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Everything posted by Soma

  1. That's exactly the point. You might regret it. Doing such a complex project without experience is never a good idea.
  2. Soma

    Audiotool making music

    Something else related to sound creation is something a friend showed me recently: https://vcvrack.com/ For anyone into Modular Synthesizer.
  3. I don't know what's so confusing about it. I think it's rather this doc: https://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/code-i18n/
  4. Soma

    8bit Color Cycling

    Here something very special, in the days of trillions of colors high dpi screens and VR... art by Mark Ferrari which is absolutely incredible work. http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/
  5. Everybody can make music. ? https://audiotool.com is a powerful pretty unique in the browser sound production studio. I remember back then it was made with flash, nowadays it's a JS app with 600k lines of code. Pretty amazing if you never seen it try it out.
  6. When you change the $user->language, all following API returns stuff in that language also, the $page->url or $input->url. No need to do str_eplace on something already the same. So if $this.>getLangFromCookie does return the language object then you can change it to this. private function doInitLocalization() { $user = wire('user'); $input = wire('input'); // Get/set user language from either browser or cookie $language = $this->getLangFromCookie() ?: $this->getValidBrowserPrefLang(); if($language !== $user->language) { $user->language = $language; $this->wire("session")->redirect($input->url(true)); } }
  7. Maybe this will help? http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/files/file-properties/
  8. Something like this would be the easiest way, I can think of, to do what you are doing. Redirect to a another language, including urlSegments, Pagenumber and optional QueryStrings; if($user->language->isDefault) { $user->language = $languages->get("de"); $session->redirect($input->url($withQueryString = true)); }
  9. There's no difference only preference.
  10. It's still popular even in 2018.
  11. SSL operation failed On Mac? This is due to OpenSSL changes by Apple.
  12. I don't know of any other Fieldtypes that work this way.
  13. If you render the value of the field you get the table rendered by class TableRows. It's nothing to do with the Fieldtype or Inputfield render. So you can simply use the render function of the value == TableRows object and add your options. $value = $page->mytable->render(array("tableClass" => "uk-table")); Though nothing wrong with you str_replace. I don't get how that is bad but anyway.
  14. Well can't say without problems, cause the editor gets really unresponsive and it doesn't save anymore... well. Edit: well looks like it was hanging a lot and after couple minutes I was able to edit again as it seems it finally deleted all files, but it's not made for such large amounts.
  15. I just uploaded 300 images without problem. Sorry don't know.
  16. No. Upload via classic upload, or just 2-3 at a time.
  17. $page->fieldgroup->getField() does work for me. And no, $page->title is a property that does return a string and is not the field object. Since the field is in context of the template/fieldgroup it seems natural you get the field settings through it.
  18. That's a bug in PW that's in there since years. I once tried to make sense of it but after hours of try and error I gave up. If you upload a bunch of images (only drag and drop), sometimes images get lost on the way, though they're uploaded they're not saved in DB. All issue reports end up having "not reproducible, needs more information, discussion". Ryan's too busy with new features than trying to track down those (understandable though if you can't reproduce).
  19. $page->fieldgroup... ?
  20. That should help https://gist.github.com/somatonic/8323844
  21. To me it's not so much about what chat or community software you're using. Open source or not, It's about focusing on stuff and the community itself. Having people that care and spend a lot of free time to contribute. There's seemed to be a real interest in the discord server I opened (which takes 2 clicks). There's easy way to add channels and voice chat. Lot's of people joined for a couple days and we had some discussion going on. But it seems pretty dead now. ? Something related: I was thinking the other day, how about making a stream on twitch.tv for web devs? I don't know how that would work out, but I've seen there's some doing it already.
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