on the Tracy GitHub about loading speed there was the suggestion that sessions are the bottleneck. Do you think that having the session data in the DB would speed up that data delivery? In other words, might it improve Tracy performance if both Tracy and SessionHandlerDB are installed?
  5. Changing the data column type did fix the issue - thanks! I guess that issue occurs because Tracy is storing a lot of data in the session. Before changing the column type I did some logging of static::$showPanels - much of the time it would be an array but randomly sometimes null. No more nulls after changing the column type.
  6. Thanks. Not worth your time to spend ages debugging 2.7.x issues, as just about everyone will be using 3.x going forward. I think perhaps just advise people using 2.7.x together with SessionHandlerDB to run the Legacy branch. Maybe the module could detect those conditions on install and select the Legacy branch by default. If it's of interest here are a couple of errors I see with Master branch + SessionHandlerDB + PW2.7.3: PHP Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - session is not active in /home/mysite/web/test/wire/core/Session.php:459 PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../site/modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module:756
  7. I would have said only the Tracy config page (not sure why I didn't make the connection to Tracy straight away) but then I got a CSRF error trying to uninstall SessionHandlerDB also. So yes, SessionHandlerDB is installed, and uninstalling it does fix the issue. I am running the latest version of Tracy but the PW version is 2.7.3, and if it matters the SessionHandlerDB module is slightly modified to work around a timezone issue with the module that exists in PW 2.7. Uninstalling SessionHandlerDB won't be a solution for the production site because the module is used for IP address monitoring by the site owner. I'm not keen to upgrade the site to PW3 because there's no budget for that, but I can live with the Legacy branch of Tracy as I really only need the bardump feature anyway. What do I miss out on with the legacy branch vs the master branch?
  8. Page Image Manipulator allows you to watermark image variations, which is more flexible than watermarking the original on upload. If you are concerned about sneaky visitors gaining access to the unwatermarked originals see @horst's solution here:
  9. @adrian, I now think the issue is confined to the Tracy Debugger config page. The site is on a Linode server running PHP 7.0.15 and Ubuntu, yet if I have the "Master" branch selected within the Tracy config every time I submit the config I get a CSRF error. Also, the debug bar does not show in the front-end or back-end on the Master branch. If I temporarily disable CSRF protection, switch to the "Legacy" branch, then re-enable CSRF protection then everything works normally and I can submit the config. Any ideas what the issue is here? (Feel free to move this to the Tracy support thread if you think it belongs there)
  10. I have a site where I periodically get CSRF errors when submitting forms in the back-end, logged in as superuser: "This request was aborted because it appears to be forged." What are the circumstances that will trigger a CSRF error? I know that a change of IP address will, but that won't be happening in this case. Only this one site is affected.
  11. You mean if you are giving roles other than superuser access to to user management? I haven't looked into that a lot, but with a quick test it seems like once you give your "user manager" role edit access to the user template and configure the user-admin permissions for the role, the access to edit user pages is the same through the custom lister as through the default users lister (i.e. they cannot edit users they do not have the permission for). But you have probably investigated this more thoroughly.
  12. @LostKobrakai, you can create custom user listers with ListerPro. They appear under "Pages" by default but you can move the page to be under "Access" and it seems to work fine there. You can also create bookmarks for that custom user lister, but not bookmarks for the built-in users lister (which would be nice).
  13. I use a slightly customised version of this useful module and found that the page list additions weren't looking so good in the new Tree dropdown menus, and they aren't needed there anyway. Solution was an early return if the 'noTags' option is set... public function addPageIdLabel($event){ $page = $event->arguments('page'); $options = $event->arguments('options'); if(!empty($options['noTags'])) return; // return if this label is for the Tree dropdown menus $event->return .= " <span class='helper-info'>($page->id, $page->template)</span> "; }
  14. For those wanting more room for the tree dropdowns in the default admin theme it's easy as pie with a little custom CSS: /* Align tabs to left to make more room for tree dropdowns */ #masthead #topnav { float:left; margin-left:30px; /* just a little left margin to leave some space around the PW logo */ } @tpr, could maybe be an option in AdminOnSteroids? @Pete, the syntax highlighting in forum code blocks seems be broken for CSS - looks good in the modal, but no highlighting when the modal is closed.
  15. Do you do design websites as well as develop them? If you do then my experience has been that there is plenty of work available from businesses and organisations who care about and understand the benefits of high-quality bespoke design and development. Yes, there are many out there who think that a $40 Wordpress theme is good enough and don't want to pay above the minimum - if job satisfaction is important to you, you don't want those people as clients. You'll hate the client, hate the finished website, and end up hating your job. You say you also work in the charity sector - I think that is a good sector to target as a specialisation and maybe you can make use of your contacts there to get started. Most of my clients are not-for-profits, mainly environmental organisations. I have found them to be excellent organisations to work with - friendly, sensible people, happy to take advice and willing to let you get on and do your work without a lot of interference. Another benefit is that these organisations often fund their projects from grants. This makes them less price-sensitive. To be clear, I'm not talking about gouging them on price - just that you can quote a fair price and they base their funding application on that and there's no grizzling and bargaining over cost like you can get in the for-profit sector. I live/work in the middle-of-nowhere rural New Zealand, I have never advertised or done any kind of promotion, and have been fortunate enough to always have a steady stream of work. And believe it or not, in the ten years I have been doing web work I have never had a client request a Wordpress site. I think positive word-of-mouth is key, and the great thing about it is that good people tend to know other good people so you generally avoid those Clients From Hell. To get good word of mouth you need to exceed expectations - set yourself high standards, have meticulous attention to detail, and deliver that bit extra. Best of luck with your career!
  16. Not an answer to your question sorry and only useful for those with Lister Pro, but just wanted to note that you can export the filtered list of users with "Export Pages to CSV" action for Lister Pro.
  17. @MilenKo, it won't be a PHP issue if you can see the markup in your page source. Could it be that you do not have jQuery included in your template? jQuery is a requirement for the module according to the GitHub readme. Here is the module working with the "Blank" profile (note that I added jQuery to the head):
  18. I've never used the module so not sure how it works, but it is not a requirement that the "email address" field of a user page be unique - only the "name" must be unique. Having another user with the same email address as your superuser account is not going to stop you from logging in with your username/password as normal. Maybe you simply had an incorrect password entered when you were trying to log in as superuser.
  19. But you log in in with your username, not your email address. Or do you mean you used your email address as your username? In which case I would suggest don't do that - it violates the allowed characters for the "name" field of a user page.
  20. For next time, if you find yourself logged in as a user with limited admin permissions, just log out.
  21. @gingebaker, I don't think there is a currently a way to trash Repeater items rather than delete them, but it would be useful if there was. Do you want to open a GitHub request for this so that Ryan sees it?
  22. You can also use timestamps in a PageFinder selector or anything that works with strtotime(): $zaehler = $page->children("einsatzdatum>=first day of January 2017, einsatzdatum<=last day of December 2017");
  23. But are you positive you are actually connecting to the local site when you visit dev.example.com? If you haven't configured your hosts file correctly your browser may be attempting to connect to an online server where that address does not resolve to anything and hence the error. If you put a file "test.txt" in your local site root and visit dev.example.com/test.txt can you see your file?
  24. It is weird and not worth spending time on I think. I thought it was some general error but it actually only happens on one page and relates to something I was testing with FieldtypeSelectExtOption and hooks. The field and hooks apply to several pages containing similar data yet I only got the panel error on one - I tried a few things to narrow it down but couldn't see the cause. Then I removed and readded the Select External Option field to the template and all is well now. So just one of those strange things that spontaneously resolves.
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