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Everything posted by ottogal

  1. If so, have a look to FieldsetGroups, too.
  2. The MultiValue Textformatter might be of interest for your use case. (I have no own experience with it, though.)
  3. Hi all, wanting to modify the CSS of a core module (JqueryMagnific in my case), but not to touch the files in \wire\, I found this older blog entry: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-copies-of-the-same-module That might be helpful for others, too. (It's pure fun using PW!)
  4. Hi @tpr, I found an irritating behaviour when using the submodule ListerTweaks. If I make a custom selection of the Users lister columns, it will not be reflected in the columns selection on the Users page: There the default selection is displayed, and trying to change it has no effect.
  5. Citing from the linked doc pages: Here "$count option" should read "getQty" option, shouldn't it?
  6. You could try this: $selector = $pages->find=("(template=x|y|z|a), (template=a, status=hidden), ... See https://processwire.com/docs/selectors/#access_control :
  7. The messages you get refer to your files and line numbers. We don't know what they contain, so hardly can help without more information.
  8. Wasn't aware of that - but found the blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwires-roadmap-in-2015/ 1 hour ago, adrian said: The advantages of using this _OR_ syntax are explained in this blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.40-core-updates/#getting-one-field-or-another-from-a-page
  9. It's the same with any search term ending with the open bracket, f.e. config( - with or without $. Edit: Not an issue of the missing closed bracket: Same with config() etc.
  10. @ryan On the Docs' page The $pages API variable, the first red link $pages API methods is linking to the page itself (instead of https://processwire.com/api/ref/pages/ ).
  11. I'd prefer the first variant over the second, because the "->" is more suggestive if concatenating in several steps like $page->{parent}->{'headline|title'}. (This concatenation syntax, adapted from JQuery, was it to draw me into PW some years ago, because of its intuitive comprehensability.) The second variant instead could be, I think, even confusing, since it differs from the function version page('headline|title') just in the $ character.
  12. I share this opinion. As far as I see, some of the listed Benefits of the functions API are especially relevant vor beginners, whereas the potential drawbacks mostly refer to situations not occuring to beginners. So I would suggest to use the functions in all the basic examples for beginners, and additionally give them hints to the alternatives (firstly the variables) and link them to the API access documentation.
  13. @adrian Thank you for your concern. All five points are valid arguments, I support them all. And thank you even more for your steady effort to improve this valuable tool!
  14. @ryan Kudos for the launch! What a progress! Some hints: 1. You might edit the starting post of this thread and link to the life site now. 2. The issue with the cut off dropdown remains (screenshot Firefox on Win 10): 3. I second the use of the wordmark logo instead of having ProcessWire in the site's font. (Even if I find the wire part of the wordmark a bit unfortunate, typographically.)
  15. For me (on Win 10, Firefox) Segoe UI looks good. Of the Typekit fonts I'd prefer benton-sans too. There's a typo in the link to the Krub version above: https://processwire.co/newsite/?font=krub should read https://processwire.com/newsite/?font=krub
  16. A direct comparison shows that typographically Kurb is way better than Barlow. Sigh.
  17. An observation: The title of the newsite homepage is An open source CMS with a powerful API: ProcessWire CMS while it was ProcessWire CMS: An open source CMS with a powerful API before. Given that bookmark lists are using the titles (which often get truncated) the latter version should be kept.
  18. Just stumbled over the fact that using this color attribute in the URL makes some links not working anymore. Examples: 1. On the page https://processwire.com/newsite/docs/selectors/?color=1144DD, clicking the submenu item Selector fields results in this bad URL: http://processwire.com/newsite/docs/selectors/?color=1144DD#fields?color=1144DD 2. On the page https://processwire.com/newsite/docs/modules/hooks/?color=1144DD, clicking the submenu item About hooks results in this bad URL: http://processwire.com/newsite/docs/modules/hooks/?color=1144DD#about-hooks?color=1144DD
  19. Really overwhelmed by the incredible efforts by you, @ryan, and the community! Many thanks! My two cents on colors and contrast: Making the blue background darker would increase the readability of the white text on it (and of the h3/h4 headlines on white) - and it would reduce the irritation on totally blue pages like the blog. I'd propose https://processwire.com/newsite/?color=1155DD. And, please: Make the body color darker, say #333333. Reading text with too low contrast ist very tiring. Two more remarks: I like the font "Krub" - it's looking fresh and modern, like PW is - whereas the font "Work" looks oldfashioned to me. But of course, if a font is not rendered well on some platforms, it's not an option. I'm not sure you should show an image of the iMac (despite the pride owning one...). At least I would remove the foot of it, so it's brand is a bit less obvious. Again: Thanks and compliments!
  20. Thank you @kongondo for this information. That shows the exemplary security awareness of @ryan in all his work! One of the reasons that makes us glad using PW...
  21. @bernhard You're right, my comment really sounds a bit weird, and I apologize for that. (I became aware of that soon after having posted.) Of course, if someone uses a flag to indicate the German language, it's not "wrong" to take the Austrian one and not the German one - both are equally suitable for this purpose, or unsuitable. Just because of a possible ambiguity of this kind they both are unsuitable - that's the point of my remark. I also apologize to @Gadgetto: My intention was not to criticize, but to give some well-meant advice.
  22. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13196-adding-image-field-to-language/ containing a link to http://daily.unitedlanguagegroup.com/stories/editorials/inside-design-language-selector-no-flags https://processwire.com/talk/topic/16524-extending-languages-template/ containing a link to http://www.flagsarenotlanguages.com/blog/why-flags-do-not-represent-language/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/14241-language-names-and-utf8-page-names/ Please take these concerns earnest.
  23. Hi Gadgetto, two remarks: (1) Your very first animated GIF shows the wrong flag for Germany: It's the flag of Austria - a German speaking country, that's true. This is a great example for the following insight: (2) It is not the right way to distinguish languages by flags! There are some threads here in the forum where this question is discussed. When I find some link, I'll share it.
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