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Yannick Albert

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Everything posted by Yannick Albert

  1. Whoops, I just lost the reality 1. Wrap a fantastillion spaces around each statement 2. Use words like "MotherFuck", if you mean "MotherLove" 3. Keep the code on your server and embed it with an iframe 4. Do not ship/deploy the code, entirely 5. Pretend that it is gone 6. Take it easy, don't care about mine and yours
  2. For those onload-hash-jumps, I would suggest a smooth scroll behaviour, so that the visitor can see what's going on.To implement this "aha-effect", just wait that the page has loaded completly, scroll to 0 on x and y axis* (immediately, no tweening), get the corresponding DOM-Node (with the id or name attribute) where you want to go, get its absolute vertical and horizontal offset and animate the scroll-offset to this point. This could let your visitors think "ahaa", instead of "achso". Or, if something fails (browser quirks, loading order problems, browsing the history back/forwards etc.) "aaaah!"... *you could skip this, if the hash doesn't match any id or name attribute in your DOM, but this would not work without js. Another could be removing the id or name attribute, before the page is loaded, but after the dom is ready. Hope this helps
  3. The biggest difference, is the pain in your arse, if you come in a project, where tools are used that you don't like. So, just learn to love them all! I use gulp and love it However, from time to time I have heard(german) that gulp feels a bit weird, if the project gets larger and your list of tasks growth. But, I have never reached this scale. Another point is speed, gulp uses streams (for parallel execution of tasks), what makes things pretty fast. While grunt does not did. Since v0.5 or so, grunt supports piping data, so the speed could be nearly "the same". If you do it right, the result is the same, really. Do you like neither? It is ok/Es ist ok, try npm or use both!
  4. Uh, yeah... I'm really interested in what we will end here Btw: There's a good readup about its implementation limits https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html
  5. Just in case someone missed it https://processwire.com/api/modules/select-options-fieldtype/
  6. Damn, fckn sht... Got it! In my case we just forgot to retain the userAuthSalt from site/config.php. Copying the hash to the productions server config file did the trick, finally. However, no matter how easy it is to solve those problems with processwire, if you know what problem hits you, there must be more "easibility" with such problems, at least debugging messages would be a good idea. Big thanks for your attention and effort
  7. Are you sure that the user exists you want to change?
  8. Whoops, don't slap me... We have moved the database, not merged.Typically something like this: mysqldump ... > dump.sql mysql ... < dump.sqlHowever, we don't have ssh in this project, so adminer export > import did the trick..
  9. Thanks for your fast reply ... and sorry for the rant ;-) Yesterday, I had to move the site of one of my "vexatious" projects (no VCS, 1-database-4-all-shizzle, conservative customer...) from stagging- to production server. The site has around 30 users (some editors, some authors, some admins). After merging the database, no one was able to login. No errors were logged, everything seems to be chmod'ed correctly. Server Stagging: Apache 2.4, PHP 5.5.20, MySQL 5.6.23 (mysqli) Production: Apache 2.2, PHP 5.5.10, MySQL 5.1.73 (mysqli) (Uuh, mysql-5.1.x, could this be the leprechaun?) Site Version: 2.6.0 Strategy: delayed output Modules: AdminTemplateColumns, CommentManager (Nothing special...) Over the past 4 weeks, I had 2 similar problematic sites, but in this cases I got some feedback from the system and could solve the first site easily by accepting my own failure with chmod on the sessions-folder. On the 2nd site, the admin was lost in psychospace as we merged the database, creating one via API solved it. I'll try to reproduce these shitty things later this night.
  10. Same here, strange login problems since some weeks. I don't want to cry, but... Sometimes we have to clear the sessions folder. Sometimes we've to delete it. Sometimes we have to set magic options in the config-file. Sometimes the file permissions are wrong. In my last two projects only a new blank installation made the "things" work again. That's not acceptable, for a stable release...
  11. This would be awesome curl upgrade.pw | bash -s -- dev
  12. Howdey! Over the last weeks, I had some critical thoughts about processwires ui/ux feeling (relative sizing, overflow-x, hover-states, word-wrap:break-word) but also its stability. Last night I had the time to setup some new things. Good point for me to fiddle a bit around, with issues I've seen over the last months... ...short break: A lot of bugs, I've noticed earlier, are gone... @allcontributors I ♥ you! However, someone left over some bugs, for me ;-) I just ended up with an ugly and unstructured markdown file. No issues or pull-requests via git. The biggest reason, most things are between "bug" and "enhancement" or are just too platform specific. I think, it's better to talk about those stumbling blocks first. Ok, enough for now. As I said, it's markdown, to see the compiled thing, take this: https://gist.github.com/yckart/62b7b2ed9d0e3845cc4b # Bugs - Mobile (iOS 8) ## Navigation closes immediately **Description** Menu opens (for less than ~100ms) and closes immediately again. **Reproduce** Click on the upper left menu icon, scroll a bit down (~10px), click menu icon again. Try to open the menu. ## "Add New"-menu unclosable **Description** Shortcut-menu to add new pages, can not closed again with "Add Menu"-button. **Reproduce** Click on "Add New" (is open), click again to close (is still open). **Solution** It's something about the hover-state in mobile safari. Adding `ontouchstart` to `<body>` could help. Better, listen for events and change states via javascript. ## ProcessLister not reachable **Description** Lister (filter/related) is not "reachable". **Reproduce** 1. Open backend on iOS. 2. Try to find/reach "lister" and "recent-pages" **Solution** Add a dropdown-menu with infinite levels of nesting. See also [#show-fullpage](#show-fullpage) ## <a name="input-auto-zoom-bug">#</a> Input auto zoom bug **Description** If an input gets the focus, the page will zoomed in a bit. Causes horizontal scrollbars. See also [#horizontal-overflow](#horizontal-overflow) **Reproduce** Focus a text input element in the backend. **Solution** `html { text-size-adjust: 100%; }` **References** - http://stevenosloan.com/articles/2013/prevent-zooming-on-forms/ - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2989263/disable-auto-zoom-in-input-text-tag-safari-on-iphone ## <a name="horizontal-overflow">#</a> Horizontal overflow **Description** Causes horizontal overflow on some pages, mostly because of long words/text. See also [#input-auto-zoom-bug](#input-auto-zoom-bug) **Reproduce** View "ProcessPageEditImageSelect"-configuration page **Solution** `word-wrap: break-word` ## SystemNotifications ghost doesn't break words **Description** Ghosts do not break long text on iOS. **Solution 1** It's something with `position: fixed; width: 100%` and `position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0;`. **Solution 2** I've seen some problems with `word-wrap: break-word`, I think there are some bugs related to this topic. See also [#horizontal-overflow](#horizontal-overflow) ## ProcessPageSearchForm too small **Description** Input field is a bit too small, for my eyes. --- # UI/UX ## ProcessPageEditImageSelect image not scaled **Description** The currently edited image in modal is not scaled down. We are able to define dimensions (e.g. 800x600), it seems that the image will get exactly this pixel-values as dimension-properties, makes the thing feel not that responsive as it could/should. **Reproduce** 1. Open page with image field attached 2. Click an image (larger than the device viewport) to open modal. **Solution** Haven't looked deep in it, but something like this should help: `img { max-width: 100% ...` ## PageTable ### Drag breaks layout **Description** Dragged item is not longer in box-model (due `position:absolute`) and visually breaks the table. **Reproduce** Move cursor over table item > hold mousedown and drag ~1px. **Solution 1** Create clone and move this instead of original PageTableField. **Solution 2** Save offset, before the PageTableField gets `position: absolute`. ### PageTable optional sorting **Description** Sorting via drag-and-drop should be optional. Currently we can say that items added to PageTable are "pre-sorted" with `Inputfield_sortfields`, but they are furthermore sortable via drag-and-drop. **Solution** Add "Sortable via drag-and-drop"-option to PageTable ## NotificationBug alignment/position **Description** It's annoying to have the NotificationMenu-toggler move always up/down (and it looks a bit too "floaty" in my eyes). **Solution** Move the NotificationBug right to search form and "fix" (not `fixed`) it at the top. --- # Feature requests ## <a name="show-fullpage">#</a> Show fullpage **Description** It could be helpful to be able to switch (on mobiel devices) between mobile- and desktop version. **Solution** Add "Show fullpage"-link to footer ## Inline time picker on datetime field **Description** If the date picker is inlined (always visible) theres no time picker available. ## <a name="line-trough-draft-pages-asmselect">#</a> Line trough draft pages AsmSelect **Description** In PageLister a page with status "draft" is striked (~~line-through~~), should be the same in asmSelect (if "Allow unpublished pages" is enabled). See also [#asm-page-state](#asm-page-state) **Reproduce** 1. Enable draft pages on PageTable. 2. Change page status to draft. 3. Open the referenced page and view select-field item. ## <a name="asm-page-state">#</a> Indicate page-states in asmSelect **Description** Each state could visualized with different styles. See also [#line-trough-draft-pages-asmselect](#line-trough-draft-pages-asmselect) **Solution** - draft > ~~line-through~~ - hidden > opacity - locked > *italic* ## Image-reference selection **Description** Selecting already uploaded images, from any page, is a must have! **Solution** Indri is one great tool for this, https://github.com/ikayzo/indri ## Create page once **Description** It should be a possibility to create pages (one the same tree-level) just once, instead of renaming to "duplicate-page-name-1". **Reproduce** 1. Create new page with name "foo". 2. Create another page with name "foo". 3. Now you have "foo" and "foo-1". **Solution** Add "Singular"-option to templates to let us decide what we want. If this option-field is ticked later, on page edition show notification if page with name "foo" already exists and don't save, or ask what todo. ## Pre-select site-profile **Description** If there's just one site-profile to install, use it. ## Show full version number on installation **Description** During installation the version in footer-section is trimmed e.g. 2.5.29 => 2.5 ## Dynamically enable field deletion **Description** Ajax-check to enable "Delete field" after valid change on "Action"-tab.
  13. A bit off the topic, but I had to say something ftp, sftp, rsync, git.. Whatever, deployment is as easy simple as we make it. This article kept me cool: http://lesjames.com/deployment/ Btw: Currently, I use gulp, git, hooks (and maybe flightplan in near future) to deliver my stuff. PS: I tried both them all. Notepad, dreamweaver, nvu, pspad, notepad++, bbedit, aptana, netbeans, eclipse, textmate, scriptly, coda, atom, brackets... (Sorted by first use) I'll stay with sublime text... Atom looks pretty neat, but it feels like an early bird, at midnight. And brackets, yeah, it's a toy (today), nothing for productivity, sorry adobe...
  14. In my opinion, ProcessWire bundles everything you'll need to create awesome sites, like you've described above. Due the development process, you will maybe reach a point, where you want to "power-up". Your first, own module isn't far...The most things you'll need, are already done by other, great devs. Everything else is entirely up to you (and this forum, of course). PS: If you like to buy some "Pro Fields" or such, do it! PPS: I haven't slept last night, please don't slap me for my dialect.
  15. If you want to control edit access for fields by role, PageEditFieldPermission from Ryan could help
  16. You could also set this with your config.php: ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 200);
  17. I just noticed that the added items in/under "Add New" are sorted by their template-name. As you can see, on the screenshot below, these "names" differ sometimes to their "labels". Kategorie => category Artikel => post Schlagwort => tag For such kind of cases, it would reallynice if we could sort them manually. That we can sort them by their labels or what ever... Artikel => post Kategorie => category Schlagwort => tag As surprising pw is, this is already possible, somehow?
  18. Keep the API-Documentation in mind: http://processwire.com/apigen/
  19. I haven't tried them yet, but i will, for sure ;-) ... Oxid Avactis AbanteCart VamCart/VamShop
  20. Don't forget the "about text", this machine will kill your "location".
  21. The last days I had to work a lot with PageImage. And right from the start, $page->image makes my hair weird. The stone at which I began to stumble, was the configuration part in the backend (Admin > Setup > Fields > Edit Field: images -> [Details]). Here we've to setup the maximum files allowed to 1, otherwise $page->image is not available. Is there a reason why image should not contain always the first image? I hooked into Page and made a simple method which does exactly what I've explained above: wire()->addHook('Page::image', null, 'hookPageFirstImage'); wire()->addHookProperty('Page::image', null, 'hookPageFirstImage'); function hookPageFirstImage (HookEvent $event) { $event->return = $event->object->images->eq($event->arguments[0]); }This simple hook makes it possible to do things like this (In a DIY-fashion) without repeating yourself: // Take the first image $page->image; // ...or even as a method, to take the nth image $page->image(2);Any thoughts on this?
  22. I'm able to reproduce the issue as @DaveP posted. If you create a Repeater-Fieldtype and add a PageTable-Fieldtype to it, we'll get that quirky broken layout.
  23. Yeah, damn. You're absolutely right... Was my fault! I had a typo in my routing-hook. Just forget what I've said
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