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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi I've been working on a site that needed a calendar. Specifically it needed a calendar with support for some rather iffy recurrence patterns. This is all still pretty rough but I have written two modules. Calendar : Implementes basic event recurrence expansion using four fields: calendar_start calendar_end calendar_rrule calendar_exdate these fields are created on install (but not removed!) and are added to the template: calendar-event which is created on install (but again not removed on uninstall!). the calendar-event template is intended to be expanded to represent the needed calendar event structure. The ProcessCalendarAdmin provides a calendar admin gui. the modules and a slightly more detailed readme can be found on github https://github.com/lindquist/processwire-calendar I'm not sure how much more time I can/will spend on this, so here it is in case anyone finds it useful
    2 points
  2. Glad to hear you like ProcessWire, and hope to be of help here. Also: welcome to the forum! Check out this post by Tom Reno. Apparently they're using Shibboleth, and he even mentioned the idea of turning this into a configurable module. You could always drop him a note and check if he's got any plans regarding this; I'm sure there are others who'd benefit from that kind of module too This depends a lot on how you want to manage your site. Above you mentioned per-user page-specific permissions, which is one approach you could definitely take; there are many examples of something similar floating around the forum, it's surprisingly easy to build yourself, and then there's the Page Edit Per User module by Ryan. On the other hand, if you're interested in a solution that's slightly less "fine-grained" but easier to manage, Ryan's Dynamic Roles module is also worth checking out. I haven't used it that much myself, so won't go into detail on it's inner workings; from what I can tell, it's used on many large-scale sites already. We've been using the UserGroups module for all of our "per-page view/edit" needs, and we're quite happy with it; might be partly because we've been heavily involved in the creation of this module, of course. UserGroups adds a new concept of "user groups", and lets you assign view or edit permissions for each given page to one or more of these groups, which in turn can contain any number of users. Permissions are inherited, so you don't have to specify permissions for each page individually. Wanted to answer this part separately, since the answer (to me) is quite obvious: absolutely not! On the other hand, a few modules here and there are not a problem, and most of the modules you'll find in the Modules Directory are of great quality. While you can't (and shouldn't, even if you could) build a ProcessWire site just by using installing a bunch of modules, you should feel safe to make use of those that do fit your needs. We're not like [insert the name of a very popular blogging platform here], and the answer to every need isn't "there's a plugin for that". With ProcessWire you'll most likely be doing much more hand-crafting, but for many popular needs there's also a handy module – and if there isn't, just ask and often you'll be surprised at how fast the community can answer with a full-fledged solution.
    2 points
  3. The BMW Dealersites is a collaboration of various BMW dealers, brought together in a multisite ProcessWire setup with centralized and per-dealer contentmanagement possibilities. For anyone interesed, below a quick glance at the multisite pagetree: BMW enforces strict design guideliness for all websites that are built carrying the BMW logo. The guideliness are extensive but can be considered a bit outdated, since they do not take responsive possibilities into account yet. We managed to implement a responsive setup nevertheless, still complying to the guideliness. Which was quite a struggle, I can assure you As mentioned, the Dealersites is a collaboration of various BMW dealers. The idea is that all dealersites are basically the same (fields and templates), yet content may vary. This enabled us to create a centralized content module, in which content can be added and copied to all underlaying dealersites, minimizing the efforts needed to add and maintain content. See the screenshot below for an impression on how this works. We have been experimenting with hosting a bit. The sites are hosted using various Docker instances on an Amazon EC2 server, and mails are sent using Amazon SES. In the near future we plan on implementing ProCache3 with Amazon CloudFront. If you need any info on our experiences with this, just drop a line in this topic or sent me a DM. We have used quite a few modules, but nothing exotic. FormBuilder was used to create forms, some of which are handled by a third party URL to have added functionality: shooting Leads to an external webservice for example. The dealersites: http://www.vanlaarhovenbmw.nl http://www.vanhooffbmw.nl http://www.demaassche-venlo.nl http://www.demaassche-echt.nl http://www.nobracars-uden.nl http://www.nobracars-helmond.nl http://www.story-denbosch.nl http://www.story-waardenburg.nl http://www.story-nijmegen.nl Splashpages: http://www.nobracars.nl http://www.demaassche.nl http://www.bertstory.nl Work was done by us at X-com
    1 point
  4. i think one workaround would be to use admin custom files (what this module grew out of), which could provide you with the ability to define your jQuery selectors manually... not totally sure - i would need to look again to see if there is some descendant selector you could use to isolate only fields you want.... or maybe use the module, but then admin custom files with custom jQuery to remove/disable it where it is messing up things?
    1 point
  5. Thanks Tom for all the work... Reno theme looks great!
    1 point
  6. The simple solution is: .MarkupPagerNav li { display: none; } .MarkupPagerNavPrevious, .MarkupPagerNavNext { display: inline; } --- EDIT: actually, did you try to set the "numPageLinks" options to 0? $results->renderPager(array( 'numPageLinks' => 0 )); I don't know if it works, but it's worth trying
    1 point
  7. I moved to Berlin in April and left behind the graphic design studio I co-founded in Basel to get myself more into digital product design. Last week one of my old clients from Basel approached me because they are currently thinking about implementing an own web shop on their website (run on PW). Now I’m looking out for a Berlin-based PW dev with experience in implementing web shops (external platforms or/and PadLoper) in a PW environment who would be interested in collaborating with me on this. I’d mainly work on the design and provide support with the project/code structure on implementation. If this sounds interesting to you, get in touch! If you are very interested and not based in Berlin, don’t hesitate to reply anyway. Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  8. The context dropdown does come a little close to the tabs, when editing fields or templates on a narrow screen.
    1 point
  9. I also reworked how the top navigation is built, so it's easier to add/remove items now via hook. I'll work on getting some instructions and examples written up.
    1 point
  10. To echo what LostKobrakai said above... I think it's too limiting to have default max-width. Building complex admin systems requires a lot of space at times, and being able to create multiple columns in the admin is a major strength. However, it's pretty easy to add the CSS yourself without modifying the theme. Check out the Admin Custom Files module for adding your own CSS that will persist across updates.
    1 point
  11. Haven't tried this yet, but worth looking into: http://dbv.vizuina.com/
    1 point
  12. ProcessWire is now listed here: http://opensource.com/resources/projects-and-applications
    1 point
  13. Thanks for the clarification, Pete. I was pretty sure that there's something like this, but wasn't sure at what state it was. Seems that there are a couple of solutions to this, in fact, and this one by Conclurer seems like the best choice at the moment This, I'd say, would in most (especially "enterprise" scale) cases be intentional. If you can't validate current user via the master server for whatever reason, you can't know for sure if the user still has a valid account.. and thus you definitely shouldn't let her in. Sure, stable connection is a necessity, but this is also the only way to be sure
    1 point
  14. Just thought I'd add that there's an LDAP login module (on mobile so can't find the link right now) that I've been using just fine for authentication with Windows 2008 and 2012 servers from an external Apache server with no issues whatsoever (well unless one can't talk to the other due to network issues but you could sunc your username and password with PWs users every login and just let PW handle the login if it can't see the LDAP server for whatever reason).
    1 point
  15. the need you are describing was the primary motivating force behind this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-page-field-edit-links i use it in a scenario much like what you describe (couldn't do without it!)
    1 point
  16. Refresh listerPro after closing/saving the modal: (You need to enable 'Additional javascript config data' in the settings) $(function () { if (config.AdminCustomFiles.process === 'ProcessPageListerPro') { $(document).on('dialogbeforeclose', '.pw-modal-window', function() { $("#_ProcessListerRefreshTab").click(); }); } });
    1 point
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