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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2023 in all areas

  1. I love ChatGPT when it comes to doing weird things in JavaScript. For example, there's a 3rd party service a client of mine is using that allows you to load in custom JS and CSS to customize the appearance of their platform more to your liking. The HTML of the 3rd party service is lacking in some CSS classes on some elements, so I can't hook into those elements to style them more precisely. To further complicate things, those elements only appear after an AJAX request is done. So I needed to add extra classes on particular elements in the HTML every time an AJAX request was made. I don't keep up with JS, but after giving it a nice prompt, BOOM, there's the answer with MutationObserver, XMLHttpRequest and addEventListener. This literally saved me a day, if not more, and tons of headache.
    4 points
  2. Links to ProcessWire pages in translated content now point to the localized URL. I'm pretty sure this is good to merge into a release, but extra testing would be the best idea. @bernhard Pushed to dev branch https://github.com/SkyLundy/Fluency/tree/development @jacmaes I saw that like on @bernhard's post if you want to take this for a spin as well.
    2 points
  3. Sooner or later, everybody gets hit by the dreaded "can't we integrate this with [Azure|Google|Facebook|whatever|...]?" question. Lately, those have more or less assaulted me, and I've been looking for a clean-cut solution to link my PW instances up to a big Identity Provider. There is already the SamlAuth module in the module repository, but it has not been updated in a while and it's not as "graphical" as I'd like it to be - I want to be able to take long holidays away from cellphone reception while our IdP's certificate might expire. So I started wiring things up from scratch (as much as "building a PW UI and endpoints around php-saml) can be called "from scratch". So I've been starting to build: PoetSaml2 A SAML2 Service Provider for the ProcessWire CMS/CMF The module is still very alpha, rough around the edges and lacking a bunch of features I consider essential for long-term production use. Still, I decided to get the word out there early, maybe find even find some daring early adopters willing to restore a backup or two of their PW instance in case things go wrong, and also perhaps get some feedback about use cases and requirements I am not aware of. My SAML2 experience so far is limited to an enterprise environment with only Azure / Entra Id and SamlTest.id. It uses OneLogin's php-saml library for the hard work. The necessary SSO endpoints are realized with ProcessWire's URL hooks. Requirements ProcessWire >= 3.0.218 FieldtypeOptions FieldtypeRepeater PHP-OpenSSL Compatibility Basic compatibility has been verified with both Entra Id and SamlTest, meaning I could initiate successful logins into ProcessWire both from PW itself and from the Identity Provider. Screenshots SAML2 login button on the admin login form: PoetSaml2 comes with an admin page that lists all configured profiles and gives you quick links for adding and deleting profiles, lets you download your metadata file so you can upload it to your Identity Provider and even lets you backup profiles to a file. Uses ProcessPagesExportImport to import backup files. The profile configuration is a regular page edit screen. There are sections for the local endpoint (SP Configuration) and for the Identity Provider (IdP Configuration). You can set a redirect URL or even role specific URLs so PW knows where to take you if you initiate a login on the IdP side. Fine grained login permission, redirect URL discovery and even user creation based on SAML Claims can be realized through hooks. A checkbox lets you create a self-signed SP certificate. You can import your IdP's metadata.xml from a file or URL instead of having to copy & paste the URLs and certificate (thanks to php-saml's metadata parser). A lot of it is already documented to some extent in the README file on GitHub.
    2 points
  4. thank you for your patience with me! Having now grasped this I am sure I can complete my project as it covers almost all of the functionality needed J
    2 points
  5. @JerryDi you can access fields and variables of your page (in this case champrionship pages) echo "<a href='$championship->url'>$championship->title</a>; have a look here: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/
    2 points
  6. Another update: 0.0.35 is on GitHub supports (still experimental) updating of user profile fields with data supplied by the IdP. User updating can be enabled per profile, and the claims/fields can be mapped individually. The update method is also hookable, so you can leave the mapping empty and perform the deed in your hook to PoetSaml2::updateUserData. This introduces a dependency on my new FieldtypeListLinks module, which got a few test runs that way ?
    2 points
  7. v0.0.32 is out with the following additions: "Configurations" have been renamed to "Profiles" You can now fine tune your settings with all the advanced options php-saml supports (besides contact information in the metadata), e.g. encryption and signing settings, algorithms, required fields / attributes or ADFS compatiblity The import of backup files is now possible "Log in with ..." Buttons on the admin login form can be switched on and off for each SP Profile Error messages can be customized in PoetSaml2 module settings I also added a bunch of hookable methods: canLogin( $user ) Hook for extra checks whether a user is allowed to log in getLocalUser( $nameId ) Hookable user lookup method. Gets the IdP-supplied nameId and looks up the user with that email address. You can implement your own lookup logic by hooking this function and returning either a User object or boolean FALSE. getLoginRedirectFor( $profile, $user ) Hookable method that determines the login success redirect URL for the logged in user. processSamlUserdata( $userdata, $friendlyUserdata ) Hookable method for actions based on the SAML2 claims returned by the IdP. You could hook into this method to create users on the fly.
    2 points
  8. TL:DR I've updated a PW page we've built 9 years ago for the first time and it's still a solid experience. Backstory Back in May I was on a crowded train somewhere in the middle of Germany. Now working as a "Consultant" who builds slidedecks instead of websites, I happily noticed the men next to me talking about responsive webdesign with his friend. During the obligatory "This train is late" announcement we started to chat. My seatmate, a geography teacher, recently attended a web workshop at a large Hamburg agency. He told me he now understands the value of a CMS for updating their site and he wonders how to build a responsive layout. They don't get paid for this and work on their homepage in their spare time. And they have a Typo3 installation ? Back in 2013, together with my friend Marvin, we've rebuild our school website with ProcessWire optimized for mobile devices. Launched in 2014 this was quite an impressive feat including online time tables, a working event calendar (with import feature) and many small nice touches. After my encounter on the train, I checked the page and yes, It's still online and updated daily! The next day I wrote my old teacher a short email if we should have a closer look into the underlying tech and within minutes I got a super happy reply that he is so glad that somebody would help (again). So let's dive into what we've done. Situation First some details about this ProcessWire installation that is updated by a few teacher on a regular basis. Over the 9 years they've wrote nearly 900 news articles and kept more than 250 pages up to date. The asset folder is over 11GB. Build with Processwire 2.4 (?) and lots of janky code we've updated the page once to 3.0.15 somewhere in 2016 quick and dirty. They even used the old admin layout. ProCache, CroppableImages3 and a few other plugins were used. Every single one of them required an update It's used the classical append-template approach with a single big "function.php" included file. It's running on PHP 5.6 and for whatever reason no PHP update was enforced by the hoster (But the admin panel screamed at me) A privacy nightmare: Google fonts embedded directly, no cookie banner and a no longer working Google Analytics tag included The old ProcessDatabaseModule made a database backup every week as planned over all these years. Nice. No hacks, no attacks and all teachers are using their own account with assigned permissions Changelog I've updated the page with a focus on making it stable and reliable for the next 9 years. After making a development copy of the page, I've started working on the following changes: Updated ProcessWire and all modules to the latest stable version. After reloading a few times, no errors encountered Updated the whole templates to make it work with PHP 8.2 Removed all externally hosted scripts, disabled cookies for all regular visitors and introduced a 2-click-solution for external content Reworked a few frontend style issues around the responsive layout, made slight visual changes for 2023 (e.g. no double black and white 1px borders) Ported the image gallery feature to more templates (Big wish of the people updating the site, they've used a workaround) Cleaned up folder and structures, removed a few smaller plugins and admin helpers no longer needed All this was done back in May and - with a big break - completed now in October. It took a few days and most of the time was spent figuring out our old code. Learnings ProcessWire is robust as f*ck. I just clicked "Update" and it mostly worked instantly I nearly removed features for the PHP update. A custom written importer for the proprietary XML schedule was hard to debug and understand (5-dimensional-arrays...). Gladly I've tossed a coin and just gave ChatGPT the php function source and error message and within a single iteration it updated the code for PHP8. The "responsive" CSS framework aged badly. The used 960gs skeleton uses fixed widths for the responsive layout. I couldn't get it be wider than 320px on mobile screens. So the site is responsive but with a slim profile for now. Replacing it would be a complete layout rewrite Result and looking forward The Werkgymnasium site is now updated and live again. It still loads superfast and looks great after all these years. We have a few more features planned to help our editors input new content but overall it just works. Looking forward a few issues remain. ProCache would require the paid update but it still works fine. The layout needs improvement on mobile screens. There is still an error with the pagination. We'll cleanup the code more and then make the whole template public on Github so that maybe a few students after us can continue with the updates. Maybe even rebuild the frontend one day. I hope I can give you an update in a few years again. As a closing note: I'm still grateful for the amazing community here and all the features ProcessWire has to offer. My daily work no longer resolves around websites but PW has a permanent spot in my heart. Thanks Ryan and all the contributors.
    2 points
  9. Last time I needed to use JS to modify stuff after each AJAX request to solve a similar issue I used this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10783463/javascript-detect-ajax-requests/#answer-67250545 stackoverflow.com can still rock. I would not be surprised if OpenAI swallowed a lot from there...
    1 point
  10. Hi joe_g, I'd recommend to read this fine tutorial written by kongondo a few years ago: Tutorial: Approaches to categorising site content That's the right "PW way" doing it, profiting from the great API. Good luck! ottogal
    1 point
  11. try this $playerChampionships = $pages->find("template=championship_results, winner_name=$page->id"); // or $playerChampionships = $pages->find("template=championship_results, winner_name={$page->id}");
    1 point
  12. @lenoir you could also use the builtin option in the backend here: setup > templates > your-template > advanced > List of fields to display in the admin Page List
    1 point
  13. ProcessWire stores the users in /admin/access/users/. This means if you want to view the user list in the page tree, you have to click into it and that's not ideal. It would be better if the Users were just presented as if they were nested under the Home page. Approach 1: actually move Users under Home (avoid this; explanation) While I haven't tried it (and have no plans to), you could do what Ryan described in this article a long time ago, this but it's probably dangerous and overkill: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users Approach 2: fake it! (better and very easy) What would be better for some is to have it appear as if the Users were directly under the home page, but without actually having to move the Users page itself as it could break ProcessWire functionality. This can be accomplished easily with the following hook (add this to /site/templates/admin.php): // make Users appear as nested under Home page $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageList::find', function(HookEvent $event) { if($event->arguments('page')->id!=1) return; $event->return = $event->return->prepend(wire('pages')->get('/admin/access/users/,include=all')); });
    1 point
  14. Hi both, Actually, this was supposed to be last week! I was hoping to release version 009 of Padloper which is packed with a number of new features including discounts but life got in the way! I am now going to be unavailable from this week for a number of weeks (at least 2) without access to internet. Hope to finish this quickly when I get back. Nice work all the same!
    1 point
  15. Version 2.1.47 is out!! Now FrontendForms supports Ajax form submission! Ajax form submission prevents a page reload after the form has been submitted. This could be useful in scenarios, where you do not want a reload (fe if your form is inside a modal box or inside a tab) after the form has been submitted. You can disable/enable Ajax submission by checking a checkbox inside the module configuration, or you can overwrite the global value by using the setSubmitWithAjax() method on per form base. If you are enabling this feature, a progress bar will be displayed after you have pressed the submit button to inform the user, that the form will be validated now. Otherwise, the user will not see any action until the validated form will be loaded back into the page. If you do not want to show the progress bar, you can disable it inside the module configuration too. With the showProgressbar() method, you can overwrite this global setting on per form base. In the case, you want to redirect the visitor to another page, after the form has been submitted successfully, you cannot do this via a PHP session redirect, because the form has been submitted via Ajax. In this case a JavaScript redirect has to be done. To force a JS redirect after the submission, you need to use the setRedirectUrlAfterAjax() method. Put the new URL inside the parenthesis, and the user will be redirected to this URL after the form has been validated successful. You will find a more detailed information about these 3 new methods here: https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms/blob/main/README.md#setsubmitwithajax---use-ajax-for-form-submission Screenshot of the new Ajax configuration settings: As always, please test your forms if you are changing to Ajax support and report any bugs directly on Github. A lot of changes have been done, so keep an eye on unwanted side effects. I have tested it with my other module FrontendContact too and it works without problems if you are using Ajax support. Best regards!
    1 point
  16. GPT has really helped me with bash scripts and writing regular expressions, two very cryptic things that it handles extremely well. Love it.
    1 point
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