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Whenever I'm setting up websites, I've always gone down the route of just manually configuring nginx, and copying the files to the webroot (including for ProcessWire). My only real experience with docker has been for running stuff locally during development (originally docker-compose but as of today DDEV), so my question is does anyone run their site using docker, in particular PW. As all my sites I host are small, low-traffic sites I just have them running on a small VPS from DigitalOcean - with manually configured XEMP, and I've always struggled to see what benefits a docker/container-based approach would give. One thing that's always worried me with a docker based approach is for things like the DB, ensuring that if the container is destroyed the DB data isn't lost! It seems most of the tutorials in the wild are more geared towards using hosted databases... but when you're on a budget every cost adds up!
Hello, I finished this toy project. A simple API to show data for Chilean Birds. Used to flex my PW and React muscles, since a lot of time has passed since making something with those techs. Code: Frontend (React): Backend (PW): Hope you like it ? Thanks.
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Hi, I'm a System Administrator responsible for DevOps in our Company. We're trying PW in a single client project atm and experience some glitches with DevOps-/Workflow. We have a small team of developers that need to work with the same code base. They all need to be able to develop locally and deploy to a preview/staging environment. Our Toolstack contains git for versioning, chef/vagrant or docker for local development/testing and Jenkins for building assets and automatic deployment to the staging-site. There's several challenges / glitches in this process that makes me think that ProcessWire hadn't been developed for a use case like ours and is much more intended to be used by single developers that work right on the production system. Can you advise me on a suitable workflow? There's problems with the assets/files dir that must be shared between the staging website and local environments of our developers. We're right now working with symlinks on the staging system that helps to preserve the direcory when deploying from the master branch. but now we tend to use nfs-shares so devs can collaborate with a shared directory. The local docker containers can use the same target (the nfs) from inside the containers. But is that the way it needs to be done? Really? There's so much work that needs to be done to fit ProcessWire in a DevOps Workflow that we tend to decide to switch to another CMS. Any suggestions or hints that i might have missed. Am I wrong or is PW really not meant to be used this way. I
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Hello everyone, I've been fiddling around a lot lately with docker containers for my local development on a linux machine. Tried many different options, also readily available processwire images and tutorials from the forum. But never got it right. Mainly because of permission issues with docker volumes. That is a tricky part on linux machines whereas on OSX it doesn't seem to be an issue. Then I discovered And the setup with nginx as a proxy that routes requests to separate containers with the actual site install appealed to me. The whole thing sits on top of alpine linux containers which are really lightweight. So I decided to give it a try. And, first time since experimenting with docker, I got a running PW install. Rewriting was not working until I adjusted the nginx config. Now I have a fairly complex PW site running in a container. Everything is working, image upload/editing etc. So I'm really exited, especially since the dev site is now blazing fast compared to my old vagrant virtualbox vm setup. Honestly, I don't really understand everything that is happening behind the scene. But I managed to adjust the original files and build a new image that works with PW and doesn't have all the WP stuff. The nginx config I took from Not sure if it covers everything for PW3 as well. I would very much appreciate if someone who is more in the know than me could take a look. All files for building the docker image are here A working image here: Documentation is kind of lacking. I took over quite a lot from the original project. But following the github README and the original documentation should get people started who have a little experience with docker already. If someone needs a more in depth step by step tutorial for setting things up, let me know and I'll put something together.
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Docker ( is an open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications. Docker containers are a great way to package a complete application with its specific dependencies in a portable way so that it can easily be deployed on any compatible network or cloud infrastructure. Recently I spent a few days making my ProcessWire site run in a Docker container, and - as I could not find any good tutorial for this - it sounded like a good idea to write one. You will find on the web plenty of presentations and tutorials about Docker, so I won't start with the basic concepts, and this tuto assumes that you have a first understanding of Docker's fundamentals. What we want to do here is to migrate an existing site to a set of docker containers. Therefore, to start with, you should have: - docker installed on your computer; - the site directory of your ProcessWIre site - a backup of your site's MySQL database Let's start. Create a docker container for the site database For several reasons (insulation, security, scalability), it is preferable to host the site database in a separate docker container. 1. Set-up a SQL database with MariaDb or MySQL $ docker run --name database -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootdbpassword -d mariadb Here I choose to use the MariaDB official container in its latest version, but MySQLwould be just fine as well. 2. Run a PhpMyAdmin container and create the ProcessWire database We first select an simple image with PhpMyAdmin on the Docker Hub: nazarpc/phpmyadmin and we create a docker container based on this image. This container will access the port exposed by the database container via a private networking interface. We specify this with the `--link` option. It can be run temporarily (and exited by ctrl-C): docker run --rm --link database:mysql -p 8881:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin Or it can be run as a daemon in the background: docker run -d --name phpmyadmin --link database:mysql -p 8881:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin From phpmyadmin (accessed from your browser at http://hostaddress:8881) you can now create your ProcessWire database, create a dedicated user for it, and import the database content from a previously saved SQL file. Note: alternatively, you can do all database operations from the command line in the database docker container created during step 1, or use another mysql user interface container if you prefer… 3. Update the database parameters in your site configuration In your site's `config.php` file, the sql server name shall be set to `mysql`: $config->dbHost = 'mysql'; Other `$config->dbXxx` settings shall match the database name, user and password of the just-created database. Create a Docker Image for Apache, PHP and the Processwire site 1. Create an image-specific directory with the following contents and `cd` to it bash-3.2$ ls -l . config .: total 16 -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 1163 21 aoû 12:09 Dockerfile drwxr-xr-x 17 jean-luc staff 578 17 aoû 12:48 ProcessWire drwxr-xr-x 7 jean-luc staff 238 21 aoû 12:07 config drwxr-xr-x 7 jean-luc staff 238 20 aoû 18:46 site config: total 160 -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 160 20 aoû 18:28 msmtprc -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 72518 20 aoû 18:56 php.ini where: `ProcessWire` contains the version of ProcessWire that we want to use for this site; It can be retrieved from github with a link like{version}.zip` For example, the 2.6.13 dev version can be obtained by the link `site`: our site-specific files `Dockerfile`: the dockerfile for building the image (see below) `config`: a directory containing specific configuration files copied to the docker image (see below) 2. Set the `Dockerfile` content FROM php:5.6-apache RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libmcrypt-dev libpng12-dev zziplib-bin msmtp\ && a2enmod rewrite \ && a2enmod ssl \ && docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql iconv mcrypt zip \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \ && docker-php-ext-install gd EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 # Add a specific php.ini file COPY config/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/ # Configure the mail sent utility msmtp ( and make it readable only by www-data COPY config/msmtprc /usr/local/etc/php/ RUN chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc \ && chown www-data:www-data /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc # Remove all default site files in /var/www/html RUN rm -fR /var/www/html/* # Copy ProcessWire core files COPY ProcessWire/wire /var/www/html/wire COPY ProcessWire/index.php /var/www/html/index.php COPY ProcessWire/htaccess.txt /var/www/html/.htaccess # Copy site-specific files COPY site /var/www/html/site # Make www-data the owner of site-specific files RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/site VOLUME /var/www/html/site Based on the official image `php:5.6-apache`, it installs missing packages to the system, adds mod-rewrite and mod-ssl to Apache, plus a number of PHP modules needed by Processwire (core or modules): mysqli, pdo_mysql, iconv, mcrypt, zip, and gd. Then it copies the site files to the location expected by the Apache server. Finally it declares a Docker volume `/var/www/html/site` (i.e. the site files and assets), so that it can be shared with other containers. 3. Set the msmtp configuration We need to configure a sendmail utility, so that we can send emails from php, for example when a user registers on the website. The simplest way to do it is to rely on an external smtp server to do the actual sending. That's why we use msmtp. - define the desired smtp account in `config/msmtprc` account celedev-webmaster tls on tls_certcheck off auth on host port 587 user from password thepasswordofwebmasteratceledevdotcom - in `config/php.ini`, configure the sendmail command so it uses msmtp: sendmail_path = /usr/bin/msmtp -C /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc --logfile /var/log/msmtp.log -a celedev-webmaster -t 4. Build the Docker image docker build -t php-5.6-pw-celedev . 5. Create a Data-only container for the site files docker run --name celedev-data php-5.6-pw-celedev echo "Celedev site data-only container" 6. Run the web server container docker run --name celedev-site -p 8088:80 --link database:mysql --volumes-from celedev-data -d php-5.6-pw-celedev Note that this container is linked to our database and shares the 'celedev-data' volume created previously During development, it can be convenient to keep an access to the host file system from the container. For this, we can add a shared volume to the previous command: docker run --name celedev-site -p 8088:80 --link database:mysql -v /Users/jean-luc/web/test-docker:/hostdir --volumes-from celedev-data -d php-5.6-pw-celedev Our ProcessWire website is now up and running and we can test it in our browser at http://hostaddress:8088. Great! What we now have in Docker bash-3.2$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE php-5.6-pw-celedev latest 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB nazarpc/phpmyadmin latest e25cd4fd48b3 8 days ago 521 MB mariadb latest dd208bafcc33 2 weeks ago 302.2 MB debian latest 9a61b6b1315e 5 weeks ago 125.2 MB bash-3.2$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 68cc5d976f0d php-5.6-pw-celedev "apache2-foreground" 20 hours ago Up 20 hours 443/tcp,>80/tcp celedev-site 0729fe6d6752 php-5.6-pw-celedev "echo 'Celedev site d" 20 hours ago Exited (0) 20 hours ago celedev-data e3e9e3a4715c mariadb "/docker-entrypoint.s" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp database Saving the site data We can create an archive of the site files by running a tar command in a dedicated container: bash-3.2$ docker run --rm -it --volumes-from celedev-data -v /Users/jean-luc/web/test-docker:/hostdir debian /bin/bash root@2973c5af3eaf:/# cd /var/www/html/ root@2973c5af3eaf:/var/www/html# tar cvf /hostdir/backup.tar site root@2973c5af3eaf:exit bash-3.2$ Tagging and archiving the Docker image We can also add a tag to the docker image that we have created in step 4 (recommended): bash-3.2$ docker tag 2aaeb241c2e2 php-5.6-pw-celedev:0.11 bash-3.2$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE php-5.6-pw-celedev latest 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB php-5.6-pw-celedev 0.11 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB nazarpc/phpmyadmin latest e25cd4fd48b3 8 days ago 521 MB mariadb latest dd208bafcc33 2 weeks ago 302.2 MB And we can archive this image locally if we dont want to push it now to the Docker Hub: bash-3.2$ docker save php-5.6-pw-celedev:0.11 | gzip > php-5.6-pw-celedev-0.11.tar.gz And that's it! You now have a portable image of your ProcessWire website that you can run directly on any docker-compatible system.
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