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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2018 in all areas

  1. InputfieldPage can be seen as a "layered" inputfield. InputfieldPage itself takes care of the basic logic (processing input, rendering contents etc.) but the ui input itself is delegated to another inputfield type (plain select, ASM select, page autocomplete etc.). Since all of the page related logic (outside specific page inputs like autocomplete or pagelistselect) is inside InputfieldPage, the "real" input modules themselves can be used to input other things besides PW pages too since all they have to deal with are options with values and labels.
    3 points
  2. You are obviously missing TracyDebugger ?? SCNR, but joke aside, tracy does also help you a lot on ajax debugging. It has fl() = firelog and bd() = bardump that can help a lot to see what's going on! A quick guess: If you are using custom AJAX scripts it might be the case that the headers are not set correctly so that PW recognizes it as $config->ajax == true. Maybe that's not at all helpful, not sure, but in a hurry ?
    2 points
  3. @thlinna, could you specify what kind of issues you were experiencing? I've just installed this on a PW 3.0.118 site, and so far no luck: the module installs as expected, fields show up in user editor, and a user with login_disabled checked cannot log in or use the admin. The module wasn't exactly verbose about what it was doing during install/uninstall, so I'll push a new version that lists fields and template(s) affected during both install and uninstall. Other than that this version doesn't really change anything, since I'm not seeing any issues here yet ?
    2 points
  4. I believe it's an issue with DropZone. I've decided to do the following: if(count($_FILES['file']) == 0) { $error = "Please upload your entries."; } else { $count = count($_FILES['file']['name']); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $file = $p->images->path . $sanitizer->pageName($_FILES['file']['name'][$i]); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i], $file)) { $p->images->add($file); } } } if(!$error) $p->save(); Which works a charm ? Thanks @bernhard
    1 point
  5. To be honest, I do not know what went wrong. But now, with the new version, it is working like charm. Cheers mate!
    1 point
  6. v18 adds a plugin that can sync page fields with rockgrid columns: Example Setup Adding the asm in a processmodule. $fs is a fieldset where we add our InputField to. $gridname is the name of the grid that is connected. // which lists to show $this->wire->config->scripts->append($this->wire->urls($this) . "scripts/manageLists.js"); $fs->add([ 'type' => 'InputfieldAsmSelect', 'name' => 'listsToShow', 'label' => __('Show list membership for...'), 'attr' => ['data-grid' => $gridname], 'asmOptions' => ['sortable'=>false], ]); $f = $fs->getChildByName('listsToShow'); $f->setAsmSelectOption('sortable', false); foreach($pages->get('template=rockmailer_lists')->children as $item) { $f->addOption($item->id, $item->title); } And the portion of the javascript file: // sync ASM field with displayed lists in grid // attach event listener when document is ready $(document).ready(function() { var $select = $('#Inputfield_listsToShow'); var colPrefix = 'rockmailer_list_'; RockGrid.plugins.syncAsmSelect({ asm: $('#Inputfield_listsToShow'), grid: RockGrid.getGrid($select.data('grid')), colName: function(pageId) { return colPrefix + pageId; }, colDef: function(col) { col = RockGrid.colDefs.yesNo(col, { isYes: function(params) { var pageId = String(params.column.colId).replace(colPrefix, ''); var lists = String(params.data.rockmailer_lists).split(','); return lists.indexOf(pageId) > -1 ? true : false; } }); col.pinned = 'left'; return col; } }); }); In this case we set a custom callback to modify the colDef for the column. It uses the yesNo plugin to show icons instead of true/false values:
    1 point
  7. This worked for me: Alternatively this also worked, in /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/config.js: CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.colorButton_colors = 'CF5D4E,454545,FFF,CCC,DDD,CCEAEE,66AB16'; };
    1 point
  8. Cool to see there are options to probably take away a lot if not all of the things I mentioned. I really think the option for having the site tree visually present all the time will be great for people who only edit their site once every month or less. But it is probably unwanted for people who really need to do a lot of work on pages and want all the space they can so cool that it's an option ? I will keep an eye on Processwire and I'll probably do another test some time soon to see what happens if I do some small tweaks to make the admin even more friendly for non technical people.
    1 point
  9. Sounds like you want to use a "real" template system ?
    1 point
  10. How to install a customized ProcessWire instance in less than a minute All you need is to copy one file to your server, then upload a kickstartfile like this: <?php return [ 'pwurl' => 'https://github.com/processwire/processwire/archive/dev.zip', 'dbName' => 'kick', 'dbUser' => 'kick', 'dbPass' => 'Kix8s08$', ]; and if you want to customize your instance after installation you can create recipe files like this: <?php $this->installModule('TracyDebugger', 'https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/archive/master.zip'); $this->installModule('AdminOnSteroids', 'https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/archive/master.zip'); $this->installModule('Repeater'); it needs a lot more cleanup and testing but any thoughts and ideas are welcome until i can finish it... BTW: it's not only about saving time - this could also be very helpful to share whole instances for debugging.
    1 point
  11. News Update - 10 October 2018 I know many of you are eagerly awaiting the next version of Padloper. I thought I'd give you a couple of updates regarding progress. First, I'd like to thank you for the feature requests and your support. As previously stated, it will not be possible to accommodate all requests and those that may be accommodated may have to wait till other releases. OK, to the update. The following have so far been achieved. FieldtypeProducts A new Fieldtype for storing products including their variants, if any. This allows for easy retrieval and storage of data and and API that makes it easy to filter, search, manipulate, update, etc product details. So..: $foo = $products->find("colour=red,quantity<10"); $bar = $product->first(); echo $bar->size; echo $bar->price; // etc Discounts We have a new discounts class that allows for 4 types of discounts each with generic and specific requirements. Percentage discount Fixed amount discount Free shipping discount Buy X Get Y discount In turn, as applicable, the discounts are subject to generic conditions including customer country,named customers, customers subscribing to your newsletter, global usage, customer usage limits, customers who abandoned carts, start/expiration dates, etc. There are also discount-specific conditions including whether to apply discount to entire order, specific products or specific categories/collections, minimum requirements (purchase amount or quantity of eligible products in cart), etc. Import/Export Products This class allows for importing products into your shop as CSV, JSON or arrays. It is 98% done. It will also allow for exporting products as CSV (and maybe in future, as JSON, if there is demand). MarkupPadloper This is WIP to eventually replace PadRender. This allows for retrieving products, product tags, product categories, etc, either as ready-to-render (i.e. includes the markup) vs retrieving the raw product details so one can use their own markup, anywhere, anyhow, to output products. Other A bit of work on customer notifications (including email templates) and FieldtypeOrders for orders plus some other stuff. I got a lot to do, so I better get cracking! ? Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  12. I guess... we all love and use 3rd party scripts, tools, services and modules for our ProcessWire projects. From image galleries to contact forms and newsletter subscription services lot's of things are already there and ready for use. So I am looking for your most common used and trusted scripts, tools, services and modules. You may ask yourself why I want to know this and before hiding everything behind curtains here is the answer: I plan to create a collection of ready to use ProcessWire snippets for common and often used scripts, tools, services and modules. Therefore I'd like to know what you use for your projects so I can create those ready-to-use snippets. I already have a broad collection of snippets I use everytime but I think there could be much much more. For example: I like to use Owl Carousel 2 and Slick slider for image galleries and/or sliders and Mailchimp as a newsletter subscription service. The main goal is that I want to provide working solutions and answers for ProcessWire starters. More and more questions in the forums are 3rd party related (How do I use this gallery script in PW? or How does this service could be used in PW?) and for those I want to create a copy&paste / ready-to-use collection of snippets. So... I ask you to tell me your most used scripts, tools, services and modules. Feel free to share your trusted 3rd party options with me. P.S.: I don't ask you for your snippets and solutions as they are your business secret and someone already paid you for it. But... if you want to share your scripts with me and the public you are more than welcome. P.S. 2: Modules will be part of this collection Things, thoughts and details about my project so far: Idea: born Domain: registered Hosting: paid / sponsored Scripts: in progress Tools: in progress Services: in progress Modules: in progress Free, premium, freemium: free (no ads, no tracking, no affiliate links) Authors: you & me (full credits given to you) Ideas, thoughts, questions, answers? Let me know!
    1 point
  13. This is now going to happen as part of Padloper itself! :-). Cross-referencing with the relevant thread. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/19912-future-of-padloper-new-project-lead-announcement/
    1 point
  14. @Juergen, I think that option is available in the module configuration in the admin and it just means that a single user account would be created and every FB account would map there. I'm having the same issue though: using the Login for Facebook and the Login/Register modules together results in duplicate accounts for the same email address. If someone already registered their email address and later logins with Facebook, the module creates another user with the same email address, rather than map the FB account to the existing user account. Since the Login/Register module is already integrated with the FB module (it outputs a login link automatically if the FB module is found), it would be a great idea to integrate the two modules even further. The front end login form uses email rather than username on my site so duplicate email addresses are an even bigger problem. Any idea how to get around this? The site is selling tickets, it would lead to confusions and lost orders because of this.
    1 point
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