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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2021 in all areas

  1. This week has been a continuation of last week in terms of ProcessWire development. While a lot of work has been done, there's not much new to report relative to last week, but I like to check in and say hello either way. I enjoyed putting a lot of time into the PagesSnapshots module this week and it's coming along nicely, getting closer every day. Today I've focused primarily on resolving GitHub issue reports, and am going to keep doing that every week till our next master version, which I hope to be ready in 2-3 weeks (same for the new module). But we'll adjust as needed. The next master version is going to be really solid, so I'm getting excited about it. I will likely bump the dev branch version to 3.0.182 next week. There were a couple more minor issues I wanted to get resolved in 3.0.182 but needed to spend a little more time with before I commit to the dev branch. Thanks and have a great weekend.
    7 points
  2. @kaz If You put default then $options = array('markerIcon' => 'flag-checkered', 'markerColour' => 'orange', 'popupFormatter' => function($page) { $out[] = "<center><strong>Sub Header</strong></center>"; $out[] = "<center><img src=\"/images/logo.png\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" /></center>"; // ** NB: Use escaped double quotes if HTML attributes needed ** return implode('<br/>', $out); } ); And yours Main Header will be as link But if you add the parameter 'markerTitleField' then the field with the link will disappear. $options = array('markerIcon' => 'flag-checkered', 'markerColour' => 'orange', 'markerTitleField' => '', 'popupFormatter' => function($page) { $out[] = "<center><strong>Sub Header</strong></center>"; $out[] = "<center><img src=\"/images/logo.png\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" /></center>"; // ** NB: Use escaped double quotes if HTML attributes needed ** return implode('<br/>', $out); } ); You can see the result. It seems to me that this is exactly what you wanted to get. Without fixing the module codes.
    3 points
  3. I've tweaked the default colours (using the handy tool at https://learnui.design/tools/accessible-color-generator.html ) to be as close to the current colours as possible but still hitting AA contrast requirements. Here's before and after screenshots for comparison. I don't think it's too drastic a change... The admin.less changes for that are: /************************************************************** * Primary variables * * Adjusted to hit AA accessibility. * */ @reno-text-color: #354b60; @reno-link-color: #df2b5b; // #e83561; @reno-link-hover-color: darken(@reno-link-color, 10%); @reno-dark-background: #1C2836; @reno-muted-background: #f0f3f7; @reno-muted-text-color: #6f7580; // #8d939e; @reno-muted-text-color-alternate: #577898; // #6c8dae; @reno-primary-background: #008668; // #3eb998; @reno-secondary-background: #e2e9ef; @reno-success-background: #8bccde; @reno-success-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-warning-background: #FFD15E; @reno-warning-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-danger-background: #bc283d; @reno-danger-color: #fff; @reno-alert-background: #ffd; @reno-alert-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-primary-headline-color: #1C2836; @reno-secondary-headline-color: lighten(@reno-primary-headline-color, 30%); @reno-notes-text-color: @reno-muted-text-color; @reno-notes-background: #ffd; @reno-masthead-background: @reno-dark-background; @reno-masthead-link-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); @reno-masthead-link-hover-color: lightblue; @reno-masthead-link-current-color: #fff; @reno-masthead-icon-color: #6f7580; // #8d939e; @reno-masthead-search-text-color: #8d939e; // #008668 @reno-masthead-search-background: transparent; @reno-masthead-search-border-color: lighten(#253447, 10%); @reno-masthead-search-focus-background: lighten(#253447, 5%); @reno-masthead-search-focus-text-color: #fff; @reno-masthead-search-focus-border-color: @reno-masthead-search-focus-background; @reno-masthead-search-icon-color: @reno-masthead-icon-color; @reno-button-text-color: #fff; @reno-button-background: @reno-primary-background; @reno-button-hover-background: @global-link-color; @reno-button-secondary-background: @reno-muted-text-color-alternate; @reno-dropdown-background: #fff; @reno-dropdown-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-dropdown-hover-background: #e2e9ef; @reno-dropdown-border-color: #d9e1ea; @reno-dropdown-border: 1px solid @reno-dropdown-border-color; @reno-dropdown-nav-icon-color: #667982; //#97aab4; @reno-page-list-link-color: #7a002b; @reno-page-list-link-open-color: #bb153e; @reno-page-list-icon-color: @reno-link-color; @reno-page-list-link-active-color: @reno-link-hover-color; @reno-page-list-link-hover-color: @reno-link-hover-color; @reno-page-list-action-link-color: #fff; @reno-page-list-action-link-background-color: @reno-link-color; @reno-page-list-action-link-hover-color: #fff; @reno-page-list-action-link-hover-background-color: @reno-link-hover-color; @reno-inputfield-border: 1px solid #d9e1ea; @reno-inputfield-input-background: #f0f3f7; @reno-inputfield-input-border-color: #b1c3d4 #cbd7e3 #cbd7e3 #cbd7e3; @reno-inputfield-select-background: #f0f3f7; @reno-inputfield-select-border-color: #cbd7e3; @reno-form-radio-checked-background: @reno-muted-text-color-alternate; @reno-offcanvas-text-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-offcanvas-link-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-offcanvas-link-hover-color: @reno-link-color; @reno-offcanvas-link-open-color: @reno-link-color; @reno-offcanvas-background: @reno-secondary-background; @reno-offcanvas-search-background: #fff; @reno-language-tab-background: transparent; @reno-language-tab-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-language-tab-current-background: #d2dce6; @reno-language-tab-current-color: @reno-primary-headline-color; @reno-language-tab-hover-background: @reno-muted-background; @reno-language-tab-hover-color: @reno-text-color; @reno-language-tab-empty-color: @reno-muted-text-color; @reno-table-header-color: @reno-muted-text-color-alternate; @reno-table-header-current-color: @reno-primary-background; I think it'd be worth updating to the defaults to something like this - seems an easy step in the right direction.
    3 points
  4. Pete and I have been using Postmark in some PW based projects at reasonable scale (>13k emails a month) and have found it to be an exceptionally good API-based transactional email provider with fast delivery times and great availability. It seems strange that there is no WireMail offering (as far as we know of anyway) that supports Postmark, so we thought we'd throw one together in case anyone else in the community wants to give Postmark a try. NB: This is not the code we use in our production systems, just a rainy-day project to fill a gap in the WireMail ecosystem. However, it should be sufficient to get you going with Postmark. We hope you find it useful and please let us know if you find any issues. WireMailPostmark module on Netcarver's github account. Screenshot from my test account:
    1 point
  5. Hi all, we made a small module for sending SMS via Sms77.io. It supports sending to one and multiple users. You can download it from GitHub and follow the instructions on how to install it - it is quite easy. An API key is required for sending, get yours for free @ Sms77 and receive 0,50 €. Hope this helps somebody and we are open for improvement suggestions! Best regards André
    1 point
  6. @Andy This works perfect, good job!
    1 point
  7. I'm not sure that I fully understand what you need to do, but I have a couple of thoughts. One is that runtime fields and searches won't mix well, and if you need to maintain a field for some kind of sort code, you'd be better off hooking on saveReady to maintain a field. The other is that it can be quicker than you expect to loop through the results of a search (so long as there aren't huge numbers). So a good strategy might be to get as few pages as possible using selectors, and then loop through those pages to produce the final result.
    1 point
  8. I worked on this too. Attached is my modified admin theme I posted somewhere on the forum, but this version is bit modified, I tried to fix some focus issues... admin.less
    1 point
  9. @Andy Unfortunately, I could not find a solution with it to remove the link to the Global Setting either. At my complete code no URL is called at any point, I think that the module adds the link uncalled. Why, I have no idea. <?php $options = array( 'popupFormatter' => function($page) { $out[] = "<strong>Company</strong>"; $out[] = "Street"; $out[] = "ZIP City"; return implode('<br/>', $out); } ); echo $map->render($pages->get('1028'), 'settings_location', $options); ?> If someone like me calls the data from Global Settings I would appreciate your feedback. How did you defined it? // Edit: I find a solution in a post from 2017: In MarkupLeafletMap.js, I changed the code marker.bindPopup("<b><a href='" + marker.linkURL + "'>" + title + "</a></b>" + extra); to marker.bindPopup("" + extra + ""); Then the line breaks: extra = '<br />' + extra; to extra = '' + extra;
    1 point
  10. Bump up to v0.6.0 Breaking Changes renamed AbstractRepository to AbstractPagesRepository added new ProcessWireService / ProcessWireServiceInterface as wrapper to access ProcessWire in a centralized way and to reduce wire() function calls. replaced all wire() function calls with using ProcessWireService
    1 point
  11. @BillH Hi BillH, now your script does exactly what it is made for. Everything works fine, and I have learned more about PHP. Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  12. Here you go! You need to decide how big each batch will be and set the $startPage and $endPage values each time you run the script. For example, if you have 1230 pages and decide to run the script three times you could use 0 and 499; 500 and 999; 1000 and 1300. Note that you should start at 0 (because the indexing of the page array starts at 0). And it's OK if the last number is larger than the total number of pages. Note also that I haven't tested the code, so let me know if it doesn't work! <?php // If you put the script in /site/ this is OK (otherwise you may need to amend) include("../index.php"); // Change these two values for each batch $startPage = 0; $endPage = 499; // Change the selector to match your pages $selectedRecords = $wire->pages->find("template=my-template"); echo "Pages with images: " . count($selectedRecords) . "<br/>"; $pageCounter = 0; $recordsProcessed = 0; foreach($selectedRecords as $thisRecord) { $pageCounter += 1; if (($pageCounter >= $startPage) && ($pageCounter <= $endPage)) { echo $thisRecord->title . "<br/>"; $recordsProcessed += 1; if(count($thisRecord->article_images)) { $thisRecord->of(false); foreach($thisRecord->article_images as $image) { $description = $image->description; $credit = $image->credit; $image->photo_caption = $description; $image->photo_credit = $credit; $thisRecord->save('article_images'); } $thisRecord->save(); } } } echo "<p>Records processed: {$recordsProcessed}</p>"; ?>
    1 point
  13. Bump up to v0.5.0 I added a tutorial for a simple Symprowire Blog Application. You can find the tutorial here: https://github.com/Luis85/symprowire/wiki/Symprowire-Blog-Tutorial To keep up with development and organize the project I added a GitHub Project and corresponding Issue Management. You can find it here: https://github.com/Luis85/symprowire/projects/1
    1 point
  14. Maybe we should ask @Pete and @ryan if we can somehow add an attention-banner within the forum and maybe even the website for all to see in order to star the project. 700 is so... weird and so low... that sound so wrong!
    1 point
  15. Reputation count is now back next to post count ?
    1 point
  16. ProcessWire 3.0.181 has fixes and improvements as usual, but the biggest addition is a nice pull request from @LostKobrakai, plus major updates to our Helloworld and ProcessHello demonstration modules. This post covers it all— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.181-hello/
    1 point
  17. I have implemented the module, it works fine. The data comes from a page with global settings. What I don't understand, the marker has a link to the Global Settings page. But I don't want a link in the marker, I just want the marker with name and address. In the description I found how to add an address, but unfortunately not how to remove the link. $options = array('markerIcon' => 'star', 'markerColour' => 'blue'); echo $map->render($pages->get('1025'), 'location', $options); Can the link be prevented in the options?
    1 point
  18. Getting OT here, but if the page names are publicly accessible anywhere but the email addresses are supposed to be private then you risk leaking the users' emails because base64 encoding is pretty recognisable and easily decoded by anyone. In that case it would be safer to encrypt the email addresses for the name using something like openssl_encrypt(). Also base64 strings can contain characters that are not URL safe so you'd need to replace those, e.g. "+" and "/".
    1 point
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