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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I knew it but just wanted to leave some room for improvement so you guys also have something to write.
  2. It has been fixed. As by this thread you can see we decided to turn off the top save buttons in all IE. Since it's only a cloned button using jquery there is a $.browser.msie check in the main.js that prevent the button from cloning. I just tested in IE and the top save button doesn't show, which is correct. Maybe you can provide more infos to find out why it's still showing in your case? I guess you use an admin theme that is older or a PW version that is older.
  3. foreach($ides as $id) { echo $pages->get($id); }
  4. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/573-top-save-page-button-dont-work/
  5. @adrian, I'm sorry for this I just tested and installed Thumbnails using MudolesManager () and it workd fine first time. Is it working second time with ModulesManager or do you install it manually? Not sure what was causing it, maybe it was a corrupted download or zip extract. Can you reproduce it everytime on different servers? Is it only this modules or also others? ModulesManager is trying to show some errors if something didn't work, but sure not all scenarios. If you can get more information by enabling debug mode or see if any errors got logged? Or try to see if there's a difference in the files from the one you would install manually when it's crashing. I also happend to have some problems with permissions on servers that are not configured well on a cheap hosting.
  6. Looking at the screen it must be a multiple images field. In that case it's an array and you have to either change it to max 1 image int he field setting or chose the first from the array: <?php $image = $page->logo_image->first->size(287,80); echo "<img class='logo' src='{$image->url}' alt='{$image->description}' />"; ?> Ah didn't read careful.. This is also possible I think: <?php echo "<a href='{$config->urls->root}'><h1><img class='logo' src='{$page->logo_image->size(287,80)->url}' alt='{$image->description}' /></h1></a>";?>
  7. You just have to add to the controls ,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull And to the valid elements add the "style" since it uses <p style="text-align:right"> .. or the style will get stripped out @[id|class|rel|style]...
  8. Hey Macrura, thanks. No I didn't knew flattr...
  9. Lol love that analogy. Either way you can end up with a problem. SInce finally you decide which one you think makes most sense. I understand if one wants or needs this feature and I added a option to enable hard lock. Pushed an update 1.0.1 to github now. - added option to enable hard lock - made alert message translatable https://github.com/somatonic/PageEditSoftLock
  10. The only table in PW that is ascii_general_ci is the password table and the "name" fields in tables. There's nothing else evident. The strange thing is there's no find code in all of the templates except the search. (Yes this is possible ). $matches = $pages->get("/".$langpath ."/")->find("title|body|headline1|headline2%=$q, limit=50"); The path exists yes, but I can't make up what call is causing it because it looks like it failing on maybe some char in url or when someone did a search with strange characters? The last stackstrace is Database 118 is when a result is empty. Also the first line is what makes it hard to find at least what page it occoured. Or is that the homepage? Page: http://somedomain.fr/?/ User: guest
  11. Could do it with js. The problem is what to use as the segment names? And if using something like h4 once you change a letter the url going to change. So it would be maybe make sense to use repeaters? Or using some inline tags defined to better control it splitting the text.
  12. Thanks Dave, no there's no language or modules with other collation. It would then also happen more often.
  13. I think it's ok to use on production, after all it just downloads and replaces the module. Same as you would do it manually. So with or without ModulesManager you first want to update modules in a dev envoirenment, and then push it to production if it's ok. So to asnwer your question: Just replace the module folder with the new version. Unless the module states something that you have to deinstall and reinstall cause there could be something changed that needs to be installed. Otherwise most of the updates are just replacements save.
  14. I got this error on a website a couple times, I've never seen anything like that ever. Since the error isn't really helpful to reproduce it, I'm lost to why and where this did happen. I guess it's the search function as it happened severeal times in a row for couple hour. Page: http://somedomain.fr/?/ User: guest Error Uncaught exception 'WireDatabaseException' with message 'Illegal mix of collations (ascii_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='' in /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Database.php:118 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/DatabaseQuery.php(84): Database->query(Object(DatabaseQuerySelect)) #1 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/PageFinder.php(145): DatabaseQuery->execute() #2 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Pages.php(144): PageFinder->find(Object(Selectors), Array) #3 [internal function]: Pages->___find('/fr-fr/rapport_...', Array) #4 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('find', Array) #6 [internal function]: Wire->__call('find', Array) #7 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Pages.php(213): Pages->find('/fr-fr/rapport_...', Array) #8 /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/ (line 118 of /var/www/domains/processwire/latest/wire/core/Database.php)
  15. This does work: $("#Inputfield_roles_37").prop({ checked: "checked", disabled: "disabled" });
  16. Hi Peter I don't know really how hard a hard lock in a soft lock module is. The reason to only have a soft lock is clear, and hard locks can get a burden if someone lock a page by having the page open. I think it's possible, but have to think about some time. It would be as you suggest and option you need to enable. But then also the Module name doesn't fit anymore.
  17. PW can handle x thousands of pages easily. Image Manager is using ajax based data table to list and search/filter those pages, so it scales infinitely. Also the abstraction of the images in texts uses page ID's searches, and this is pretty fast. So you could go as far as your server limit. It's not more intensive than PW itself. ImagesManager doesn't add a noticeable overhead. You could use this for all images, but still also use the on page image field where it makes sense. However when sharing images and inserting those in Textareas, I think ImagesManager approach and its abstract feature is a big plus in handling those. It's still alpha and it's possible some things may change on the way to a first RC. So it's not for use in production yet.
  18. Thanks guys! Yes there I see some room for improvements to select the tag and also show some infos of the image size. It's impossible to have image field select from those images. It would require a new image fueldtype. But that's not something that has to be connected to ImagesManager but just a field you can select an image page. Thats the great thing about this approach. But you can do it with a page field easily. I'm doing it. If you use PageListSelect you'll even see the image thumb. And it would also be possible to select multiple or even just categories. This is even better than a dedicated fieldtype.
  19. @Grays sorry it took so long, but I was up to something that might solve some problems with sharing images. I create ImagesManager for these cases where you have lots of images shared on different pages. If you're still into the boat this might be interesting. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3219-images-manager-alpha/
  20. PW Images Manager (beta) Just a weird little screencast trying to show how it works. (out of date a little, tags now use a textfield for easy copy/paste) This module allows you to manage images from one central repository. You create a root page "/images/" where you can then add categories and images as pages. From there the new admin page created "ImagesManager" will show categories and images added in a ajax data table, from where you can see and search/filter all images, upload and create new categories and edit images too. Every image will also show an image tag generated to copy into a textarea. This tag looks like this: {image=/path/to/image/imagename/, width=200}The width=100 is the thumbnail size used to output the image.You can also have additional segment to contain classes: {image=/path/to/image/imagename/, width=100, class=align_left}Or you can enter the id directly: {image=1033, width=100}Once inserted into a textarea field it will get parsed when saved and loaded automaticly. It will store an abstract id tag in Database and convert it back to the image HTML tag. So after first save you'll see the image inserted in a Wysiwyg and be able to resize and place it as usual. Once it's inserted somewhere Images Manager will show a search link with the pages containing the image (you can configure the fields int the module setting). You can change the image or move it to a different category, it will still work and show the correct image. This also works with multi-language fields.You can still also use the regular insert image dialog in TinyMCE and chose image from those pages. And it will start keeping track of those as well (they're the same after all). You can use those central images pages also with page fields to reference them single or even whole categories, search them with API and do what you like. Images Manager will also parse the page render on front-end and replace any found image tags with the HTML code. It will also look for a description on the image and output it as alt tag. If you want to have multi-language description you can add a `image_description` TextLanguage field to the image page template and have images parser use them. Along with this module, you can also install the `PageListImageLabel` module to add thumbnails to the image pages in the tree. To get it working you need to have the basic setup: 1. Create new `image` field with input setting to 1 max image 2. Create new `image` template and add `title` and the `image` field created before 3. Create a 'image-category' template with only title and allow the `image` template and `image-category` as child pages under family settings. 4. Create a `image-root` template with only the title field for the root of the images tree. Allow only `image-category` as child page under family settings. 5. Create the root page with the `image-root` under the home page as "/images/" 6. Done. The structure of the image repository looks like this /images/ /cagetory1/ /imagesxy/ /category2/ /image2/ /image3/ Now you can use the ImagesManager to add categories and images. But you can also still use the page tree to add new stuff as usual. The root path, template names and fields are configurable in the module settings. How to install the module: - Download the contents of this repository and put the folder renamed as "ImagesManager" into your site/modules/ folder - Login in to ProcessWire and got to Modules page and click "Check for new modules". You should see a note that the two new module were found. Install the "ImagesManager" module. - A new admin page "ImagesManager" should appear in the top menu. - You may configure the option on the module screen to suit your needs. Download at github https://github.com/somatonic/ImagesManager Thanks and enjoy.
  21. If you let me know a little more about how these images are gonna used on the pages I could help provide a image system thats gonna work. I.e. Do you need to insert images in the body text inline. Or will they have a predefined place. Will they be just single images or galleries?
  22. @RJay Here the step to get it working. You need to enable two plugins and add the "rel" attribute to the valid elements in TinyMCE. You can edit the configuration of TinyMCE on the field settings under the tab "Input". There's a collapsed fieldset TinyMCE Advanced Configuration Options. Add the two plugin contextmenu and advlink to the plugins text field: ...,contextmenu,advlink Then in the field valid_elements add rel to the @[id|class] so it won't get stripped off: @[id|class|rel] Now when you have done that you go edit your text and add a link using the PW link dialog. Then click on the link using context menu (right click) and select "Insert/Edit link". You'l be presented with a ton of attributes you can set to the link. But you need to also add them to the valid_elements first.
  23. When I install the new module I get this Error: Using $this when not in object context (line 641 of /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/pwmultilang/wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageSupportPageNames.module) PW still works but when open the module in admin I get this error. I use it on a new install and my local xampp has php 5.2.9
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