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Everything posted by pwFoo

  1. Hi pwired, Yes. Use some popular modules (login, forum, contact form,...) to do the usual sites and than build the application with own code. A profile works out of the box, but I prefer small modules (necessary functions/ features with basic templates) which should be simpler to integrate into the application / own code. Ok, but why should everybody write an own login, user profile, ... script? A simple module as common and as stable tested starting point (customize templates, plugin additional features,...) should save some time for everybody (notably beginners). Yes it's easier to lern PW instead of "Drumlapress" but why should everybody reinvent the wheel? If I write a login module I'll reuse it - maybe with modifications - but don't write it again from scratch
  2. Hi Macrura, thanks for your answer. Liked to read it. I have build few sites with Drupal. Works fine for me with modules like views, views accordion, field slideshow, colorbox (...), but it isn't 100% what I want. So I have take a look at modx and later PW, because I'd like more flexibility and access to the output (html, css). Because of the create API and documentation (API, Forums,...) I tried to build a slideshow (cycle2, colorbox), accordion (based on pages, tags as cagegories/ accordion headers and jquery plugin). I get it work with a few lines of code and that's really awesome! That's why I choose PW to go deeper into programming (own applications and pw modules). Some more default modules (with simple basic templates) could be a nice starting point. Because default modules missing I try to build my own modules and get some knowledge how to work with PW and programming modules
  3. I like Drupal as out of the box working cms solution with great modules, but it uses a lot of generated source code and styles (works fine, but isn't always nice...). Some changes are difficult without a deep look at the generated html and css. Processwire is a clean and powerful framework with really great api, but you have to take care of the features and the output (html, css). That isn't a disadvantage! It's more work to do, but final you get what you want... Processwire and maybe also a lot of the modules are designed for programmers which build own applications an top of it. Maybe some ready to use modules (with configuration page, useable/ nice templates,...) could make PW even more interesting for Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress users. For example... login/ register/ reset password (frontend members) image resize filter with colorbox integration (show image as thumbnail / custom size image with link to original image inside a colorbox) tags, archive (parts for a "simple" blog module) native forum or a strong integration (for community building) I know all examples are possible and most can be found as snippets here in the forums! But beginners would be happy to get such modules ready to use from the pw module repo
  4. Hi Soma, thank You for posting here. I agree with you. PW modules need some quality and security assurance and coding guidelines. At the moment - my first look at PW and modules - it's a really great framework to build own websites and applications. I'm sure modules from Ryan, you and some other experienced members here are good work and really stable to use! But many modules shouldn't be used at production environments... So PW needs a better module repo and especially for new users some default modules like a good and stable login, user profile, ... Do not misunderstand me, the examples here in the forum are great! But some examples should be build to a module to make PW even more interesting and flexible for new users
  5. Yes, have it seen before and take a look at the source code. But what is the best way to to it? The existing user profile module or Ryans example here? Or any other example posted here in the forums? I don't know how secure and best practise PW modules are. Most Drupal modules are compliant to coding standards (translatable for example). But I found hard coded output (text messages) at user profile module while PW also have the possibility to use translatable text strings...?
  6. Because many people asking for a (frontend) login module... Why nobody created a login module from such great code examples? Bookmarked the examples for future use
  7. Yes, PW Community and especially Ryan helping with tipps and code examples Ryans login example, a modified version from renobird. Another version from Ryan with login, reset password and profile. Haven't used the examples yet, but maybe in the near future. But why nobody write a login module to have a shared base for all? Should be great for new users to get started
  8. Hi Sinmok, thanks. Make it optional would be really nice Great module! I like it!
  9. Ok, fine. I'm quite new with PW and have to compare solutions I build a accordion data table grouped by categories build with pages. With repeater / table field data is stored in fields of one page. But you're right. Without accordion or pager the usability will be a bigger problem than the performance
  10. Thanks for sharing this How scaleable with a look at the performance is this table solution?
  11. Thanks Ryan, inline editor module does the job, but needs some modifications I'll do. You write an answer at inline module support topic
  12. Hi Ryan. a quote from the module page: I don't need a inline rich text editor (most of the overhead!) or image uploading in the frontend. My use case is simple text edit. So I'll remove those stuff from the module and use it without. CKeditor is default enabled in the Inline Editor module. Haven't found a configuration to disable dropzone (image upload) or ckeditor.
  13. Thank You for helping me with my problem It was so simple to get it work... I also found Niks post Imported all data in two steps. First simple imported the categories and ignored all other fields. After the categories added a second import works fine! Thanks.
  14. An integrated forum could use/ interact with pw fields, same login, profile and permissions/ roles. Discussions is a starting point but no update since two years (only a proof of concept). So a dedicated forum software needs a good api to share information with pw (loggedIn/ Session, permissions, profile fields). Anybody working on a bridge module for a forum? Vanilla, SMF, IP.Board,...?
  15. Tested InlineEditor to maintain a data table. Nive module, but doesn't work with ckeditor for me. Can't modify text and the page loading time was terrible. I removed ckeditor.js and dropzone.min.js to prevent loading and all works fine and fast! Maybe ckeditor and dropzone should be optional to improve speed for simple text fields?
  16. I need such a module to maintain a table of data. Most important feature I need are inline editable fields. Any useable module available today or in the near future?
  17. Any progress with import page (reference) fields via this module? I need to import categories to a page reference field. Great module! Works fine for other fields.
  18. Hi apeisa, your module sounds like a solution for a future project I thinking about a website with groups. The group owner can add users as members (reference user or a users profile page?). Group content can be public or private (group members only, maybe also private groups could be useful ). Group content (internal discussions, news or other type of pages) can be referenced to a group (page reference) and set to pub/ priv. Until now I thought about a solution build with another cms (Drupal for example), but maybe with your UserGroups module I could try to build it with PW I following here to be up to date about your module
  19. Hi Ryan, thank You for the code example! Great to see how it should be done with PW! Without subcategories something like that should be work/ used? foreach($pages->get('/categories/')->children as $category) { echo "<h1>$category->title</h1><ul>"; $items = $pages->find("categories=$category"); foreach($items as $item) { echo "<li><a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } I'll try both soon. Thanks *UPDATE* Successfully tested the code above without subcategories.
  20. Data rows and categories are pages with own container. Categories referenced via page field. Yes, I need multiple categories. So my setup should be fine But how to output the nested categories -> category data rows? Any easy way with PW API or have to use nested loops? [EDIT] I'll try it loop through my categories and load and output all the related pages. Should work and I haven't found any better solution (if exists...) .[/EDIT]
  21. Export, import and store data should be no problem, but I get a new question in my mind... How to output/ render the data? Data structure - category 1 -- data row 1 -- data row 2 ... - category 2 -- data row 3 ... - category 3 ... Categories are like tags in a blog (PageAutocomplete field). Each row also is a page I thinking about use the PW template class at the template file to fill a "category" and "datarow" view. What's best practise to output/ render content with my data structure?
  22. A native forum would be great and should be simple and flexible (for example add fields for tags, author information, ...). Any plans to push discussions to a usable module?
  23. Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply! Good to get an answer here as a beginner! After read some topics and articles about PW and some tests later, I've understand that also categories and tags should/ could be done with (hidden) pages. I'll try it with ImportPagesCSV which I found as import solution some days ago. Yesterday in the afternoon I found the categories/ tag solution Thanks!
  24. A simple native forum would be great Any progress with discussions module?
  25. Hi, I'm new with PW and thinking about migrate a site with a custom table. So maybe You could help me with some information about how to do it with PW. The table contents (4 columns and additional a category column) are grouped by category and styled as accordion (categories = accordion headers). 1) How could/ should it done with PW? A custom table or the core repeater module? 2) How can I import the table content to PW? Best regards
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