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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2023 in all areas

  1. I replaced str_starts_with() with substr() to support PHP7. Please upgrade to version 1.2.2.
    2 points
  2. 140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire. This week I’m happy to announce another new main/master branch version of ProcessWire, version 3.0.210. Like most main release versions, there is a lot here. This post covers some of the most notable additions and improvements— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.210/
    1 point
  3. Servus Bernhard! Thank you so much - that seems like a way better approach ☺️
    1 point
  4. Nice! https://drawsql.app/teams/baumrockcom/diagrams/processwire
    1 point
  5. Hi @Luigi, This is something that happens to some of our websites, some more info here: I've never been able to solve the issue, although as it is infrequent and has always passed before I notice the email error notifications, I've never really spent a lot of time trying to replicate and debug it. In the linked thread it was said that disabling Tracy Debugger worked - I don't have this on the sites where this error tends to happen, but if you do perhaps that will solve it. Cheers, Chris
    1 point
  6. Note: the variable $process is undefined in my case, running PW 3.0.201. I used this instead: $page = $event->object->getPage(); // Page that was edited/saved
    1 point
  7. Bizarrely disabling Tracy Debugger was what stopped the issue for us in the end. I probably just need to update the module. Thanks for your help ?
    1 point
  8. Your version is not working because the runtime selector currently does not support parsing "today" to it's timestamp like the db selector engine does. $pages->find("template=repeater_events, end_date>today, sort=end_date, limit=2"); $pages->get("template=events")->events->find("end_date>" . time() . ", sort=end_date, limit=2");
    1 point
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