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Everything posted by pwFoo

  1. I read the module description and it looks like a great minify solution! Is there an overhead because of caching and cache rebuild? For example with a slow first page load or will the cache created prior to the first visitor? How do you monitor file changes? I'll try AIOM+ soon to minify html, css and js with a new PW website
  2. Thanks, Macrura. But it's also right... I've to think about unique (section) id vs (global) page id. Is it needed to use different IDs for different sections or simple use page id and filter with different templates/ categories. So also thanks to you, Joss
  3. But how could we build unique ids with pw if needed? For example unique topic, user and task ids starting with zero and auto increment?
  4. I haven't take a closer look at the htaccess file, but I think it also used to improve security (denied file access for example). Any new test done with HHVM?
  5. Would it much work to build it as a universal module? Maybe with a config file to match the database table fields? So everybody can use it independent of use case. Just an idea. Maybe to much work to do it.
  6. Hi Adrian, thanks for posting a few different waysd to do it htaccess / rewrite will work, but isn't a solution for me (dependent from webserver / server config). Topic Routes and rewriting URLS could be a solution or I rethink my website structure.
  7. Hello, I've just had little time... so I write a short post and come back later I thinking about organize my (visible) pages for example at "/content/*". So I'll get links like "/content/about" or "/content/myPage". Is it possible to create a path alias like "/about" or "/myPage" without the parent "/content/"? Finally I try to get a tree like this. [home] /content/ /tags/ /categories/ /settings/
  8. Thanks for your hint. You're right, works fine without unique
  9. I decided to use the way Soma suggested Created css, js and views folder inside templates and include a layout.php file for basic layout/ design at the end of each site template (=controller) file. Templates are used as controller and use views via templateFile class. $config->jsFiles = new FilenameArray(); $config->cssFiles = new FilenameArray();Simple add scripts at the top like this. $jsFiles = array('js/first.js', 'js/second.js'); $cssFiles = array('css/normalize.min.css', 'css/pocketgrid.min.css', 'css/layout.css');Because of the js/ css order (site template add scripts/ styles before layout template) I have to take care about the add/ prepend order of the basic/ first styles and scripts. Solved it with array_reverse. $tplDir = $config->urls->templates; foreach (array_reverse($jsFiles) as $jsFile) { $config->jsFiles->prepend($tplDir . $jsFile); } foreach (array_reverse($cssFiles) as $cssFile) { $config->cssFiles->prepend($tplDir . $cssFile); } Last step is output at the layout.tpl.php view $view->set ('js', $config->jsFiles->unique()); $view->set ('css', $config->cssFiles->unique()); <?php foreach($js as $file): ?> <script src="<?php echo $file; ?>"></script> <?php endforeach; foreach($css as $file): ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $file; ?>" /> <?php endforeach; ?> To build my layout I use normalize.css V1 and pocketgrid (thanks Soma ).
  10. Thanks again I'll give it a try after some other tasks done. Haven't much time at the moment do work and play with PW.
  11. Hi Ryan, thank you. Good to know how I can do it $page->category->viewable() To check category permissions I need permissions set by template access for each category? DIfferent templates for the categories? Or add a field to set roles with view permissions (sounds better to me).
  12. Hi, doesn't see hhvm before but looks interesting... htaccess and php.ini support seems missing at the moment, but is planned. I'll read some more about it and maybe do some (simple) tests with it... *update* Simple installation (CentOS 6 yum repo) and a simple php test works fine, but to run PW, Drupal ... I think the htaccess file have to be converted, because apache, htacess, php.ini isn't supported by hhvm yet... But seems to be work in progress.
  13. Haven't seen your post before *g* Thanks, nice new options
  14. Hi Soma, first I thought "nice module, but maybe I should build a own customized template and navigation code" (html, classes, ...), because it's really simple to build with PW... After take a look at your documentation I realized... 'outer_tpl' => '<ul>||</ul>', 'inner_tpl' => '<ul>||</ul>', 'list_tpl' => '<li%s>||</li>', 'list_field_class' => '', 'item_tpl' => '<a href="/{url}">{title}</a>', 'item_current_tpl' => '<a href="/{url}">{title}</a>', no hardcoded markup! All configurable via options. No reason to build a own template or to reinvent the wheel. Markup Simple Navigation is really a great module! I like modules without hardcoded markup or with dedicated templates for easy customization. Simply want to say Thank You!
  15. Hi! Don't need it at the moment, but I'm interested in... Is it possible to set permissions for pages belong to a category? Maybe userGroups (apeisa, forum post here) could be a solution, but it's a early dev stage. Simplest way to build categories should be page references. Categories are pages and will referenced to (content) pages via page reference field. Like blog tags / categories. Content should use the same template. Is there a (easy) way to grant a role view permissions to pages belong to "category A"? For example like forum category/ board or gallery album view permissions to roles? Maybe a workaround/ solution If I build a template for each category I can manage permissions via template access, but I don't really need more than one template apart from permission settings... Use the same template should be done with advanced template setting -> alternate template filename Mentioned by Soma at the topic A different way of using templates / delegate approach
  16. pwFoo


    Works fine with Chrome (line break) and get a scrollbar in Firefox 26.0. Text not break out of the layout...
  17. With Drupal I tested the boost module (I think it's similar to ProCache?) and caching to ram with Varnish. Both works fine (guests only). With Varnish also images, JS, CSS can be cached (also logged in users if cookie removed via Varnish config). If all cached pages (with the images/ files) saved to a cache directory maybe a tmpfs could make it even faster? I keep ProCache in my mind if I need a caching solution
  18. pwFoo


    Subscribed at my Android phone. Works fine
  19. pwFoo


    Hi Soma, I like your blog. Good job If you add a feature to follow your blog posts/ PW tutorials I'll be there Searching a long time for a good grid solution, but already after a first look at PocketGrid... awesome! Many thanks!
  20. Thanks Soma, looks like a good PW solution! I like it. Which one is taken depends on the project (own css/ js per template or added via FilenameArray)... I have to think about my needs and choose the proper solution
  21. A native forum seems not to be an option for PW users. So a good integration (SMF, phpBB or Vanilla?) would be great.
  22. How should I add JS/ CSS files in PW? Load in template file if needed (simple, maybe have to copied to more template files or included with a inc-file) Create a colorbox module with needed plugin files (js, css, ...) and (auto-)load inside a template if needed. As module also configuration parameters are possible. At the moment (tests only) I include js/ css straight in the template file. How to add js/ css files to a FilenameArray I found here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4776-have-a-scriptsstyles-loader-like-wp/
  23. Hi Dragan, I already know and use those examples Tags/ categories are really easy to build (page reference field, tested with an accordion based on categories) and I also build a slideshow (cycle2) / colorbox solution (simple test inside a slideshow.php template). To build archives I take a look at blog profile and found this post: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/263-creating-archives-for-newsblogs-sections/ (currently not yet tested). So I try to build my features/ site and learn how PW works. An out of the box working solution/ module would be fine and save me some time, but I don't need it to build my site... I mentioned it because those modules could bring some "Drumlapress" users to PW and save some time with consistently needed/ used features. I hope people here understand what I mean. Sorry for my bad English
  24. Yes, I read some information about PW module development and it sounds really simple and easy! In comparison with PW the Drupal module development seems to be difficult and a lot of work. The great PW API simplify it. To create a PW module the API documentation, a little bit php and html & css (design) is needed. Yes! Really easy module structure and a powerful cmf. That's why I decided to start with PW, because I haven't build a module before and would like to learn it.
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