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Everything posted by teppo

  1. Joss: is the URL inside that <p> tag plain text or a link? CKEditor has the habit of creating links automagically. If it's a link, try making it plain text and see if it works then. That's probably the most typical issue with both this module and some other textformatters. Another thing you should make sure is whether any other textformatters are placed before this one. Conflicting textformatters is quite a common issue too. Ones placed after this one shouldn't matter, but it depends a lot on what they're doing.. If the issue is neither of those, I'll try to take a closer look at this soon. In that case a short excerpt from your final source (output) would be helpful, i.e. to make sure that it's not something weird related to tabs, spaces etc.
  2. @arjen: just to make sure the issue isn't related to the URL (shouldn't, but who knows), I've added alternative address for the feed: http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/feed.xml If you have time, I'd appreciate if you could try that one out and see if works any better. I'll probably try to debug this myself at some point too, as I've had similar issues earlier with some feed readers. It's not much of an issue on my own site, but on a client site.. well, let's just say that it would be nice to know what's causing this before that happens
  3. Seems like a bug. Could be related to this issue reported earlier -- looks like Ryan hasn't applied a fix for it yet.
  4. RT @ppk: Wow. StatCounter unveils a lot of categorizations for its stats. Very useful!http://t.co/H4F8DRK1yO

  5. RT @somartist: Finally, replaced my old Site with a new Blog mostly about WebDev and ProcessWire. #processwire http://t.co/hUZHYLrdBT

  6. @arjen: feed should exist already, see http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/?view=rss Edit: there's also an "alternate" meta tag at /blog/ pointing to that URL, so it should usually be enough to provide the blog URL (not sure how different readers behave regarding these, though.)
  7. I kind of like these, though the lyrics don't make any sense to me Funny thing though; title of second song, "Kansanlaulu", is Finnish word for "folk song." Does that mean something in Czech too? Wouldn't, of course, be the first time a band took song name that sounded "cool" or "funny" from another language. Speaking of folk songs (kind of), I've recently taken a liking to the debut album of Finnish composer Antti Martikainen, labeled "Creation of the World". Works wonders when I'm trying to forget my surroundings and concentrate on one thing, such as writing code
  8. @ryan: timepicker seems to support translation system identical to datepicker. Is there a chance that you could somehow include it's i18n files (in jQuery UI i18n directory or with the inputfield module itself) and ability to load selected one (perhaps in same way as with datepicker) at some point?
  9. @gebeer: please take a look at my answer to your original post here. Does it solve your problem here too, or is this something different?
  10. @gebeer: you need to translate /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldDatetime/InputfieldDatetime.module file via Setup > Languages, i.e. the built-in multi-language support. Once you start translating that file, insert the datepicker translation file you wish to use into the first input titled "Datepicker translation file." You can see a list of available translation files here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/master/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/i18n. To get german translations, you'd insert "/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-de.js" etc.
  11. teppo

    Hanna Code

    @Neeks, your suggested idea sounds kind of fun, but also not very useful. [[block=myblock]] would be equal to [[myblock]], except that you'd have a lot of your "blocks" within one single Hanna Code.. which is exactly what individual Hanna Codes are meant for. About your question: in your example code you're assigning /settings/blocks/".$title to $mypage and later asking Hanna Code to render $page->body -- while you probably meant to render $mypage->body. Is this just a typo in your example code here or could this be the issue with your original Hanna Code? Anyway, even if this can be fixed, wouldn't it make more sense to have a [[block type=something' title='something else]] Hanna Code that finds a page (let's call it $block_page) and then renders it with $block_page->render(), i.e. by using ProcessWire's full template system? Is there a particular reason why you're trying to move your template level stuff into Hanna Codes? I'm afraid that's not really what Hanna Code was intended for, at least as far as I'm aware. Hanna Codes are snippets you can drop in your code -- once you find yourself building complex logic with them, you'd probably be better off by using other PW features instead
  12. @3fingers: sorry, I had managed to miss your question. This is exactly why I added JSON view to the latest changelog version, i.e. you could use PHP or JavaScript to request same data as JSON and parse that to whatever you need. If the module is installed to default location, you can get this data from /processwire/setup/changelog/json/. Various search parameters (GET params) also work there. Ask if you need more detailed description, I'm in a bit of a hurry right now
  13. Philipp is right -- this is roughly the logic I used a while ago: if ($input->pageNum) { $limit = 15; // whatever limit you're actually using if ($input->pageNum > 1) { echo "<link rel='prev' href='{$page->url}{$config->pageNumUrlPrefix}".($input->pageNum-1)."' />"; } if ($input->pageNum * $limit < $items->getTotal()) { echo "<link rel='next' href='{$page->url}{$config->pageNumUrlPrefix}".($input->pageNum+1)."' />"; } }
  14. @pwired: ApiGen docs are outdated, based on 2.2.0 codebase. Method wireCopy was added six months ago and isn't even current master branch yet.
  15. @gebeer: Have you tried if "Unpublished" (capital "U") works? Just a guess, but it could be that Edit: my guess was wrong; lowercase would work just fine. The issue is that the code Martijn posted above is from dev branch. If you're running stable (master) branch of ProcessWire, that won't work for you.
  16. Try $page->is() with status code flags. Example: if ($page->is(Page::statusUnpublished)) if (!$page->is(Page::statusUnpublished))
  17. RT @userfocus: Why “simple” websites are scientifically better http://t.co/6S7UWpSQ1s

  18. .. and of course there's always GitHub. If you're really wondering "what is function x, where does it come from and what does it do", try searching
  19. RT @dalmaer: "91% of all user passwords sampled all appear on the list of just the top 1,000 passwords." https://t.co/3uV8hVayeU

  20. @3fingers: good plan, except that the problem is more about mobile connection than mobile devices (whatever those are these days.) In my use case, for an example, the device is laptop with pretty good screen size. Screen size has nothing to do with bandwidth, so unless you're waiting for bandwidth media queries, you're out of luck with that approach (Oh, and by the way: above syntax, perhaps because it's taken out of context, looks like it'd still load the fonts, effectively making this whole thing useless. This could be prevented by mobile first approach, for an example, but that won't remove the bigger issue, so it's really not worth it.)
  21. RT @AmyStephen: Best Intro paragraph ever by @drewm http://t.co/h9s1PjW1zA "URL Rewriting for the Fearful"

  22. @dragan: take a look at ProcessChangelogHooks.module and especially it's logPageEvent method. It does a bit more than this, but you could probably use parts of it pretty much directly.
  23. RT @davidwalshblog: It's hard to justify new clothes when you work from home. On that note...it's hard to justify clothes when you work fr…

  24. When a client asks for "a website" with "easy management", explaining that ProcessWire is "an awesome framework for building just about anything" feels plain wrong and is unlikely to yield desired results. On the other hand, when client (or fellow developer) does mention the need for "an application", "framework" or "software platform", it's good to be able to match those needs too. Personally I really like the fact that ProcessWire has the ability to be both and would like to avoid emphasizing either *too much* over the other. If I needed a CMS, there would be a huge amount of other options available, and if I simply wanted to build an application I could (for an example) turn to Zend Framework and get the job done.. and so on. What ProcessWire brings into this equation is a well-balanced combination of features from both worlds. Each part supports the other, eventually making it more than the sum of it's parts. I especially love how easy and fast built-in admin makes mocking up data structures -- in fact it's such a smooth experience that the times I've built mock data manually for HTML wireframes etc. have been almost nonexistent lately. I find it faster to make fully functional features using ProcessWire than writing dummy directly with editor. And that, in my opinion, is why it's so damn good. Not that I really needed to explain it to anyone here, but my point is mostly that I don't see ProcessWire simply as a CMF or CMS or application framework or whatever. It's all of these combined.. and that's a good thing. I hope we don't get stuck discussing which one it is when that question can't (and shouldn't) have one single correct answer
  25. It's a bit late to suggest this, but I'd like to seriously question if we really need Arimo. What's it's greatest benefit here? Is it more usable, readable etc. when compared to "web-safe" alternatives or is it purely a visual thing? Personally I can't see anything being so great about it, not even that visual part, but what I can see is a pile of issues. I prefer my fonts to load fast and be readable, that's all, and at the moment I feel that neither of those has improved (quite the opposite really) in this new admin theme. To summarize this, it just seems questionable to me if Arimo is really worth it. I can't see any real benefits, but then again, I'm not the typography guru here either (Note: having to rely on a very slow mobile connection for a while has definitely affected my opinion, as you can see from the attached screenshot. That's not even funny anymore and I've been seeing it a lot lately. Not saying that it's a typical situation, but it's not unheard of either.)
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