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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2023 in all areas

  1. This week we have a new core version available on the dev branch. Relative to the previous version, 3.0.212 contains 32 commits, 16 issue fixes and 3 PRs. Here's a list of what's been added: Improvements were made to InputfieldImage so that you can now add your own image actions with hooks. More details in this post and ProcessWire Weekly #455. Significant refactoring and improvements were made to the ProcessPageEditLink module. One of the most notable is that it now will retain HTML class attributes on links, even if not specifically configured with the ProcessPageEditLink module. This is useful if you've added custom classes for links in TinyMCE or CKEditor, but haven't also added them to the ProcessPageEditLink module configuration. Improvements were made to Text fields so that HTML Entity Encoder is now automatically added. This was covered in detail in last week's post and in ProcessWire Weekly #457. InputfieldEmail has been updated with optional support for IDN emails and UTF-8 local-part emails, per request. Two new $sanitizer methods have been added: htmlClass() and htmlClasses(). These sanitize HTML class attributes, and it's part of what enables us to support the custom class attribute support added in the ProcessPageEditLink updates mentioned above. Added feature request #480 to support configurable file extensions for translatable files (beyond .php, .module and .inc). Added a new uploadName() method/property to Pagefile/Pageimage objects that returns the original unsanitized filename as it was uploaded. Applies only to files uploaded since this feature was added. Be aware the filename is unsanitized so be careful with it. This was to partially answer feature request #56 and this solution was suggested by Bernhard Baumrock. Demonstrating the above, InputfieldFile now shows this original filename if you hover the file icon, and InputfieldImage shows it if you hover the current filename. HTTP requests that contain an accidental double slash in the URL now redirect rather than render the page. The PagesParents class was refactored so that it is now a lot faster in saving its data to the pages_parents table. This is very noticeable if you have a site with more than million pages when changing the parent of existing pages, especially those having children. Previously there was a [potentially very] long delay at large scale, now it is instant. More details on these updates, and additional updates can also be found in ProcessWire Weekly #455, #456 and #457. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    15 points
  2. 2 points
  3. @wbmnfktr Thankyou for help. I have found a solution. Fixed! I found the php.ini file in the root of the site had session.save_handler set as memcached and session.save_path as a local server IP. Commented them out, and it reverted to using files. Login and form submissions are now working. [Session] ;;;session.save_handler = memcached ;;;session.save_path =
    2 points
  4. I prefer simple plain-text signatures as well as plain-text emails. Less hassle and way less problems in case mails get forwarded or nested in a thread somewhere. Nothing fancy at all. Just the details someone might need or are required by law.
    2 points
  5. @wbmnfktr I agree. If you're busy publishing stuff (your own blog, medium.com or elsewhere), you might want to add your latest articles to the sig. Ditto if you hold events of some sorts (webcasts, seminars) - it doesn't hurt to advertise them in your mail footer. Just don't go crazy with imagery/styling - you don't want the sig to attract more attention than the actual mail message ?
    1 point
  6. @ryan have you ever worked with any products from cdata? https://www.cdata.com/apiserver/ Not that you are addressing this issue, but if you come across older on-prem data sources or other weird solutions that need an API wrapper that you can configure with a pretty straightforward JSON configuration, their stuff works nicely. They also have interesting interfaces that allow you to configure API calls and behaviors with JSON settings to then get acted upon with SQL like a database.
    1 point
  7. Check for AdBlockers, VPNs (especially in Opera), internet security or firewall software (Norton, McAfee, ...). Some password managers sometimes interfere as well (Lastpass did that quite often in my setup) and maybe even DNS and CDN settings when using Cloudflare. Best would be a clean browser without any extensions and password managers. If Cloudflare is used as DNS and/or CDN disable caching for the ProcessWire backend/admin via page rules. Disable software from Norton and such.
    1 point
  8. I have to stop a day early to leave town for one of my daughter's gymnastics meets, so I'm going to save the core version bump for next week, after a few more updates. The most interesting core update this week is one suggested by Netcarver and Pete. It is to make the "HTML Entity Encoder" Textformatter option (for text fields) more foolproof, by making it harder to ignore. That's because this option is rather important for the quality assurance and security of your site's output. If you forget to enable it for one text field or another, then you allow for the potential of HTML in the output for that field, by anyone that can edit pages using that field. Most of the time when you aren't entity-encoding output, HTML is exactly what you want, such as with TinyMCE or CKEditor fields. HTML entity encoding is necessary when the field value isn't itself HTML, but will eventually be used in HTML output and needs to be valid for HTML output. Think of a "title" field, for example. For these cases, you want to be sure that characters like greater than, less than, ampersand and single/double quotes are properly encoded. Greater-than and less-than characters form HTML tags like <script>alert("gotcha!")</script>, ampersands begin entity sequences, and quotes are used to open and close HTML attribute values. By entity encoding all of these characters, we ensure they can't be used for malfeasance, scripts, XSS, defacement, etc. The worst case scenario would be that you neglect to enable the entity encoding on a text field where you are allowing non-trusted user input, as that could open the door to such shenanigans. To make things more foolproof, ProcessWire now gets in your face a bit more about using the HTML Entity Encoder. Maybe it's a bit more annoying for more experienced users, but if you happen to be in a rush, it'll make sure you at least don't forget about it. Or maybe some less experienced developers might not know the importance of entity encoding in HTML, and this update helps them too. Here's what it does: It now enables the HTML Entity Encoder (Textformatter) for all newly created text fields (and derived field types). Previously it just suggested that you enable it, but let you decide whether or not it was appropriate. Now, it errs more on the side of caution. Since the entity encoder is now automatically enabled for newly created text fields (in the admin), it seemed necessary to detect cases where the field configuration clearly indicates it's intended to allow HTML (by input type or content-type). Examples include textarea fields configured to use TinyMCE or CKEditor, or any text field with a content-type set to HTML. When these cases are detected, it advises the user to remove the HTML Entity Encoder from the selected Textformatters. If editing an existing text field (in Setup > Fields) that doesn't appear intended to use HTML (i.e. not TinyMCE or CKEditor and doesn't have its Content-Type set to HTML), it will now test all the selected Textformatters you have selected (if any) and see how they handle HTML. If they leave HTML in place, or you have no Textformatters selected, It will provide a warning to you, letting you know that HTML is allowed, and leave it up you to decide whether that's what you want. Note that these additions are only for fields created in the admin. Fields created from the API make no such assumptions and work the same as before. That's it for this week. More updates and hopefully a version bump next week. Have a great weekend!
    1 point
  9. This week we've got a few minor issue fixes and a couple of pull request additions on the dev branch. Pull request #251 thanks to @Jan Romero added a download button to the thumbnail images in InputfieldImage. I wasn't sure we really needed that, but really liked his thinking behind it, which was envisioning the ability to add more custom buttons/actions for images. So while I didn't specifically add the download button, I added the proposed system for adding any custom buttons, and then applied that same thinking to some other parts of InputfieldImage. And we'll talk about how to add that Download button here. ? First, let's look at how you might add your own download button, and note we're using this as just an example, as you might add any kind of button this way. A new hookable getImageThumbnailActions() method was added for this purpose. So here's how you might hook it (in /site/ready.php) to add a download button: $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getImageThumbnailActions', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage $class = $event->arguments(3); // class to use on all returned actions $a = $event->return; // array $icon = wireIconMarkup('download'); $a['download'] = "<a class='$class' href='$image->url' download>$icon</a>"; $event->return = $a; }); With that hook in place, here's what it looks like when you hover a thumbnail image. And if you click that Download icon, it downloads the file to your computer: or in list mode (download icon appears in right corner next to trash): I was thinking it would be useful to also be able to add custom actions after you click the thumbnail, and it shows the image edit features. So let's add a Download button there instead, by hooking the new getImageEditButtons() method: $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getImageEditButtons', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage $class = $event->arguments(3); // class(es) to use on all returned actions $buttons = $event->return; // array, indexed by action name $icon = wireIconMarkup('download'); $buttons['download'] = "<button class='$class'><a download href='$image->url'>$icon Download</a></button>"; $event->return = $buttons; }); And the result looks like this (see new Download button after Variations button): We also have that Actions dropdown that you see in the screenshot above. This is already hookable but we've not had any good examples of it. In this case, you need two hooks: one to add the action to the <select> and another to handle the processing of the action when the page is saved. So in our next example, we'll demonstrate how to display verbose EXIF information about whatever image(s) the action was selected for. In this first hook, we'll add the action to the Actions <select>: // Example of adding an “Get EXIF data” action to the <select> $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::getFileActions', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); // Pageimage if($image->ext == 'jpg' || $image->ext == 'jpeg') { $actions = $event->return; // array $actions['exif'] = 'Get EXIF data'; $event->return = $actions; } }); And in this next hook, we'll handle the action, which gets called when the page editor form is submitted: // Example of handling an “Get EXIF data” action $wire->addHookAfter('InputfieldImage::processUnknownFileAction', function(HookEvent $event) { $image = $event->arguments(0); $action = $event->arguments(1); if($action === 'exif' && file_exists($image->filename)) { $exif = exif_read_data($image->filename); $event->warning([ "EXIF data for $image->name" => $exif ], 'icon-photo nogroup'); $event->return = true; } }); And here's what it shows after you hit save (for any images that had the action selected): The screenshot above is truncated because it was about twice is big as what's above. All the above code examples are also included in the phpdoc for each of the relevant hookable methods in the InputfieldImage module. For another recent useful addition, be sure to check out ProcessWire Weekly #454 (last week) which covered some new options available for the language translation functions like __text('hello'); where you can now tell it what kind of input type (and how many rows) to use in the admin translation interface, via inline PHP comments. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great weekend!
    1 point
  10. Follw up with my previous post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12782-regarding-multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users/ For default installation, api to create a new user is something like that $u = new User(); $u->of(false); $u->name = "adrian"; $u->email = "adrian@example.com"; $u->pass = "123456"; $u->addRole("registered"); $u->save(); $u->of(true); With multiple template or parent , how to setup a user object to use which template and parent, before executing save() method ?
    1 point
  11. Selectors have to have a defined value after the operator. There is no defined value in "modified>created", as those are two fields. You can go straight to SQL to accomplish this one: $pageIDs = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT id FROM pages WHERE modified>created"); while($row = $result->fetch_row()) $pageIDs[] = $row[0]; $pageArray = $pages->getById($pageIDs); // $pageArray contains what you want
    1 point
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