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Everything posted by teppo

  1. RT @smashingmag: Looks promising: a small library for manipulating lists via swipe and drag gestures, Slip.js. https://t.co/UC5lIQ0okb

  2. picture.0x100.jpg and picture.232x176.jpg are size variations dynamically created by ProcessWire. Original image is saved as picture.jpg, that's all. Directly uploading image with FTP won't do any good, since PW won't know about it, i.e. there's not going to be required metadata to support it. If this image field of yours is called "images", see contents of database table "field_images" for an example. Each uploaded image gets a row of data in table associated with the field it's uploaded to. I'd still suggest that you don't attempt FTP upload + directly manipulating database content, unless you absolutely have to, as that could result in issues elsewhere.
  3. And here I was questioning their motives, thinking that the money each vote brings in would be too tempting.. good to hear that it's actually fair too @apeisa: I know.. "all publicity is good publicity" and so on. Just saying that there's a flip side to that coin too
  4. RT @stop: Benefit # 14,792 to use Twitter: Receive advice on what to do if your dog gets sprayed by a skunk.

  5. I'm *not* a fan of anyone deciding for me whether or not a link opens in new window / tab, but this is the one case where it might make sense. I'm not too fond of the "even content authors should be able to get used to it" explanation either, partly because I myself keep forgetting it.. Form Save Reminder helps a lot with this issue, though. As a matter of fact it's one of those 3rd party modules I think should definitely be baked into core and even enabled by default. By the way, Ryan, this is probably wrong place and time for this, but were you aware that modules directory is currently doing exactly the opposite of this? Module links are catching mouse middle button clicks and redirecting, effectively overriding commonly used setup where middle click opens link in a new tab. (It's driving me nuts, another quirk I just can't seem to memorize..)
  6. @SiNNuT: agreed. I believe that PW deserves to win this one, but votes like these are still mostly bullshit. Bitnami should at least require authentication via another platform or something similar in order to keep their "contest" (even remotely) fair. Sure, malicious users will find their way past that limitation too, but at least it'd look like the people responsible for the contest actually give a shit..
  7. Probably should've mentioned in my last post that it's, of course, possible to support both $db and $database simultaneously. Ryan posted an example of this in the first post of the thread linked above. That would make sure that your module works now and in the future releases, though I must admit that I still haven't added this to any of my own modules either.. Oh, and by the way: this module seems very useful. Had a quick look and so far I'm liking it very much
  8. @Larry: just had a very quick look around and.. well, so far things look amazing (probably 'cause parts of this remind me very much of how Zend Framework works.) Will definitely dig in further
  9. Minor clarification: Since current master doesn't yet support PDO and according to Ryan 2.4 will be backwards compatible with earlier versions (thus supporting $db and MySQLi) "in near future" might be a bit of an overstatement here. If this module needs to work with current master (stable) branch of ProcessWire, $db is a requirement.
  10. "Responsive Design Isn’t Good Enough" http://t.co/8d5bjWWwrw

  11. At the moment ProcessWire is in second place in Bitnami contest. If you'd like to see PW packaged by Bitnami, vote: http://t.co/K3EJf8NaEm

  12. @landitus: you're right in that using the code I posted earlier message would get sent every time user is saved, which probably isn't correct behavior. One way to achieve what you're describing here would be by simply adding a check for changed status (published). You might want to take a look at Process Changelog for some sample code. "@" character was missing by purpose; in PHP adding @ before function such as mail() suppresses errors. If you're relying on these emails getting sent, this makes very little sense, as it just tells PHP that "if this fails, no worries, just keep going as if nothing happened!"
  13. Two missing letters, serious headache. Thanks a bunch, Font Awesome. http://t.co/bIIiH6lbQA

  14. RT @brad_frost: Thanks to Hertz, I will no longer be sleeping tonight. http://t.co/ZrNlhUJyKW

  15. I just voted for ProcessWire! Help get @processwire packaged by Bitnami. You can vote at http://t.co/K3EJf8NaEm

  16. RT @smashingmag: Just saw a young girl showing off Devtools to (amazed) friends, adding transforms to Facebook. Web developers have magic …

  17. @Sevarf2: no native way (that I'm aware of). In case tat you're using Session Handler Database (i.e. storing sessions to database instead of files) table "sessions" will contain all active sessions and theoretically you could get distinct user_id's from there and then find users matching those. These users may not actually be actively doing anything or even really be online, they just haven't logged out yet and their sessions haven't been cleaned by garbage collector. Sounds kind of hacky, but it's a start..
  18. RT @Darep: @anttti Check out this (recent) counter-argument for em media queries: http://t.co/cDQpM4JAgn

  19. RT @JavaScriptDaily: ngmodules: Directory of AngularJS Modules, Plugins and Directives - http://t.co/x1TyhKzPUP

  20. RT @WIRED: Watch Steve Jobs predict the PC Revolution in 1980 http://t.co/rPhTKb8Y1O http://t.co/B1WurtClec

  21. RT @katz: Genius! Colorado's solution to its habitually stolen 420 mile-marker: http://t.co/06Njhs4m7H http://t.co/wkNvWDDcZb

  22. I'm not entirely sure how much sense this makes, at least without some additional changes; at the moment if you make a fieldset global, you still can't insert any fields in it by default, right? You'll just have an empty fieldset with all your templates? Option to make a fieldset global and choose which (global) fields it should contain and their order would be pretty awesome, though.. (By the way, there's a full section of this forum dedicated to new ideas and suggestions like this: Wishlist & Roadmap.)
  23. Thanks, Ryan -- looks like we were too impatient
  24. I'd like to point out (again) something I mentioned earlier: Removing "permanent" status from TinyMCE would take us past at least some of the issues mentioned in this thread; that way anyone could simply uninstall it and then install another RTE or none at all, whatever they prefer. Bundling it with site profile instead of core is, again, almost as good -- though personally I dislike the idea that pretty much every site profile out there would need to include an RTE after that. Sure, they could choose one of their own instead of what default site profile uses, but still @ryan: sounds like it would make most sense to combine the switch to TinyMCE 4 / CKEditor with release of either 2.4 or 2.5 (depending on your timeline here), especially if there's a possibility that existing fields don't work as expected after upgrade? Regarding differences between TinyMCE 3 and 4, they do provide "compat3x" plugin to make transition less painful. Might be worth checking out if issues mentioned above were somehow related to plugins.
  25. RT @adamkiss: @teppokoivula yes, right after they’ve switched to infinite pagination without any sort of pushState().

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