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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, Just announcing a couple of new features that have actually been live for a week or so. 1) Guest dumps This allows any calls to bd() be() etc by guest users (regular visitors, webhook calls etc) to be logged and displayed in the Dumps Recorder panel. This panel will open automatically (on page reload) on another browser tab (where you are logged in). To turn this feature on, click the "Enable Guest Dumps" toggle button on the Panel Selector. The cog icon for this panel will change to orange to let you know it's on. There is no security risk having it enabled, but if you have a well trafficked site and it is left on, the file that stores the recorded dumps could become very large so you won't want to leave this on. This is my favorite new feature in a very long time so be sure to try it out. 2) Automatic includes Any files you place in /templates/TracyDebugger/includes/ will be automatically included. You could have a file with some helper functions or the file could have an include statement to pull in a site-wide functions file. This will give you access to any functions in these files via the Console panel.
    7 points
  2. ProcessWire 3.0.197 resolves 9 issue reports and adds 3 feature requests. For details in resolved issues and feature requests, be sure to see the commit log. I'll cover a couple of my favorite feature requests that have been added this week: New $files->getCSV() method This comes by way of feature request #400 via @bernhard to add something to abstract away the redundant details of reading a CSV file into one simple method call. This simplifies the reading of a CSV file by abstracting file-open, get-header, get-rows and file-close operations into a single method call, where all those operations are handled internally. All you have to do is keep calling the $files->getCSV($filename) method until it returns false. This method will also skip over blank rows by default, unlike PHP’s fgetcsv() which will return a 1-column row with null value. Here's how you use it: Let's say we have this CSV file (first row is the header): Food,Type,Color Apple,Fruit,Red Banana,Fruit,Yellow Spinach,Vegetable,Green Here's how you'd use the new method: while($row = $files->getCSV('/path/to/foods.csv')) { echo "Food: $row[Food] "; echo "Type: $row[Type] "; echo "Color: $row[Color] "; } There are also several $options supported, see the $files->getCSV() documentation page for more. There's also a new $files->getAllCSV() method that does the same thing but returns all the rows in the CSV file in one call. Improvement to InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple Next was feature request #339 that requested adding the enhancement developed by @Robin S (via the PageListSelectMultipleQuickly module) into the core. This enhancement keeps the selectable page list open for multiple selections rather than closing it for each selection. It also better indicates when an item is selected. While I ended up writing it in a different way than Robin S.'s module, the end result is nearly identical to Robin S.'s short GIF screencast below: Also added this week is a new "visibility" option for Inputfields: Open + Locked (not editable), along with some small hook documentation improvements in the Pages class. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    5 points
  3. Good day, fellow Wireframe users! @Zeka once asked about how to organize large number of components in subfolders of components folder. Since then @teppointroduced view namespaces (for partials ATM), which probably could be extended to support components. We have found another way to use components in subfolders - via the usage of php namespaces. In @Zeka's case with the Blocks subdolder it would work like this: <?php // In [wireframeRoot]/components/Blocks/BlockText.php // Note the namespace namespace Wireframe\Component\Blocks; class BlockText extends \Wireframe\Component { ... and <?php // In the view file <?= Wireframe::component('Blocks\BlockText', [...]); ?> I guess this is possible due to PSR-4 compliance of the autoloader used. Or maybe @teppohas added something since then. Do you see this as a valid usage? Do you see any drawbаcks?
    1 point
  4. Another crazy idea - can you point this problematic install to the DB of a site that is working in recent PW core versions? It might help to determine whether it's a problem with the DB or the core files. Maybe also try to run optimize on all of the DB tables? Adminer (within Tracy) makes this easy.
    1 point
  5. I know it's not really any help, but testing here on my local dev setup on PHP 8.0 and PW v3.0.193 (and I just upgraded to v3.0.197 and tested again) with this DefaultPage.php class file: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class DefaultPage extends Page { public function returnParentId() { return $this->parent()->id; // or return $this->parent->id; } } And when I call it, I get the ID of the parent page:
    1 point
  6. @Flashmaster82 - I think at this point, you just have to wait for Google to reindex your pages. Have you submitted a sitemap.xml to help with this? In the future, if you are protecting the entire site, you might want to use the ProtectedMode module and use the maintenance mode option so Google knows it's temporary and won't update its index.
    1 point
  7. Add this to admin.less: //alerts @alert-primary-background: #ffd; @alert-primary-color: #354b60; This will bring back vanilla pw notice style.
    1 point
  8. You'd need to turn Event and EventArray into modules programmatically, i.e. add "implements Module" to the class declaration and add the static getModuleInfo() method. The returned array from that method is where you can set the autoload value. Then you can also drop the require_once() statements in the fieldtype's constructor. (And don't forget to install Event and EventArray Modules in the backend after the change)
    1 point
  9. So it is ublock-origin. Thank you for the pointer - I should have checked that first! Updated to add 1: I actually run UBO in all my browsers so there must be a settings difference between UBO in my FF and Brave installs - will look into it. Updated to add 2: Found it in case anyone else is interested. There's an entry in the UBO blocklist called "Fanboy's Annoyance" for .privacywire-wrapper that is causing the issue. I had this list enabled in FF but not in chrome.
    1 point
  10. Hello @Flashmaster82 we fix it in version 1.0.2.
    1 point
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