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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. possibly, read on... If you are comparing 'the' UI side by side, the problem is that there is no 'the' ui, because the page tree is the default UI, however when i build a site, my clients log into an admin that shows a dashboard (like wordpress), with lots of shortcuts to common areas, as well as content creation (like 'New Blog Post'). Some of these clients have never seen the page tree. ListerPro is a little bit like the wordpress listing of pages (albeit without hierarchical indents), but 'on steroids' – instantly filter to any page by title, use the filters or lister actions, edit inline, and ... bob's your uncle.
  2. just a stab at this - it may depend on how the file with that code is being included; you can try a backslash in front of the AIOM and see if that works, or you can instantiate the AIOM into a variable like $aiom = $modules->get('AllInOneMinify') or whatever the class name of the module is..
  3. awesome, thanks again, got the export working now for them...
  4. this site is still 2.7 i'm trying to convince client to upg but complex site so need contingency budget... i'll try the old version and post back tomorrow
  5. Hi Adrian, Having a problem with the CSV export, getting this error on the process module for exporting this table (on table version 13) Method Page::downloads_table does not exist or is not callable in this context and also getting this: PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in .../TableCsvImportExport/ProcessTableCsvExport.module:112 not sure what's going on, downloads_table is the name of the field...
  6. aw snap - i thought i tested this on a 2.7.3 site
  7. adding this to the multi's css file fixes it: .AdminThemeUikit .chosen-container:not(.chosen-container-active) { position: initial; } after more testing i can do a pull request to have that added to the module...
  8. I just forked the module and added support for repeaters (only on the multi select inputfield for now); it basically involves 2 steps - changing the module code to use mostly the renderReady method instead of render(), and then some small update to the js file to init the field on the necessary events, which for the sake of brevity also involves moving the init code into its own function var... I submitted a pull request; in the meantime if you need this to work now, you can try the forked version https://github.com/outflux3/InputfieldChosenSelect
  9. looks like i could use this module pretty soon on a project - LMK if you need someone to test it...
  10. very nice - a good alternative to other page select options out there, and intuitive for the user;
  11. @noelboss - have you tried using TracyDebugger yet? You could get that going and then troubleshoot the contents of the $page in the profile editor; you may also be able to see warnings and errors when using Tracy. Using it is pretty much required if you are doing any serious dev work in the backend.
  12. 1,2,3) There is a module called Hanna Code which can do most shortcode functionality you would need. Also the Oembed Textformatter can handle a lot of those things: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-oembed/ http://essence.github.io/essence/ Spotify, Instagram, Youtube are listed. 4. In terms of building content as you linked to, that article is composed of stacked containers, so you'd most likely be building that type of content with a Repeater Matrix. 5. Gif insertion into the RTE should be no problem AFAIK. 6. I've never had any problem creating galleries; it comes down to writing code. 7. There is built in cropping and there is a Crop Image module; they both work differently. PW has the most advanced photo manipulation capabilities of any CMS, and thanks to @horst for all of his work in that area.
  13. Frontend editing implies the native processwire functionality for that, not apropos building your own forms; when you build your own forms you can use any jquery plugins that you want, so you can just load the chosen assets and init the field on your form.
  14. @Zeka As far as I can tell from your screencast, you are not saving again, after the params are loaded - in other words: 1) clear field 2) select preset 3) Save 4) optional, edit or view the loaded params 5) Save (again) I followed your exact steps, however as i said you are not saving 2x - that is essential to commit the settings to the database. It is not necessary to change the skin, in your step 5. In other news, the latest commit should fix the repeater problem, it was just a super simple matter of hooking into the renderReadyHook, instead of the plain render, because the repeater will actually run the renderReady on every inputfield within the repeater itself which forces the assets to load.
  15. can't seem to be able to init the rangeslider when the ajax loads the repeater; anyone out there know how to do this? Once there is a solution to re-init the field on the ajax opening of the repeater, that should solve the first issue. in terms of the 2nd question, are you saving again after loading the params? everything works correctly in terms of preset loading here, and not needing to change the skin; can you confirm if you saved the field after loading the new settings?
  16. ok thanks for the reports, i will work on the repeater support and also troubleshoot the loading of settings... will post back asap.
  17. @Zeka ok i changed the javascript, it works here in test environment in repeaters, let me know if it works for you..
  18. put the src on the video element, not on the nested source element - the js is setting the src on the video element, not the video's source element
  19. Yes - thanks, i'm using the color on an admin dashboard, which is being wireRendered from a module, so i assume that output formatting is off; Is there any way to get the formatted output in this situation?
  20. I'm having the problem that i always get the 2nd option output (8 digit hex color, and no hash), no matter what i select for the Output Format. Right now i'm doing an ltrim($widget->color, 'ff'); on the output, and then adding the hash myself, but would be good to get this fixed... TIA
  21. looks like the process is returning a 403... maybe a file permissions issue, or host is blocking something, maybe mod security... check these topics:
  22. try repairing the database, also this may be related (?)
  23. wow for one i can say that is a lot of repeaters, each with a lot of fields. You probably need to ajax load the repeaters and repeater matrix fields to start, or put them all on a tab and ajax load that whole tab. with up to 10 entries on a repeater holding text, image, textarea (is this RTE?), and page ref (how many pages, and what inputfield are you using?), i would probably have gone with page table instead, though it might work. Also, assuming your MySQL instance is localhost? i have sometime seen some slowdowns when using MySQL hostnames, due to the additional DNS lookups; Have you tried optimizing and repairing all of the tables? also you may want to experiment with auto join for some fields here, but be careful, sometimes autojoin can cause problems...
  24. Did you mean this? <h1> <?=page->header . ' | ' . $page->title?> </h1>
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