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Everything posted by Soma

  1. You access /subfolder/processwire/ ? Should work fine as pw htaccess does overwrite any above htaccess.
  2. Not an error only a warning saying theres nothing to foreach.
  3. Im sorry i cant make a full from 0 course of how to build with php html js css and PW. Theres plenty of guides and tutorials around here. It's just you dont need to request a php file in a form. Youd just use the current page url as the action url. Them have your processing code in the template file that page uses. Why dont you start with a simple form without ajax? Once you have that down you can still try to use ajax.I never done a image upload with ajax so not even sure it would work the way you try it. Maybe someone else had the time to give further advise or links.
  4. You could import the md5 passwords as they are and then md5 hash the entered password on the login.
  5. I mean to use a PW page (/some/url/) with its template file to handle all that instead of pointing directly to a .php file. You can't call a .php in templates folder, it would have to be somewhere in the webroot.
  6. I dont think this is working. Theres no form and input fields. Edit: And you can`t call a php in templates folder directly in PW. Why don't you just do it using a real page?
  7. Nothing too obvious. Maybe if you can provide a complete code example of your setup, form and scripts it would be possible to help. Why is this a boostrap file with ob_start and ob_end_clean? And sending the form with ajax? This seems it is not a regular setup. I would test your form getting send and the getting through. I think the problem is not the image not getting saved but not even getting uploaded whatever.
  8. Well if you are logged in and add a query param ?id=1001 to your url and in the template file you add $content .= $modules->ProcessPageEdit->execute(); You'll get the full form markup rendered in your front-end. It even works saving the page out of the box. There's just (quite alot) the css and JS parts missing and maybe some other things that might not work down the road. ? After all it depends what you want to achieve with it and if it's secure etc. I would prefer a Iframe modal solution and just call $page->editUrl(). OR use something like FormBuilder, Fredi (modal solution) or Frontend Edit Core Feature.
  9. You can't use API vars in the selector. You'd have to use the Custom PHP code to build the selectable pages.
  10. Make sure you work with a Pageimage and not Pageimages or something else. It works perfectly. You do $member->avatar->first->focus(10, 10); but before you did $member->avatar->focus(10, 10);
  11. Just doing this in my basic-page template works fine: $page->of(false); foreach($page->images as $img) { $img->focus("10%", "10%"); } $page->save(); $page->of(true);
  12. I've never seen this error. But seems it has to do with permissions maybe (PHP runs as CGI). You should ask your server admin to solve that, it is not your or PW's fault, means it would work on a normal server setup.
  13. Yeah usually it's the php memory limit, but without knowing the error...
  14. So you edited the php.ini but everything else works and it's not a misconfiguration you did? Sorry, I can't help you, ask your server admin to help. EDIT: have you added $config->debug = true in site/config.php ?
  15. Does it show another error message?
  16. Yeah, a INTERNAL SERVER ERROR 500 doesn't help much.
  17. It's $this->halt() only for in templates. In modules you don't need to.
  18. Do you have access to the server error logs? Or have you config->debug already enabled?
  19. Sounds like a memory issue. How big is the image?
  20. The cheatsheet is PW based. Theres vesion added and comments. Theres couple members having access to it, but nobody seems to have time or care.
  21. LogMaintenance A simple ProcessWire module to give some maintenance control over log files. I found myself often having lots of log files for different things that can grow more or less quickly to a size where they can be difficult to maintain. The built in Logger of PW does a good job of giving you the possibility to delete or prune logs. But it has to be done manually and sometimes a log grows into millions of lines, which makes it often impossible to even prune it as it's too large. LogMaintenance uses LazyCron to run the maintenance task and there's several settings you can setup on a global or per log basis. Archive: will create zip files for each log file in logs/archive/ folder and add the log each time the maintenance is run to a subfolder containing the datetime. Lines: keeps logs to a certain number of lines Days: keeps the log to a certain number of days Bytes: keeps the log to a certain amount of bytes Each setting is checked from top down, the first setting to contain something is used. So if you check the "Archive" option, all other settings are ignored and logs are archived everytime the LazyCron is executed. If you want to keep your logs to a certain amount of bytes just leave all other settings to 0 or blank. Per Log Settings There's a textarea that you can use to setup a config for a specific log file one per line. All the logs you define here ignore the global settings above. The syntax for the settings is: logname:[archive]:[lines]:[days]:[bytes] errors:1:0:0:0 // would archive the errors log messages:0:10000:0:0 // will prune the errors log to 10000 lines The module can be found on github for you to check out. It's still fresh and I'm currently testing. https://github.com/somatonic/LogMaintenance
  22. I created a Discord Server for anyone to step by and say Hello ? https://discord.gg/3jCQgt5
  23. Watch for template settings that are only set to allow http?
  24. @Roych there's various examples around. If you read the first post you'll see a link to a gist for a bootstrap navigation. Not sure if that's what you need.
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