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Everything posted by blad

  1. I will assume that you have migrated doing a clean install on your server. Review your db config or contact with your hosting. If you migrated your database without installing my recommendation is to do a clean install and read this: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5736-export-profile/#entry56006 Edited: The migration process is too simple. What is your hosting?
  2. I´m running 2.4.0 . It works! I love you man! I'm busy today but tomorrow I'll like all your posts
  3. And now I can´t access or delete the field. Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to InputfieldPage::___findPagesCode() must be an instance of Page, none given in \wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldPage\InputfieldPage.module on line 168 This error message was shown because site is in debug mode ($config->debug = true; in /site/config.php). Error has been logged. I can delete the field from mysql, but I'll make a clean installation. Thanks anyway
  4. I don't know why this keeps happening to me: ArmSelect - Doesn´t work. Radios - Doen´t work. CheckBoxes - Doesn´t work. SelectMultiple - Doesn´t work. PageAutocomplete - Doesn´t work. PageListSelect - Works. PageListSelectMultiple - Works. Always gives me the same message: Session: Page ID is not valid for FIELD; Please someone help me. Does not anyone had this happened before? I read the topics and tried without results. Thank you
  5. I found another bug in a web that have passed me by private message (@videokid) . If someone wants to spend sites created on another system that is not processwire and starts with the letter w write me a private message. Edited: I did´nt mean wolf-cms.
  6. The reason we're in this forum is because we prefer Processwire. Each Cms has its own forum and community, I came because I loved the system and the community. Forgive my personal hatred that system (wp), my behavior was not the best.
  7. I have to say that before writing any post I contacted Vizz via PM. I found many security flaws and I've helped as much as possible. Although 30% of my posts contain the word wordpress, it's not personal but the repository is poor in terms of security. If you want a wordpress blog can work (not for me) but if you want an online store, real estate site, etc is not the best option. Drupal and Joomla are the major competitors of wordpress and they also have some modules with security issues, is what happens when you don´t put a filter module when uploading your repository. Okay, I have to admit it's personal. I'll try to not mention other defects and just mention the countless virtues of Processwire.
  8. I didn´t know about OpenShift. I work in lan, when I want to show changes (ip public/site)
  9. I hacked the Vizz site in 10 minutes. I told her how I fix it but I think it's a bad idea until you learn Processwire. W**** = insecure.
  10. I love your work. The idea of ​​a showcase would be very useful.
  11. If you want to check the safety of wordpress repositories you have to search for: And the core of wordpress: I repeat that it is only searches without malice. That is why I don´t like Wordpress. If you install a module you run the risk of sql-injection (easy).
  12. I have your Wordpress database in minutes. Blad 1 - Wordpress 0 .Fix what I put you in the private message or install and learn processwire.
  13. blad

    go hard with wp

    Regarding to the above, a curious fact is that you can update most wordpress sites without admin privileges. example: http://demo.opensourcecms.com/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php
  14. Hi! I have a problem with the PageAutocomplete field. I have made my pages: -- Clientes (template clientes) ---- Luis Santiago (template cliente) I have the PageAutocomplete field here (cliente_inmuebles) . ---- Second Name ---- Third Name -- Inmuebles (template inmobiliaria) id=1053 ---- Pisos (template tipo_inmueble) ------ Piso nº1 (template propiedad) ------ Piso nº2 ------ Piso nº3 ---- Casa ------ Casa nº1 ------ Casa nº2 ------ Casa nº3 Parent of selectable page(s): Inmuebles. Template of selectable pages : tipo_inmueble. Custom selector to find selectable pages: has_parent=1053, template=propiedad. (Without this selector shows nothing) The list of pages appear and I can select them but when I save I get the error: Page 1058 is not valid for cliente_inmuebles
  15. Thanks for the feedback. I note your ideas @soma and @adrian. Update coming soon
  16. Thanks for testing @adrian i will update. The problem is passing variables between php (server) and jquery (client). I will study it
  17. I use a Youtube custom player like this http://tutorialzine.com/2010/07/youtube youtube-api-custom-player-jquery-css/
  18. I don´t like wordpress...easy to hack. Mod note: Blad, thanks for alerting Vizz about a potential vulnerability on his/her WordPress site. I wrote you a private message but my recommendation is that you change to processwire. Sorry for the tests. Everything is as it was
  19. Thanks again @kongondo ! Updated the update .Can someone change the title of the topic on the right? "Module: AlternativeGridImages"
  20. Thanks is a good idea Thanks. It's my first time, this will not happen again
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