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I'm definitely interested in "modularizing" this part, or alternatively adding support in some other easy-to-enable way. Modules would be a logical solution, but on the other hand it could be even nicer if there was a way (perhaps via Composer) to skip the module part, install the engine, and be done with it. Might be too much to ask, but who knows, maybe I could still make it work out of the box for a couple of popular engines or something ? I had a quick read about Smarty before posting here, and my initial impression was that it was somewhat obsolete – though now that I've actually checked out their site, it seems that it's at least receiving regular updates, so perhaps that text was a bit opinionated (what a shocker – someone on the Internet might not have been objective ?♂️) They mentioned Smarty being slower these days (apparently it used to be categorically faster than Twig or something), and also talked about it "not being secure by default" (which, I assume, was referring to not automatically escaping content). Not sure how much of those is really true either. I must admit that right now I'm inclined to favour Twig, though, even if for the reason that – in my opinion – a templating language that allows PHP kind of misses the point. I get why one might want to do that, but the way I see it, that eliminates a couple of major reasons to use a templating language in the first place... and suggests that perhaps PHP might've been a better choice in the first place ? Back in the days I wrote a blog post comparing PHP and Twig, but let's not go there now – opinions and all that ? I'll definitely take a closer look at your tutorials, thanks for reminding me of these! And yes, I do think that Twig support would make sense. Honestly the main reason I've included Blade at the top of my list is the Laravel connection: if Blade support could make it easier for someone to move from Laravel to ProcessWire, that'd be a nice little bonus ? I can definitely see your point. Wireframe itself currently requires PHP 7.1, and officially I've recommended going with one of the supported PHP versions, which at the moment means at least 7.2. PHP 7.1 was EOL'd at the beginning of December, so technically using it is no longer recommended (although if it came with a supported Linux distro, it might still be receiving security updates.) As such, I don't think that any of these frameworks is really going too fast – but I do appreciate your point of view and the info you've dug out (I had no idea which versions were supported) ? You're also right in that it's problematic if the engine isn't well supported. The problem with Blade is that I'd like to support it (due to the Laravel connection), but the official releases are not standalone. As such, it would have to be one of the "unofficial" spin-offs, which I'll admit is not an ideal situation. I've experienced this first hand in the past (with Dust). Twig and Latte definitely have the upper hand here. Markup Regions is on my todo list, but I can honestly say that I haven't given it much thought yet. I can see how that would make certain things easier, but I'm also afraid that it'll make it very, very hard to figure out what's going on – mixing Wireframe concepts (layouts, placeholders, partials, and components in particular) with markup regions seems like it could be powerful, but there's a truckload of confusion ahead if one dares to dive too deep into that particular rabbits hole ? Thanks everyone for your comments so far! At the moment I'm leaning towards Twig as the first experiment, then Latte (if all goes well), and finally Blade. Unless some new information shows up, that is. Apparently there haven't been that many major changes in this field lately – I used Twig with some Zend Framework projects back in the days, and by the looks of it it's still going strong ?3 points
Why not use the dev version of PW instead? It's going to be released as the new stable/master version probably within the next week anyway. Would save you the effort of going back to 7.3.2 points
I love TracyDebugger, but today I had a hard time debugging some stuff and tried XDebug to get support for breakpoints. It was a quite straightforward setup: create a file on your server and output phpinfo() Copy the content of this page to the wizard: https://xdebug.org/wizard.php DON'T follow the instructions there, it's simpler with laragon (choose your files and paths of course): Download php_xdebug-2.6.0-7.1-vc14-x86_64.dll Move the downloaded file to C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.1.14-Win32-VC14-x64\ext Enable xdebug via laragon check if everything worked by visiting the phpinfo() page again - it should show a section about xdebug now enable validaton in vscode by adjusting the user settings: "php.validate.enable": true, "php.validate.executablePath": "C:/laragon/bin/php/php-7.1.14-Win32-VC14-x64/php.exe", "php.validate.run": "onType", install "PHP Debug" extension by Felix Becker and read the instructions enable remote debugging by xdebug by adding this to your php.ini [XDebug] xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 create a testfile, eg home.php and set the debug config to "PHP" add breakpoints and start debugging by pressing the green play icon reload your page in the browser and the debugger will stop on lines 2 and 3 where we set the breakpoints. open vscode (if you don't have two screens) and follow code execution step by step. There are also some videos on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poty5nKk2m4 If XDebug slows down your server you can simple enable/disable it via laragon. This will require only two clicks and reload apache automatically1 point
1 point
Sorry for being off-topic, but I have noticed this on the ProcessWire Sites directory too, but not on my UIkit based websites. I don‘t know what causes this, but the Chrome task manager shows a high CPU percentage although nothing happens. @Macrura Great website. ?1 point
Thanks a lot for your suggestions @szabesz @bernhard I really like ImageSorcerer and ImageReference. The former for its creativity, the latter for its clarity and reference to the page reference field. The more I think about it the more I tend towards ImageReference. It says it all clear what this fieldtype and inputfield are doing: allowing you to store a reference to an image that lives elsewhere in the system. I had that thought, too. But I decided to leave them as separate options mainly because the 'select image from page' allows to setup a dedicated page with a set of images to choose from and to categorize them by using child pages. If I made this a flexible option it might not be obvious for developers and editors what is really happening here. What I'm currently working on is having the PageListSelect remember the page that the image was selected from. Will release this feature before end of this year.1 point
Hi @ All, I am Miljan and I've spent 10 years in various Joomla! teams and I love Joomla. Saw a lot of things, roads, milestones, changes, decisions and participated but my voice was not loud enough sometimes. Sometimes things went in the wrong direction. There is various CMSs - WordPress (brrr), Joomla!, Drupal, Typo etc etc. Ecommerce: Magento, Os etc etc... There is various frameworks: YII etc etc. So, PLEASE guys, do not change much ProcessWire, especially in those directions, it is excellent as it is. It is fantastic!!! DO NOT make media manager, do not make CMS features you can find everywhere. One thing will lead another and at the end PW would be just as any s*** we all escaped from. Please, improving core and adding here and there certain features would be fantastic. The only thing, maybe, my suggestion, is to gather team (not suggesting myself because for a longer time I am not good programmer) to control modules quality attached to this web and check out the code for malicious things. That's all.1 point
I also came from Joomla and was so happy to discover ProcessWire. It was a game changer for me. The good thing about PW is, that you can have all these things on demand as modules. So it is up to the developer to choose features they want to include on a site.1 point
Maybe take a look here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1041 https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/943 You may need to either install a lower version of PHP, or upgrade to the dev branch latest.1 point