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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. I'm trying to output a series of photographs onto a index page. Each photo is from a different page so I'm using the $pages API. Everything is working bar the image and link to the main Graduate detail page. My PHP call <?php $graduates = $pages->find("template=graduate-detail, sort=-date"); foreach ($graduates as $graduate) echo " <img src='$graduate->graduate_photo->url' /> <h3>{$graduate->title}</h3> {$graduate->graduate_summary}<br/> <a href='{$graduate->url}'>Read more</a> <hr/> " ;?> What's happening Instead of outputting a JPG from a field called graduate_photo, i'm left with the following: <img src="graduate-hazel-scully.jpg->url"> As you can see, the image name is correct but the path is incomplete. It's outputting the '->url' too for some reason. I've red thorugh the PW images documentation so I'm not sure what my issue is. Possiblt it's because the docs are mostly giving examples where an image is called from the $page instead of $pages.
  2. Thanks guys. I'd prefer to use HannaCode here too. Much less to type for starter.
  3. Hi SiNNut Yes, I had. Although for some reason it didn't appear to be saving and that could have been my problem. I logged out, cleared the cache and it's working now.
  4. Does ProcessWire support PHP includes when they are called from a text field? I've created a field called Inject Include and added a PHP Include call within that. Right now, the ouput on the front end is my PHP include wrapped in HTML comment tags. <!--?php include("includes/get-graduates-main.inc"); ?--> BTW I'm trying this because HannaCode doesn't seem to be supported by 2.5. Otherwise, I'd have a HannaCode in the text field.
  5. HannaCode isn't currently listed as compatible with 2.5 on the Module page http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-hanna-code/ I'm wondering if this is why my HannaCode is outputting the raw tag or if it *should* be working and I've got bigger probs. Running 2.5.5 dev
  6. Thank you both. Didn't realise it has to be nested. All working now
  7. I can see what it's doing. Just not sure how to integrate with my block of code. Do I add your line at the start before echo like so? <?php date("F", $test->getUnformatted("testimonial_date")); // October $tests = $pages->find("template=detail-testimonial, sort=-date"); foreach ($tests as $test) echo " {$test->testimonial_date}<br/> <h3>{$test->title}</h3> <p>{$test->testimonial_body}</p> <hr/> ;?> I've tried a few things and am getting an error.
  8. I've been reading through the forums regarding date and time output and trying to understand it better. At the moment, none of the samples are working for me Basically, I have a Datetime field set to output M j, Y On the front end, this is basically Sep 25, 2013 etc I was wondering how I could change following {$test->testimonial_date} to isolate just the date or the month or year. Here's my code: <?php $tests = $pages->find("template=detail-testimonial, sort=-date"); foreach ($tests as $test) echo " {$test->testimonial_date}<br/> <h3>{$test->title}</h3> <p>{$test->testimonial_body}</p> <hr/> ;?> I want to keep the Datetime field as is instead of creating a different datefield for day, month year.
  9. I've always recommended CampaignMonitor over MailChimp. in my experience, MC UI is less intuitive for clients and generates less support calls. Try both?
  10. Shouldn't layout be left to devs template preferences? I like my modules not to assume any layout prefs. Also, any plans to email admins for new comments?
  11. Definitely recommend it. I normally wait until V1.2 of any software I rely on but having installed the beta the day it was available I was surprised just how stable it was. I'm a So finding boot up,shutdown and general speeds to be snappier on a 2011 macbook. I'd say go for it. You can always install on a partition and test if you're unsure.
  12. Thanks Kongondo. Blog module is just getting better and better. BTW I've had the issue in the past where I've needed a "featured image" with each post. Using your older Blog Module, I've just told editors that the first image in the images field will be the featured one and it's worked perfectly. They know they can reorder images as required so have very few probs that way.
  13. Nice. Thanks for sharing. On the screengrab of the tree, you have custom icons for each page. Is that achieve dwith a Module or some page setting I've yet to try.
  14. Hey guys. I've sourced someone. Job closed.
  15. I need to outsource some navigation / menu work. If you are interested, please PM me and I can send you full requirements Basically, I need to outsource A 2-level drop down menu First level of links should be determined by the Page Field. 2nd level are just child pages Incorporate the drop down menu into http://www.meantheme...ugins/meanmenu/ I can handle the styling. Really need someone to just create the mechanism, simple CSS and PHP, This is a paid job. Thanks
  16. @Joss - Sounds good. I'll mockup a flyer and make a PDF if thats cool? Could even be tagged #processwhere
  17. Marty - say hi to Katoomba and the Blueys from me too. A magazine I used to read (PC format) had a regular piece whereby readers would take a photo of themselves around the world holding the latest issue. Reckon we should do a PW version from unusual or even usual places?
  18. Ivan - I upgraded with the new Upgrade module. I didn't even back up the database. See what 2 weeks of holiday in the UK does ... Makes you reckless and free.
  19. Peter Knight

    Plain sailing

    Just updated one of my PW installations on my iPad on a boat in the middle of the Irish Sea. This amuses me for some reason :-/ Ever update your PW installation from somewhere 'wierd' ?
  20. Hi Kongondo Any plans to pull in a users Gravatar based on their email address? Just like these forums do?
  21. I believe the issue is fixed. Have a look at their twitter feed https://mobile.twitter.com/mamp_en
  22. Good to know. I hadn't realised CMS critic was built on PW. That's pretty cool
  23. TinyMCE as the default RTE ? I'm guessing the new growth is a combination of things...2.5, RenoTheme, ListerPro, ProFields, lull from other CMS progress, friendly community. And in the background, Ryan's constant patience, enthusiasm, productivity and all round genuine positivity and transparency. At least they're my own magnets. Interested to read others interpretation.
  24. I'm relatively new to PW so this is one for the old timers out there and Ryan. Is it just my imagination if has there been an explosion of interest in PW over the last few months? Seems to be exponential growth on forums too. If it's true, what's driving the growth?
  25. Is there a RenoTheme version where the navigation links (Pages, Setup, Modules etc) live on the top menu bar? Just wondering
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