@Jens Martsch - dotnetic, I had set it up some years ago under win7 with a (sort of) proxy batchfile. It is a single file, that I pointed the modules default protocol settings to. Don't know if this can be of help for you, as I hadn't read all the posts here. But here is the windows batchfile that I use(d):
$editor = "C:\\Program Files\\NuSphere\\PhpED\\phped.exe";
if($argc > 1) $url = $argv[1];
list($file, $line) = explode('&line=', str_replace(array('editor://open/?url=file://', ''), '', urldecode($url)));
if(is_file($file)) {
exec("\"$editor\" \"$file\" --line=$line");
SET PHP=C:\php\php.exe
%PHP% "%0" %*
Short explanation:
the batch script (maybe named something like "tracyopener.bat", located somewhere in the system path) is called with the tracy default params for file & line.
the first line tells the win batch interpreter to skip the PHP section and start at the line where the php exe is defined
the next line calls the PHP interpreter, passes the own script to it "%0", followed by all other params "%*", what is an alias for %1 - %9
when the PHP interpreter processes the script, the first line is interpreted as HTML or text output and therefor ignored.
the next lines get and prepare the passed params for usage with my preferred editor NuSphere PhpEd, using the exec() function.