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Everything posted by pwFoo

  1. Did a quick intercoolerJS test... I love it First test: Main layout / template <!doctype html> <html lang="de"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="https://intercoolerreleases-leaddynocom.netdna-ssl.com/intercooler-0.9.7.min.js"></script> <title>IntercoolerJS Processwire</title> </head> <body ic-get-from="<?=$page->url?>" ic-trigger-on="load" ic-push-url=true></body><!-- async intercoolerjs call --> </html> A simple autoload module output this main template (PW class TemplateFile is used) above and stops PW execution with php "exit". After initial page load you see an empty page body, but after page loaded the intercoolerjs ajax call will be triggered and load the current page ("$page->url") content. The test was successful and at the moment I write a small module to handle initial (sync) page load (add layout / base template) -> hookAfter Page::render ajax updates with history support -> PW template file just return the current page content sub template support (PW TemplateFile) add / handle css / js (maybe async add / replace css / js with jquery...)
  2. I use 0.9 beta and will update my docker image soon...
  3. I sorted pages manually in the backend, but why the backend doesn't use the manual order? Frontend is solved by sort=sort But if additional sorting is needed backend sort ordner sort=sort would be better?
  4. I know many hacked joomla and WP sites, but maybe it's cms related... Permissions have to be set dependent on the hosting environment! Files / directories should be owned by FTP user and the webserver (as group) get read only by default. If the webserver have to write to directories / files just set group write permissions.
  5. Updated (reverted change which causes the problems) to 0.9.2 I hope it works again, because I haven't time or envirionment to test it... If it works fine I do a change freeze here until I back with update, tests, supports ...
  6. Hi @krisj so I should reverting the it to my original code? Maybe I should freeze changes until I have the time to test it before commit...
  7. Searched about possible solutions to use flexbox cross browser. It would be possible with some IE polyfills / workarounds (float, inline-block and maybe Columnizer-jQuery-Plugin) and could be used dependent on the target group. If IE support is important I will stay with pocketgrid which is simple and works fine. IE <= 10 is end of life / support!
  8. Thanks, maybe I shouldn't think too much about old IE versions... https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/WindowsForBusiness/End-of-IE-support# Users should update to Win7 / IE 11 because Microsoft won't support / update WinXP / < IE11any more... But I know customer with some WinXP work stations But shouldn't be used for daily work / internet... That's why an fallback to old style layout columns (float, inline-block) should be fine, but less flexible without width calculation / some JavaScript.
  9. Yes, I would like to (minimal) support IE 8-10 too... Just to have a better feeling about the usability of the site *g* I would like to move to flexbox, but need an IE8-10 workaround / "minimal support" without breaking the modern browsers. Anyone tested flexibility? It doesn't work with my Win7 IE / IE-Tester?! An IE10 and maybe a with flexibility IE8/9 working minimal example / demo would be nice... Haven't found a working one.
  10. I played with flexbox and tried to use it. Works fine with modern browsers, but IE10 doen't work (should support old syntax...) can't get flexibility work (IE 8/9 flexbox support) Thanks for the link https://github.com/StefanKovac/flex-layout-attribute. Looks nice and simple. Because of my tests I created an simple flexbox css file which seems to work fine with modern browsers and also allow nested flexboxes, but without IE <=10 support
  11. In the plugin example to login with nickname / email address I addHookBefore auth() and change / validate form values. Or set field validation to error if your check fails. Something like that? You can also hook before / after " form api processInput" method.
  12. Yes, great to see increasing caddy usage There are some docker images to use caddy as webserver , reverse proxy. And one with processwire cloned by git extension.
  13. I created the pre register validation module because I don't like unused / bot created accounts Email address based invite needs an database to save the token generated to the email address. So it's more complex. Sometime an invited user don't want to use the invited email address. So... just send an invite token which allows the user to register an account?
  14. I play with Rancher environment and custom docker images at the moment and it's fun Created local images and deployed as Rancher stack caddy webserver (PW forum topic) as revproxy (use docker-gen to generate the caddyfile) and web server for PW. php5-fpm container (replaced it quickly with php7-fpm for short testing PW 3 with php7) openssh (used as sftp / scp and optional ssh access to the "webspace" = docker volume) Works fine with HTTPS (frontend, ssl offloading) and http in the backend / internal container). Tested PW frontend, backend, image upload and content editing ...). Because playing with docker is fun... I use RancherOS (OS with docker as pid 1), a custom kernel and custom desktop images (xorg, dbus, volumeicon, pcmanfm, chromium, ...) as "Docker Desktop"... but I should find the way back to PW soon because I'll create a new website in the near future...
  15. At the moment Caddy will get new features and rewritten from 0.8x to 0.9. So it could be an interesting alternative to apache and nginx in the future. At the moment I use Caddy 0.8.3 with some plugins (git,...). Did you do more tests with Processwire & Caddy? Any problems or missing features (PW frontend edit? ...) with the latest rewrite rules? I did a short test (PW install, backend, frontend, image upload,...). I like caddy and use it as docker reverse proxy (dynamic caddyfile with docker-gen) and would use Caddy as webserver.
  16. Thanks, krisj! - new version 0.9.0 - added your changes UNTESTED! - changed module from alpha to beta - added PW 3.0 as supported Please verify and report back!!!
  17. Did you seached the form api related topics here? Additional features / attributes Markes with "fh" linke "fhValues". Set form attributes, CSS and so on is form api related.
  18. Ok, works for now, but you shouldn't (need to) hack the module... The $fu should be global available. wire()->set('fu', $this); I also used the mentioned way with my plugins. $fieldUser = $fu->form->get('username'); $fieldUser->addHookBefore('FrontendUser::auth', function($event) { $email = wire('fu')->form->fhValue('username', 'email'); $loginUser = wire('users')->get("email={$email}"); if ($loginUser instanceof User && !$loginUser->isGuest()) { $userObj = $event->arguments[0]; $userObj->name = $loginUser->name; } }); So get form field should work... $fieldUser = $fu->form->get('username'); Is it PW 3.0 related only?
  19. You know how to get the field object from the form instead of create a new one? $myFormField = $fu->form->get('myFormField'); ...
  20. There was a little adjustment to be compatible with 3.0 in the past. @mr-fan Thanks for helping out with support here
  21. It was planned to set a a sanitizer that makes sense by default, but that isn't implemented because I don't know all the field / inputfields attributes and types to find out which should be the correct sanitizer. At the moment I follow the pw blog about new 3.0 features (frontend editing, ...) and will update / optimize the modules for 3.0. I hope there will be some more nice new features which could simplify my modules
  22. You should hook into the PW form field. Take a look at "For example inside a hook fired after form field processed" here https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/wiki/Code%20snippets%20/%20Examples
  23. Thanks! FormHelper and FrontendUser are my first PHP modules. Written with a really basic knowledge of PHP and also PW (just after my first steps with it ). That's why the first approach ignored the PW hooks and used custom code for that... I learned how to use the power of the PW API and PW hooks. I surprised about the powerful and simple module creation with the PW API and PW hooks! At the moment I moved to some other topics (Linux, Docker, change IDE, ...). But I'll come back to PW soon, because I love PW and also the awesome community here!
  24. Hi, fields are just PW form api fields. should be something like $usernameField = $fu->form->get("username"); $usernameField->description = "this is my description"; Take a look here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7903-add-description-to-form-field-object-method-missing/ There are many great posts about PW form api here in the forums. Also link to Soma's post again https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/
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