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Everything posted by blad

  1. wow!! Thanks @renobird i will try it, love you man
  2. Thank you. I'll try to make a module that relates these two fields. I'll post here when I get it.
  3. I have two page fields (PageAutocomplete) and I want to link them ... Templates: - Clients (Parent) -client (Childrens) -Field "Client_properties" (Page autocomplete select template=Property) - Properties (Parent) - Property (Childrens) -Field "Properties_client" (Page autocomplete select template=Client) What should I do?
  4. blad

    Saying "hi"

    Hello Peter Knight! I started in the community recently I can only say ... The cms and the community are great Lists are cool Edit by me Because 2 lists Are better than one. Just kidding
  5. Thanks for your opinions. I will use google and cdnjs, especially for larger files (ckeditor 511,1KB).
  6. I have researched and the findings are: - The first time you visit the page all the files are downloaded. Obvious. - The second time is re-downloaded the file from github. The cause ... github file expires in five minutes Google files expires in a year cdnjs.com expires in 355 days. You're right, if you use a good hosted libraries is a good solution.
  7. I've thought better and will use github. I think it's a good idea. The processwire repository as a host of js libraries.
  8. Hello again! I use external libraries in my sites (in the backend and frontend) almost all traffic to my website was in those files. I changed the modules jquery, jqueryui, fancybox, etc ... $this>config>scripts->add("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/dev/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.js"); Will I have any problems doing this?
  9. You're welcome. I will translate modules too.
  10. Thank you! I had json files with 0 phrases. I updated the repository.
  11. The last update was 20 files, this has 126 fully translated. Updated Sept/2014: ProcessWire 2.4.15. --> 126 files --> 100% translated. Files translated: https://github.com/LuisSantiago/Processwire-Spanish/tree/master/Processwire-master-Spanish%20(100%25%20Translated)
  12. blad


    Enjoy! And beware of pickpockets. If you come to Andalucia let me know I'll buy you coffee and beer
  13. blad


    You should visit the Plaza de Las Ramblas and Barceloneta (at least). If you come to Andalucía let me know and I invite cafes and beer. Bon Voyage.
  14. blad

    PW logo

    I have the PW logo in vector (Adobe Ilustrator) and 3d file (3d Max)
  15. I don´t have permissions to change the title. You can put "Learning to use the forum search and don´t create useless topics". Sure! Free beers and coffees for everyone. I like your avatar Walter White
  16. It is an absurd thing but I don´t know how include php files in the modules (include x.php) or use $ _GET and $ _POST. I am creating a chat module and I am not familiar with the API yet. I have seen modules as an example and they don´t use include or post.Thank you. The module: The code has been deleted because it hurt my eyes
  17. Thanks @enricob. I updated the module. Your solution seems good but it seems best to limit characters and not the height that can be variable. $(".InputfieldFileName").each(function(i){ len=$(this).text().length; if(len>9) { $(this).text($(this).text().substr(0,9)+'...'); } }); If file name > 9 chars the result is Namemoret...
  18. RT @processwire: ProcessWire dev branch adds support for append/prepend files on a per-template basis: https://t.co/OZxeYtoUZY

  19. Awesome!! Export / Import teamplates & fields. Section modules remember the last tab. You can add modules from anywhere. The find section, wow!. And a solution to the huge images that collapsed your screen. I created a module that is no longer needed The heaven in my hands Thanks @ryan
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