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Everything posted by teppo

  1. teppo


    @visualcookie: did you insert those paths in that format exactly? As far as I know, you should insert them starting from /site/ (ie. /site/templates/_sitejs/.) Probably something you've already tried, but just making sure
  2. RT @beep: How to clear the cache in Chrome:1. Buy a new laptop.2. Install Chrome.

  3. teppo

    Hanna Code

    @Macrura: are you using Hanna Code in a CKEditor field? I recently debugged similar issue and eventually found out that it was caused by CKEditor encoding " to " (default behavior) before Hanna Code had a chance to grab it. Similar issues could be caused by other editors, textformatters placed before Hanna Code etc.
  4. RT @viljamis: “Native Mobile Apps are the New Flash” http://t.co/NAjLSlUQDB

  5. @Raymond: if you check the Bypass tab of ProCache setup page, is there anything listed in "Cookies that bypass the cache"? By default wire_challenge should be there and this should effectively disable ProCache for logged in users. See Ryan's screenshot above for an example. If that field is empty or this cookie isn't listed, add and test again.
  6. RT @chriscoyier: Websites are cool and everything, but have you seen the stuff *on* websites? So good.

  7. I'm also having problems following your question; the part about finding articles "in current page" vs. "in all of the pages" confuses me, as you've specified in your selector that you only want articles with current page as their parent. Obviously you'll only find articles below current page this way (and the syntax Adrian suggested is more straightforward way to achieve the same.) Anyway, that aside, I can't seem to reproduce your issue either. Sorting by id/-id provides results in opposite order, which kind of signals that those work as intended. What kind of results are you getting, ie. how did you realize that sort=id/-id doesn't work?
  8. This tiny module is intended as a helper for Ryan's Hanna Code module by providing a way to select existing Hanna Code tags within the editor. This is something I felt our clients needed in order to start properly using Hanna Code tags. See attached screenshot for details -- there's really not that much to it at the moment. Each editor requires it's own plugin and currently I've only cooked one up for CKEditor, where the plugin presents itself as a context menu item (visible on right click). I'm planning to expand the feature set of that one slightly and then probably convert the CKEditor plugin to TinyMCE, but that's just about it. Ideas are welcome, though. Some of the code is pretty much duplicated from Ryan's original module. I hope he doesn't mind -- though for the record I've also tried to make it very clear in the source what part that is and where it's from.. GitHub: https://github.com/teppokoivula/HannaCodeHelper Modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/hanna-code-helper/
  9. RT @mikko: There are still banks that just ask for a username and password while even Youtube and World of Warcraft support two-factor auth…

  10. Same story here; used it probably a dozen times, not a single one of those intentional. If this is what people generally prefer, I'd very much like to have it configurable.
  11. RT @smashingmag: "Every second of latency is a 0.65% increase in bounce rate." —@maccaw #fronteers13

  12. I've had reporting this issue on my todo-list for a while.. current behavior is obviously a bit off, as there are quite a few situations where you want to allow positive numbers or a zero
  13. Sounds like you're looking for $config->paths->site.
  14. RT @DalaiLama: The opponent of peace of mind is not something external, but within us.

  15. RT @stlmvin: A good thread started by @owzim on "Pushing #ProcessWire in Web Design Agencies" http://t.co/Y4ZXDHqlP1

  16. RT @WiredUK: Our pick of the 10 hottest startups in Helsinki, including @Holvi @JollaHQ @kippt @supercellgames @walkbase http://t.co/E4bIQt…

  17. RT @addyosmani: Chrome DevTools reminder: Replay any XHR (POST, GET) in the Network tab through an XHR's context menu http://t.co/dEtMYycWcD

  18. @choppingblock: just like the exception says, '%=' isn't implemented with page type fields, as it's not needed there. I've explained this in more detail in another thread.
  19. I'm seeing certain similarities with another thread, http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3530-most-selector-operators-throwing-errors/. Even the exception matches that thread perfectly. There's no "*=" or "%=" with page type field (just like that exception says.) It's not a bug or missing feature either, it's just that there's no need for such an operator. With page type fields "=" simply checks if page field value contains a value, not if it's equal to it What Antti pointed out above seems to be exactly what you're after; per your description you've got products with a field "categories" and pages with one category selected and you want to find any products that include that category in their "categories" fields. In this case this should do the trick: $pages->find("categories={$page->category}"); I'd even go as far as say that if it doesn't seem to work, the issue is probably something entirely different. Just to make sure, in your original post you mentioned field "categories" for products and your selector was "category=...", is it possible that something similar (ie. misspelled field name) is the actual issue here?
  20. Just a quick note: similar error is mentioned here, though in a slightly different context, so it might not necessarily be related to this issue at all. Still based on that thread it'd be nice to know a) which PHP version you have and b) are you using a cloud hosting platform or some other "regular" hosting, ie. typical web hotel or VPS?
  21. RT @RWD: Awwwwwww YISS. Check out that responsive site for NYC! http://t.co/qhdlRFbhqo /via @ManikRathee @tysongach

  22. Is ProcessBatcher directory directly under site/modules or is the directory structure deeper than that? Just making sure as there's a built-in limit to directory depth, though this isn't something you'll usually need to worry about. One thing you might want to try, even though checking for new modules should already handle this, is to remove all Modules* files from your /site/assets/cache/ just to make sure that module list is properly updated.
  23. This must be one of the best ProcessWire quotes ever. Just saying.
  24. Hi Marty, Have you seen the CMS Critic case story Ryan wrote a while back? That seems pretty extensive dive into this subject.
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