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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. I have a 3.0.62 site running the RenoTheme. Even when ChangeLog is installed there is no link under the Setup Tab. I can confirm ChangeLog can be found in the tree under Admin > Setup
  2. I'd simply call it a new version with a different fork . Put a notice on the current version that a new version is available. Perhaps a user like me can have V1 installed and then simply install separately install V2, test and then remove V1.
  3. Makes sense. Wasn't aware of isset so I'll look forward to using ?
  4. Thanks @gebeer That's not having any effect. My images field has the following properties Max Files allowed 0 Formatted value Automatic Just to recap, I am trying to check that an images field is populated if so - create a variable called $image safely output an image based on the 1 and 2 above being tru <?php $products = $page->children(); foreach ($products as $prod){ // Check that images field is poulated if (count($prod->images)) { // Create variable from first image in field $image = $prod->images->first(); } ?> <?php echo" <div> <div class='prod-ov-wrapper'>"; // If the pages are the following (Rollers contain tall/thin images) if ($page->matches('id=1129|1145|1160|1163')) { echo " <a href='$prod->url'><img src='{$image->url}' class='prod-preview-tall'></a> "; } else { // If any other page echo " <a href='$prod->url'><img src='{$image->url}' class='prod-preview'></a> "; } echo" <div class='prod-ov-text'> <span class='preview-title'><strong>Part No:</strong> {$prod->title}</span> <br/> {$prod->prod_summary} <a href='$prod->url' class='uk-icon-button icon-linky' uk-icon='icon: chevron-right'></a> </div> </div> </div> ";} ?>
  5. Thanks you both. It's working somewhat inexplicably now with no changes at my end ? I have a feeling a database and server backup which was running was affecting this. That's the only explanation I can think of.
  6. That's not the issue ? but thanks for spotting it. The example I posted had a typo but the actual code used was correct. <a href="http://www.<?=$page->external_link?>">Visit site</a>
  7. Is I have a field called 'external_link' which accepts a url, is there an issue with the following code? <a href="http://www.<?=$page->external_link?>">Visit site</a> I've tried making the fieldtype both URL and Text and nothing seems to work and I send up with the following code when viewing source. <a href="http://www">Visit site</a> Normally I'd suspect that I named the field incorrcetly in my PHP or that the field isn't associated with the correct template etc. In this case, thats not the issue.
  8. Some crypto currency payment methods. They integrated with WooCommerce. I could probably move from WooCommerce to SnipCart and Stripe easily enough but the crypto part wasn't feasible or something I really wanted to support right now.
  9. Absolutely I get your point. I realise you’re only joking too. To be fair to the business owner he absolutely heard me out and was quite interested to hear that his 3 week old site had such potential problems. I actually approached him about the move and he really hadn’t been using WordPress long enough to experience any big problems. His attitude (and rightly so) was that he didn’t like hearing about the security issues etc but that he’d just paid to have it done in the first place. Actually in the end nothing happened because a niche WordPress plugin which was vital to his site wasn’t going to be easy or economical to re write as a native PW module. Ive moves several WP sites to PW at this stage and the clients couldn’t be happier with the improvement. This one just wasn’t possible right now. But who knows, give him a year or so and they may back.
  10. Been chatting to a business owner this month about moving his site from WordPress to Processwire. I think we were close to going ahead but a major problem for him was 3rd party proof that WP to PW was a positive move. I think he's got a very fair point. Sure, there's some info on Google but relative to my beliefs and enthusiasm for the move, there's very little supporting evidence for business owners. These videos will really help with future projects.
  11. Yep. Same here ? and usually the same types of questions re. Images. Lately I’ve started to save some code snippets as Github Gists
  12. I think he means a place where new members can introduce themselves.
  13. Yep I agree. Initially I was reluctant to start using Slack and slow to adopt it. Last year I had to use it permanently as part of a contracting gig I was doing and it's a really nice messaging App. I don't see it replacing the forums at all and actually it doesn't work as a forum replacement. Slack is great for immediate conversational type comms. The forums are great for searchable and persistent content that gets archived (and indexed by Google). It's just another useful medium.
  14. @matt.bryant Welcome to PW world. All great and topical points. On the subject of Slack. I would love to see an official Processwire Slack channel. Interesting - I thought there was one but can't find it now. I think that's a great idea though. Maybe it's something @Pete might consider?
  15. Oops - I'm contradicting my earlier original post here. Page A contains a mix and page B doesn't. ?
  16. Thanks everyone. @dragan I did think about the isotope / masonry route but in my use case, the images are not mixed on any single page (right now). Lets say there's Page A which has all wide images and page B which has all tall images. They're both baed on the same template though and that's where the issue is. But I do hope UIKit 3 do introduce their dynamic grid soon as it's badly missing from v3. In the end I'm kicking around this with the help of ukyo's suggestion. On a side note, If the images field doesn't have an image in it, my code still throws an error. I thought my first image check at the start stopped that happening but seemingly not. In plain English, this is what I *think* I am doing Create a variable called products for each child page If the images field isn't empty, set image as a variable Output a html wrapper with an image at the top and some text below In no. 3 if the image is wide, apply a class prod-preview. If the image is tall, apply a class prod-preview-tall <?php $products = $page->children(); foreach ($products as $prod) { if ($prod->images) // Check that images field is poulated { $image = $prod->images->first(); //Create variable from first image in field } ?> <?php echo" <div> <div class='prod-ov-wrapper'>"; // If image is wide (width greater than height) if($image->width > $image->height) { echo " <a href='$prod->url'> <img src='{$image->url}' class='prod-preview'> </a>"; } else { // If image is tall (height greater than width) echo " <a href='$prod->url'> <img src='{$image->url}' class='prod-preview-tall'> </a>"; } echo" <div class='prod-ov-text'> <span class='preview-title'><strong>Part No:</strong> {$prod->title}</span> <br/> {$prod->prod_summary} <a href='$prod->url' class='uk-icon-button icon-linky' uk-icon='icon: chevron-right'></a> </div> </div> </div> ";} ?>
  17. I have a lot of product overview pages and each of these pages features a grid of wide thumbnails like this... Although the images are not exactly the same size, I am using the CSS max image height of 150px to keep things tidy and it works well assuming all the product photos are wide format. Even though there are about 50 of these overview pages, they're all based on the same template. However, my client has one product overview page that features tall / thin images and these need to be displayed on the overview at 500px high. When my CSS max-image height is applied to these images, they are too small in a grid format. I could create a separate template for this tall/thin grid and that would solve my issue but I was wondering if there was a better way to do this and keep the single template. Would you recommend doing an if/else statement on the images like this <?php if ($page->rootParent==1128) { echo" <img src='{$image->url}' class='image-wide'>"; } else { echo" <img src='{$image->url}' class='image-tall'>"; } ?> I'm just not sure if I should be basing the if/else on a selector examining a page title or a rootParent ID or maybe even using a more modern image sizing trick. Any thoughts appreciated.
  18. Yes it’s only for year 1. But a good deal if you’re intending on a paid plan anyway. ?
  19. If you're considering a paid plan, there's 90% off for the first year here https://www.idrive.com/idrive/signup/el/macworld90 That's not my affiliate link but probably MacWorlds
  20. Started using iDrive after CrashPlan announced the end of their Consumer plans. Not a bad product at all and they often have great discounts on the Macworld newsletters. I'm a bit of a backup junkie and have been through (or am still using) Syncplicity Sugar Sync Crash Plan DropBox Google Drive Amazon Backup Drive Amazon S3 storage oDrive and probably more However realising this is a ridiculous setup I am going to consolidate soon Just discovered a really nice app called pCloud recently and it works a little different. It creates a virtual cloud drive on your machine so that any files you put in there don't take up space on your local machine. Worth a look as the Apps and website based account ar every nicely done. As much as I like iDrive and others, some of the interfaces are awful. iDrive looks like something from the 90s.
  21. Very nice. Seems like a nice mix of the Repeater Matrix (Pro Fields Module) and Page Table Extended.
  22. I'm getting the error below The mention of filesize is odd because this site is a 1 page holding page with 4 medium images. Other than that it's the usual 3.0.96 files. This is on a server which I don't have complete control over. Otherwise I'd get you better server info.
  23. Just a general question but has anyone tried integrating Processwire with HubSpot's API. If so - how did you generally find it? Anything to be aware of?
  24. Hi @nikoka If you're running A2 Hosting on a Lite, Swift or Turbo plan OR Reseller plan then external SMTP servers won't work. Here's the full support page I had just started using A2 for my hosting and was about to migrate about 10 sites from a VPS. Really glad I discovered this early when I had just moved the first site. FYI I moved to Hostinger. I've had a few setup issues but they do allow external SMTP processing.
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