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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. Guy - thanks for the advice. I think I'll move on and setup this site again. I have all the assets and templates so it's not going to be a huge deal to redo a days work on a new install. Ideally I'd like to come away from the problem having fixed it and learnt something in the process but I've a few deadlines to meet. I'll keep the site on a dev server until I get more time to investigate.
  2. Same issue on Windows and Mac at least.
  3. No special chars found. Ideally I'd like to reinstall the textarea module but its part of the core and can't be removed
  4. Not too familiar with phpMyAdmin but I had a look at the tables for the affected fields. They contain just my content and the offending html tags.
  5. Having tried a few things, it looks like any html tag within the text area is being output. That includes P tags UL and LI tags too. It has to be a problem with the Inputfield Type not picking up the CK editor. The copy without the P was an anomaly. I've tried everything I could think of ... changing ContentType to Markup/HTML replacing non P text with P text (problem appears) pasting sample copy from other pages, sites and web pages removing CK editor and reinstalling setting up a second TextArea field and porting copy across upgrading to 2.5.23 Luckily I'm only a day into this test project and I could blitz it and start again but I'd rather find and fix the root cause.
  6. I have 2 pages using the same TextArea field. Page 1 has the following content when clicking on HTML source <p>Web and social analytics...</p> Page 2 has the following content when clicking on HTML source <p>Analytics company based...</p> The opening and closing <p> tags of Page 1 are appearing in my front-end web pages and in Lister Pro columns (back end). Page 2 correctly renders the content and not the HTML tags. Even when I manually delete P1's P tags, they reappear and then display in the front end. Am I missing some obscure CK Editor setting? TextFormatters = HTML Entity Encoder (makes no difference) InputfieldType = CKEditor Content Type = Unknown Use ACF = Yes use HTML Purifyer = Yes
  7. Wazne - I was trying Pages2PDF for the first time after recommendations from the guys and was getting an error as follows. Error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object (line 453 of /var/www/vhosts/pdf-tester.com/httpdocs/site/modules/WirePDF/Pages2Pdf.module) This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. Looking at line 453 of /modules/WirePDF/Pages2PDF/ I see a reference to MultiLanguage Support. If I check the Multilanguage support checkbox in the Module settings, my error disappears and my PDF is working.
  8. Peter Knight

    Online help

    Hey aelbers - Ability to display lists, tables, images and videos on content pages Yes - any content you can add to the back-end / admin can be displayed on the front end - Multi-Language contents Yes - although I've yet to try it myself plenty of others here have multi-lingual sites - Defining tags for pages Yes - it's very simple, scalable and fast - Fast search based on tags You mean in the admin area or the front end? In the back-end PW has a very fast search. On the front end (depending on your template setup), clicking a tag would bring up a list of matching pages with that tag. That's how I normally do it - Editable urls for pages (e.g.: www.abc.com/en/introduction) Yes - very simple. And there's a Module too to keep track of your page name changes and create automatic redirects to the renamed url - Download section to download user manuals I'll leave that to someone else. You'll need some registration and user verification around that? - Quick content insertion Yes - See the 'Add New' feature. - Content preview Yes - you can preview a page while editing it without having to publish it. - Navigation index generation (see example page for reference) Yes - native with simple PHP or there are 2 Menu modules. How fast can one realize all of this? Really depends on your skill levels. Are you new to CMS and PHP in general or are you pretty knowledgeable and just changing systems? What are the matters of expense, and what would the realization of that cost? (approximately) ProcessWire is open source. There are a few modules you may want to buy. if you're looking to outsource it, I'd recommend you look at the Jobs/Bounty forum and get quotes there.
  9. Anyhere between 5-10. I have a site in progress though and the client (who is relatively good at HTML) will be using HC a lot more than normal for various reasons. I suspect they'll start off with about 20 HCs and maybe even end up with double that amount. You've raised some good points. I do think that at least Tags and Descriptions are genuinely needed. One of ProcessWire's great features (to me) is scalability. Even if you don't have a requirement for a massive site, I know the scalability is there. Would be nice for HCs to avail of same.
  10. I'd like to see better Hanna Code management and I think 4 things could greatly assist. 1 - Tags to be able to tag a piece of Hanna Code in the same manner as we tag templates. We could then see the list of Hanna Codes arranged in the same format as templates. IE broken down by tag. 2 - Usage On the Hanna Code list i'd also like to see a column called Pages (and Templates?) telling me how many pages and templates use my Hanna Code. Again, similar to the Templates layout. 3 - Filter / Find The Find page has a tab called Filters for searching by template, field etc etc. In fact, I can filter by almost anything except Hanna Codes. 4 - Descriptions To be able to add a plain text description to a Hanna Code. I try to name my HCs in a helpful way such as Get-Video Get-Investor-News etc Sometimes I have several variations of the above and I'd like an at-a-glance way to distinguish them without having to click into the HC or at least be able to see the description once I've clicked in. Anyone else feel the same or do I use HC more than most?
  11. Are you keeping the exact same design, content and structure? If so, your page rank won't be affected (negatively OR positively) unless the server is slower as speed is now a google metric. That's my belief anyway.
  12. I'd like to link to a page by referencing it's page ID <a href="?id=1411">view all</a> instead of using a page path <a href="/solutions/case-studies/">view all</a> Using a page name/path result in breaking changes whereas using an ID is more future proof, right? The only Module I found is called PageLinkAbstractor which works for text fields and RTEs but not necessarily templates. I normally do this on MODX using something like... <a href="index.php?id=1411">view all</a>
  13. Gorgeous site and I imagine the clean layout hides what is a very compiles and vast amount of data? On the catalogue search, what's powering the select lists with built in search and auto complete?
  14. @Soma - where's your tip jar? I don't see it on your Modules page or signature.
  15. How cool. I'm in discussions with a client to move his pretty large site over to PW. One of the features that I could see being a problem was a custom developed Poll snippet the client loves on his current site. I was literally worrying about this all week and how client would take news that his 'upgraded' site didn't have one of his most often used features Thanks so much!
  16. Wonder where they source their course authors and which tutorials they'll actually make.
  17. Here's a timely quote from Gartner research which broadly relates to this topic ...
  18. Happens to me sometimes when I am calling two query scripts or the Fancybox JS isn't loading properly. What errors are you seeing with Web Inspector and Developer Toolbar?
  19. What's interesting here is these are all minor / low-level friction points which if fixed could make the experience that much better. As developers we get past them but to clients who are less 'married' to the CMS they're probably bigger annoyances. If I hadn't directed this training session, I'd still think these were annoying but assume because no one else piped up about them, that I should live with them.
  20. Gave my first client training yesterday on using ProcessWire. I've built approx 7 sites so far in PW but this was the first scenario where I was handing off to a client and training them in. It was interesting to see where the client had issues and where they had praise. Their site had previously been running on a different CMS so they were familiar with the general workings but also had a lot of expectations on how the CMS would work. Positives Overall the feedback was extremely positive. Here's just a couple I recall They also loved the simplicity of the Add New button when I had mapped it to creating various pages etc Negatives In truth there was no 'negative' feedback as such. A few misunderstandings about the UI as follows 1. There were some issues dragging images onto the image drop zone. It just wasn't clear where client should release the image. I think this area could be cleaned up a bit? 2. When browsing the tree, the client would sometimes repeatedly click a page title instead of the 'edit' link to the right of the page title. 3. When they clicked 'View' or the Home icon on the top menu (Reno Theme) the site would load in the same browser window and sometimes they would loose changes. Personally, I've always thought these 'View' links should open a new tab and have found them annoying. 4. Found the new image crop UI confusing. I've gotten used to it but i'm not new to image management. Possibly the only time training came to a dead stop and we had to rewind a bit. That's it really. Will write a proper blog post about this soon with more detail.
  21. Hey Jan Thanks for the advice. I decided to separate the Promo fields into their own page templates and made their own hidden folder called "Promo pieces". Benefits are 1. Client can make a promo piece now with just 3 fields instead of those 3 fields being 3 of 18 2. I've got the Family settings working with the Add New button so client loves being able to login and immediately choose Add New > Promo Item 3. No chance of original error happening There's a tiny little bit more work for the client and an additional step of having to specify which page the Promo piece should link to but another Page select field makes it as easy as poss.
  22. Short version: Can a Page select field be used to select content from itself? Long version: A client of mine has a Pages A, B and C and uses a Page select field to pull in content from other pages to a Promo area. Mostly, this consists of a thumbnail promo title promo description and I have it working great assuming those fields on the source page are completed. The issue I have is sometimes the source of those fields is the actual page. IE On Page A we're not pulling in content from Page A and not sourcing it from Pages B or C. The "usual" way to do this is of course to fallback to the page API <div class="promo-container"> <img class="promo-image" src="<?=$page->Promo_Image->getThumb('crop-for-promo') ?>" /> <div class="promo-title"><a href="{$page->url}"><?=$page->Promo_Title ?></a></div> <div class="promo-desc"><?=$page->Promo_description ?></div> </div> But I wondered why a Page select field can't output the contents of it's own page. It'll allow me to select itself but doesn't output anything. If it helps, here is my code although it's working fine in general. <!-- START Promo for Innerpages--> <?php foreach ($page->Promo_Picker->find('limit=1') as $promo){ echo " <div class=\"promo-container\"> <a href=\"{$promo->url}\"><img src=\"{$promo->Promo_Image->getThumb('crop-for-promo')}\" /></a> <div class=\"promo-title\"> <a href=\"{$promo->url}\">{$promo->Promo_Title}</a> </div> <div class=\"promo-desc\"> {$promo->Promo_description} </div> </div> " ;} ?> <!-- END Promo for Innerpages-->
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