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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2024 in all areas

  1. It's long overdue for a refresh of a personal website. At least it was built on the fantastic ProcessWire! Pats website awkwardly. I gave this poor thing a makeover before it got mistaken for a museum exhibit. I hope for positive comments, but I would rather listen to what the critics say to improve. It is not yet tweaked to the details (I am on the heroin run for the proper images for service pages), but it is something I can brag about. Here is the link: Digital Marketing Montenegro
    3 points
  2. @ryan - I need it for coupon codes which are stored underneath categorizing branch parents, but which are accessed by end users via a urlsegment on the home template. I have been using a hook to ensure duplicates can't be accidentally created and that works fine so not critical that this is added for my needs but just wanted to see if you thought it was still something that should be added to the core.
    1 point
  3. @adrian I hadn't thought of that in awhile, is it something you have come up with a need for? It would probably be fairly simple for me to add.
    1 point
  4. Sure. You just need to register some event handler using vanilla Javascript or jQuery shipping with Processwire. Easiest way would be to simulate a mouse click on the left right HTML elements of your existing gallery when the arrow keys are pressed. Some inspiration can be found here for example.
    1 point
  5. Thought this might be interesting for the UIkit/Tailwind users, maybe best of both worlds?? https://www.franken-ui.dev/docs/introduction
    1 point
  6. @ryan I came across this forum post, after i searched for unique fields. In 3.0.236 there is, for me, still only the email field who has the unique option in the advanced tab. Was the idea abandoned for text and int fields?
    1 point
  7. Another hidden treasure in the PW Backend: PW 3.0.61 introduced the VEX library for dialogs: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.61-master/#admin-and-ui This is how you can use them in your custom admin pages: In your module's php load the vex library (eg in the ready() method of your module - init() might not work as it might load too early!) $this->wire('modules')->get('JqueryUI')->use('vex'); Then in your javascript: // show confirm dialog ProcessWire.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this E-Mail?', function() { // on confirm $i.removeClass('fa-trash').addClass('fa-spin fa-spinner'); $.get('./trash/?mailid=' + $a.data('mailid'), function() { $a.closest('.RockGridWrapper').find('.rockgridbutton.refresh').click(); }); }, function() { // on abort grid.api().deselectAll(); }); Result: I opened a pull request with a little fix for handling clicks on the CANCEL button. If you want to support it, give it a thumb: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/108
    1 point
  8. OK, I have it: var orderActionStrings = config.orderActionStrings; $('.ResendInvoiceButton').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var a_href = $(this).attr('href'); ProcessWire.confirm( orderActionStrings.confirm_resend_invoice, function() { // OK click window.location.href = a_href; } ); }); This will fully replace this var orderActionStrings = config.orderActionStrings; $('.ResendInvoiceButton').on('click', function() { return window.confirm(orderActionStrings.confirm_resend_invoice); }); with a nice vex dialog! @bernhard thank you for your forum thread! I would have never found this feature as it is completely undocumented (except in the sources).
    1 point
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