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Everything posted by pwFoo

  1. Before you can modify fields the login / register form have to be created first by execute $fu->login() method with or without optional parameters. After that you should be able to get form / fields and modify as needed.
  2. Found Spectre.css framework during I searched the web... could be interesting, so I post it here. Spectre.css is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework for faster and extensible development. lightweight and clean starting point for your project and prototype flexbox, responsive and mobile-friendly layout carefully designed elements built in useful components and utilities patterns and html templates soon email templates soon URL: http://picturepan2.github.io/spectre/
  3. Thanks Adrian! Pushed 0.8.7 out with $this->config->adminRootPageID.
  4. Hi Chris, Hi Robin, You're right, I used "/admin" and it will fail with another backend path... I replaced '/admin/' with the pid 2 without testing and pushed a new release. So should be fixed in 0.8.6. Sorry for delay, but I'm busy with other things at the moment. I hope I'll back soon... Thanks!
  5. Thanks! Would be great to combine with Template Stubs module?
  6. Thanks for posting this. I don't use it. Dependency seems missing, but FormHelperExtra is needed here...
  7. It's just the PW form api and there are many topics about form api and inputfields here in the forum https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9811-frontenduser-login-logout-and-register-users-members/?p=102535
  8. I'll do some tests with intercoolerjs soon. Maybe it could also work with zepto.js instead of jQuery? I also looked at Vue.js, but for simple tasts Intercooler looks easier to use.
  9. I looked in intercoolerjs again and I really like it. Has anyone build a PW site / module with intercoolerjs?
  10. // prepare register form $fu->register(); // Default parameter $fu->register(array('username', 'email', 'password')); Remove one off the lines above. You prepare the form twice Take a look at the cheatsheet / API documentation. login() need login credentials! $session->login($name, $pass) So you have to prepare username and password variables before you call login method.
  11. You could use the email verification plugin (https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/wiki/Documentation#markdown-header-register) or use PW hooks to add your own features (that's the way FrontendUser is built). https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/wiki/Register%20extensions%20and%20plugins https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/wiki/Login%20extensions%20and%20plugins Send an email after user registration just use the PW addHookAfter (PW hooks) the method FrontendUser::save to send an email with WireMail. All FrontendUser module messages should be translatable. For example ("$this->_()"): /** * Save the temp User object * @param User $user Temp User object to save * @return boolean Sucessful (true) saved or not (false) */ protected function ___save($user) { if (empty($user->name) || empty($user->email) || $user->pass->hash == '') { return $this->_('Register process unexpected failed!'); } if ($user->save()) { return true; } return $this->_('User registration failed!'); } Registered user won't logged in automatically, but you could add a hook to do it. addHookAfter FrontendUser::save and execute $this->session->login() or the FrontendUser method auth()
  12. Hello, module uses the PW form api and isn't styled: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6184-form-and-css/ Just overwrite the (emtpy) style and script files Link to the documentation: Styles, scripts & templates The error message is defined by the form api / inputfield. You can overwrite it too. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4659-customizing-error-messages-for-inputfields/ Regards
  13. Do you build pages based comments as a base module with like, vote, ... as extension modules? Would be great to use BB module like an API to call forum data independent from frontend / templates.
  14. At the moment I'm playing with docker and docker gui apps, but I'll move back to Caddy and PW soon... Don't know if it's a Caddy bug... Haven't tested it again. You will get support and answers. Also the developers are helping with examples.
  15. With just 25kb unzipped size... I should take a closer look. Thanks for posting here!
  16. Hi, You could check the url param to render the login / register form OR the password reset content? I don't use register and login at the same page. I use different pages and urls like /login and /register. Forgot Password is just the core module. You also could disable the integration and implement / load it with custom code.
  17. A "Like" isn't enough Great work and a big step to an (automated) up to date PW documentation! A light color schema would be better. As teppo said.
  18. @Martijn Thanks, I wasn't sure about that...
  19. Here is the link to Soma's post about: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ Or topic / hint about session saved values https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8488-form-api-store-data-in-session-and-repopulate-hint/ I use an extended InputfieldForm object with FormHelper module: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7860-module-formhelper/
  20. PW form API should populate field values with the submitted values I think. I like to use it
  21. I fixed the image upload issue and think I shouldn't post it here... I take a closer look... Nothing in the caddy error log, access.log shows me the 500 error code. Look into the PW error log... Error: Call to undefined function ProcessWire\mb_strtolower() (line 378 of /home/caddy/public_html/wire/core/WireUpload.php) Then ... no, it was more like Solution (CentOS): yum install php-mbstring Upload works fine. It's NOT a PW or Caddy bug! Just a missing PHP package Done some more testing (add / edit fields, edit content, upload images, insert images, ... works fine But frontend edit doesn't work. Nothing happend during click the "Save" button. Also no log entry (access, error or PW).
  22. No connection issues here, but tried to change a user password and it doesn't work. Get it done by using mysql cli... And at the moment the adminer.org website is blocked by F-Secure as posted here some minutes ago. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/863-adminer/?p=111275
  23. pwFoo


    I use and like it, but... Anybody knows why adminer.org is blocked by F-Secure? Submitted the page, but still blocked a week later. Seems to be infected with malware.
  24. At the moment caddy is used as revproxy in my test environment, but would also do more tests with caddy as apache replacement. With some rewrite rules backend, frontend, url rewrite like done with htaccess seems to work, but image upload doesn't work (get a 500 error also with optimized rewrite). I don't know why, but will do more tests as soon as I'm have some time...
  25. Hi Florian, thanks for feedback. Nice to hear that it works now.
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