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Everything posted by ottogal

  1. I encountered the issue after having imported a bunch of images from a folder in the file system. (They have been used before on a website made with Modx Evo, where it never happened.) These images have been shot by various cameras; the issue occurs f.e. with the Canon IXUS 750. But I don't understand why the camera model is of interest: The thumbnails created by ProcessWire are using the original image, containing the Exif data. Hence something is wrong with this thumbnail creation, isn't it? (Or I'm doing something stupid.)
  2. But obviously the image resizer rotates just the large version, not the thumbnail. Shouldn't it do this too, before it discards the Exif info?
  3. Thank you, Horst. But it seems that the auto-created admin-thumbnail doesn't receive the Exif information from the original image: Using IrfanView and its plugin METADATA.DLL, I open the thumbnail and look into Image>Information - I don't even see the button "Exif info" (which is there on the original image).
  4. Uploading image files to the image field of a page, I get a problem if the original file has the Exif tag "Orientation" set to "Right top": The auto-created admin-thumbnail obviously doesn't get the Exif information. So while the image itself is auto-rotated to be displayed "upright" (in backend and frontend), the thumbnail is not. To get this "repaired", do I have to use an external image processing software to rotate these images manually?
  5. Thanks @adrian, hadn't seen that. It's a smart solution - but not easily found...
  6. Do I just miss something? On the Details tab of a field of type PageTableExtended you can Select a parent for items. But when done, you can't switch back to the option no parent is selected. Is there a way to do it?
  7. Just a hint: Adrian's addition to admin.php (see post #35 in this thread) - while working well in PW 2.7.0 - is causing an error in PW 3.02: The class pageArray() is not found.
  8. Ah, of course. You made my day, thank you!
  9. Thanks for the fast reply! Deleting the page Admin>Setup>Batcher was successful after unlocking Admin>Setup for editing. But a new install is refused like before: Same error message...
  10. Hi all! On a fresh installed PW 2.7 I added a few pages and subpages to the tree. I installed the Batcher module and used it to batch unpublish or publish pages selected by template=basic-page. No problems so far. But now I made a mistake. Having found that the pages I wanted to unpublish all had an ID greater than 1013, I tried the selector id>1013. Obviously some pages related to the Batcher module matched this selector and went unpublished too. The link to the Batcher module (that was in the menu Setup before) had disappeared, so I could not use it anymore. Now I tried to uninstall Batcher and reinstall it. I got this error message: So my questions are: Is this an incompatibility of the Batcher module with PW 2.7? And, more important: What can I do?
  11. Thank you for this valuable hint!
  12. Hi all, happy to have found ProcessWire a while ago - yet another MODX refugee - and glad to have discovered PocketGrid recently I now am looking for a simple responsive menu (pure CSS or CSS+jQuery) which nicely integrates with PocketGrid. (Something like the menu in Pure - but this depends on their own grid.) Any hints? To not forget: Kudos to Ryan and to the great community!
  13. One tiny weakness: The subtitle Produkte . People . Prozesse gives the misleading impression to be a menu of three items - resulting in an irritating navigation experience...
  14. ottogal

    von Bergh

    Despite my fast internet connection the page needs more than 25 seconds to load. Some visitor might jump away before...
  15. Hi PhotoWebMax, the page title of the home page of your site is just "Home" - and bookmarking it, it would appear in the bookmarks list like that. Should tell a bit more about the site, shouldn't it?
  16. It's the same on a desktop (1024 x 768, Windows7, Firefox 33.0), tablet (1920 x 1200, Android 4.3, Chrome) and smartphone (720 x 1280, Windows Phone 8.0, IE 11)
  17. Is it really intentional that the big central logo is overlaying the text of the slideshow behind it? See this screenshot (on a 1024px wide viewport under Firefox).
  18. A look at the code of the function renderNav shows that several field names are expected to be separated by blanks: function renderNav($items, $maxDepth = 0, $fieldNames = '', $class = 'nav') { // ..................... if($fieldNames) foreach(explode(' ', $fieldNames) as $fieldName) { // .....................
  19. Not nice: A light-light-gray text color on a white background - rather awful than awesome...
  20. Hi totoff, I would exchange the two parts of the title: <title>Pränatalmedizin Köln • Nackenfaltenmessung, Fruchtwasseruntersuchung, gynäkologischer Ultraschall</title> Since bookmarks often are truncated, you might get a bookmark like "Nackenfaltenmessung, Fru..." and fail to see the company name or even the prenatal context.
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