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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2012 in all areas

  1. Fancy Admin Mode Just had a little funwith fancybox iframes, and created a little module that opens all admin links (topnav links, edit, view, new, copy actions) except "Pages" screen and "Site", "Search" in a FancyBox, so you'll never leave the page tree. It even works with inherit editing child pages. Download: https://github.com/s.../FancyAdminMode Little screencast to se it in action:
    6 points
  2. Just recorded a video of a larger Site I've done some already know of (in this forum). Since a long time I wanted to share something, that maybe of use to others, so here it goes. It shows some technique I use often to give shortcuts to editors when editing content on the page. It's ideal to use for summary entries to give them a direct edit link, or for data pages that have no real view and are located somewhere else in the page tree. Basicly it's simple and just requires to add Fancybox js to the front-end, and you may already have it, or if now use another lightbox that has iframe capabilities. Also if there's not lightbox plugin you need in the site, just load them conditionally using $user->isLoggedin() check. Then generate simple edit buttons/link where you like, and add a "?id=1001" to the url PW admin edit url (/processwire/page/edit/). You can do this without fancybox modal as the default basic-install shows, but using fancybox can make the experience a lot better. To have the navigation of the admin not shown you just add a &modal=1 to the url. Code to generate the year link seen in the video is: if($user->isLoggedin()){ foreach($chart_years as $year){ if($year->editable()) { // if editable by user. echo "<a class='editpage-inline' href='http://" . $config->urls->httpHost . $config->urls->admin . "page/edit/?id=". $year->id ."&modal=1'>edit ".$year->title."</a> "; } } } Then in your JScript you would add fancybox functionality to the links like this. $('a.fancybox-iframe, a.editpage-inline').fancybox({ type: 'iframe', centeronscroll: true, autoScale: true, width: 900, height: '80%' }); Minimal effort, maximal effect.
    4 points
  3. http://ace.ajax.org/#nav=production We're on the fourth line
    4 points
  4. * Copyright 2013 by Antti Peisa Holy cow — this is from the future.
    4 points
  5. This thread was started for a different trip, but figured I'd re-use it since it was already here. I'm back in town finally after a great vacation. Thanks to everyone for keeping things running smoothly here. It looks like it's been an exciting week here with all that's going on with the Wiki and some cool releases. I look forward to getting caught up! Today I'm just unpacking and such, but will be back in the forum and email tomorrow. It may take me a few days to get fully caught up. To people that have posted messages directed at me or emailed me, thanks for your patience. I will be sure to get caught up on every thread and email.
    2 points
  6. My personal preference is that the book is not dependent on example files. I prefer to study by books than on the screen, and also prefer to take them with me and read anywhere. I always get a bit irritated when the flow of the book depends on me sitting by a computer...
    2 points
  7. Arf'noon Soma Oh, no, I haven't forgotten the cheat sheet - and that should make up part of any online system where it can be used as much as a cross referencing index as anything else. And .... Er. I think I said all the newbie stuff in my long post up there ↑ But yes - I think the Book is particularly well suited to taking people who have basically an html/css understanding (not expert, but can work through it) and then taking them bit by bit through the rest. However, as I said a couple of posts ago, it needs to be laid out in such a way so if the actually know the technique, they can easily skip it without losing their place. One of the big pit falls of many of the books out their (even the properly published and edited ones) is that if you miss a section because you know how to do a foreach loop, for instance, you suddenly find that within that bit there was also something important that you DIDN'T know. So, getting that right is important. By the way, I see nothing wrong with teaching good PHP practice using PW as the tutorial stage. Good marketing that! Joss
    2 points
  8. I think it would make sense to collaborate and expand on apeisa's module. The majos thing that is missing is the integration of payment gateways, and honestly, that's not very difficult to do by reading each one's documentation. With lots of people working on that direction, one gateway at a time, I think it could be done.
    2 points
  9. Pete, you are spot on. As a sound engineer and advertising producer/copywriter over the years, every product launch I was involved in never happened until the the user manual was completed - even if that was just how many spoons of the product you put into your tea cup! It was right up there on the top of the todo list. Open source products have a huge problem with documentation. The first is unsolvable: Any product that is basically one person working on the project more or less as a hobby (they have a full time job) and not having any proper way to finance it, simply is not in the position to write a full, properly crafted, user manual on top of the basic technical documentations. As a one-person cottage industry they quite possibly don't have the skill-set either; Ryan has good communication skills, but that is rare. Just to compound the problem, there is a high chance that they don't speak the most useful language, English, as a native language. (To be honest, some of the stuff I have read over the years sounds like someone struggling with the language, only for me to discover that they ARE English!!!) The second is a sort of bad habit .... the more users you get, and therefore the more experienced users you have, the larger the group gets that doesn't have a need for a proper user guide/book. The trouble is that it is easy to forget that you have a growing number of users on the periphery that are simply struggling, that really could do with the help/education. Even wonderful cross-referenced documentation (some people have listed some great examples that they have found) does not do it. That comes into play once you have really got your head into the system and now need to know how to programme up those one thousand and one ideas you have just had. So, I agree. A book. And you could go the whole way here - a proper book. There are several advantages: Those that are involved in writing it can get a little bit of income from their hard work. (probably not very much!) The project itself can get a small amount of finance from the publication. It becomes a marketing tool that by being promoted, promotes the initial project. By making the system incredibly accessible to a huge range of people with different skill levels, it broadens out the user base, which inevitably promotes the project again, with all the spin offs that can engender. So, three sets of information. 1. Core Documentation Definitely free - built on the API (or expanded from it), that gives basic examples in a small chunk fashion. Matthew Scheneker has started playing with an idea using PW for that, which could be interesting. 2. Basic Start tutorial Free again - a walk through on the lines that I have been playing with on the Wiki that takes the user from nothing to a fully working site with a couple of tricky bits thrown in. 3. A complete book Probably sold through something like Manning or Kindle, that not only takes the user on a journey using ProcessWire from just listing planets to creating full, complex applications, but also teaches them the basic PHP/PW knowledge they need to achieve that. The only assumption it would make about the user is that they have some basic working CSS/HTML knowledge and are keen to learn using good working practices. This sort of book does not need to alienate the more advanced user (very, very advanced users probably would not buy the book anyway), because it can be structured and laid out with sidebars and so on that can be skipped by those who "know how to do that." As someone who would benefit from such a book, I would also be very interested in collaborating on it with someone who had all the necessary technical knowledge.... (hint) Is ProcessWire ready for this? If I look back over the last 15 years or so of playing with the internet I do seem to crop up in a rather large number of forums, beta testing lists, the odd article and so on .... Can be quite embarrassing (and thank goodness most of those have vanished along with the projects) .... . So maybe I have a little more industry experience than I sometimes admit too.... purely from the edges, you understand. (and it is true about having bugger all programming skills!) So, I was reading a long forum post on the Symphony forums from 2011 by Ryan - http://getsymphony.com/discuss/thread/79645/ - which included a little bit of the History and gave me a little more insight into the product and it's creator than I got here. My gut feeling is that PW as a concept and an application is well and truly ready for the big time. But some of the bits that surround it (official knowledge base, outside user knowledge, expansions) are not quite ready. But all that means is that this it the time to do them, not that PW should wait for them. I think a book should be written by a couple of idiots, that the community should get behind more docs and stretching the API out to its logical conclusion, that more people should be encouraged to create modules (with some good, strong QA behind the system), and that LOADS more profiles should be created or donated (or even sold!) that can show what it possible and can be used as learning structures. There you go Pete - you asked the question, and that was my short little answer .... Joss
    2 points
  10. I’ve been working on a simple admin theme. I originally just wanted to add a simple dashboard area on the home page to display some quick links to key actions and documentation for clients, but I ended up doing a whole theme. The main focus of the theme is for the client / editor role, so it’s not been optimised for the developer usage yet. There are a few enhancements which are aimed at clients (opening previews in a new window, showing tree actions on hover). I have also tried to optimise it for mobile layout. You can see a preview on this video It’s using the Bootstrap framework and Open Sans font. The main issues I currently have are a conflict with the Bootstrap framework scripts and the older version of Jquery that ships with the PW admin. If I upgrade to Jquery 1.8.2 a lot of PW admin functionality breaks (sorting, ask select, modals). If I stick with the currently shipped version of jQuery 1.6, the bootstrap scripts do not work (drop downs, message alerts, mobile navigation). The other big issue, is I made a few simple hacks to some core js files (/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageList.js, and /wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryWireTabs/JqueryWireTabs.js) - this was mainly to insert extra css classes here and there or to show if the tree has children. Is there a better way to do this? Other issues I am thinking about Is there a way to modify the “add new page” workflow? So when the user adds a new page, I’d like to change the default “You are adding a page using the …” message. Maybe this could be an additionally template field called “instructions” or “”details” ? It could be a used as a kind of “templates documentation”, which could be used to document the project for other devs and designers and for the clients / editors. How can you modify the login screen without overriding this file (/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogin/ProcessLogin.module)? Also not to sure if having two save buttons is good for usability - maybe I will just have one in the header and make it fixed as you scroll.
    1 point
  11. @Nico, sure thing. Thanks for becoming a module mod
    1 point
  12. You went away for five minutes and it's like we all went hyper. Welcome back!
    1 point
  13. Development of shop module hasn't stopped. It has been running on live site for that 8 months. I just recently implemented product variations, but need to think about those a little more. Since we have implemented only one shop with pw, we haven't had that many feature requests. But I am happy to collaboration and we will definitely push shop module further when some of our clients need it. And zero problems in that 8 months, I might add.
    1 point
  14. Hey Soma, We are all very fortunate to have you here! I always look forward to your posts. You and I have discussed front-end editing smoothness before, in other posts. The method I have been using is to create access to the admin areas, with user rights limiting who can see what. But your approach is nice -- more friendly for a lot of users. Thanks for your terrific help, Matthew
    1 point
  15. Ok, just installed pw in koding. Everything is working fine, although a bit slow... Here is how to do it: Go to "develop" and launch the terminal. cd to the /websites/ folder (replace USERNAME with your own) cd Sites/USERNAME.koding.com/website clone the contents of PW to that directory (let's make it the dev version) git clone -b dev https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire.git . or, if you prefer to have it in a subdirectory without the dot git clone -b dev https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire.git do all the renaming stuff using the right click context on the UI (htaccess.txt->.htaccess and site-default->site) important step: in the htaccess file add this line (change USERNAME to you own and paste it right under # RewriteBase /~user/ to keep it tidy) RewriteBase /~USERNAME/USERNAME.koding.com/website/pw/ if you have PW installed in a subdirectory change to RewriteBase /~USERNAME/USERNAME.koding.com/website/DIRECTORY/ create a database in "accounts"->"database settings", and keep the given info with you go to http://USERNAME.koding.com/ and install PW normally
    1 point
  16. Love it! It's a different way of always having easy access to the tree and not losing your place. The way I was thinking of last week was having the page tree in a sidebar area a bit like MODx but this works better with any size of website. Now slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad
    1 point
  17. Your first solution is the only I see and it isn't possible to have display translated here but not there obviously. A process module is put where module put's in on install, it's not in setup always. If you put in in main navigation you can set a title via the admin page itself. The Setup page has the ProcessList module that lists them by module info title. So you would have to change that module. But I'm sure you know it already.
    1 point
  18. Not a bad idea. I am aware that there are already a lot of forums and maybe better ways of organising them so I've got a doodle I want ot run by ryan before adding too many more. When I said coding examples for download, I just meant if someone wants to use the starting HTML-only template and integrate it rather than starting from scratch and typing every example in the book. Just thought it might be easier than having to type the HTML as well.
    1 point
  19. -- Moved into development -- Please create a separate topic in "modules" when the module is finished.
    1 point
  20. Joss, you forgot the excellent Cheatsheet! Invaluable tool and reference on one sheet, it was the first thing I did when starting working with PW. The API docs where too much spread out and inaccessible. It was great as there was no need to write long Texts, only copy paste it from the API documentation. Also we shouldn't forget what newcomers and not so coders struggle with: Fieldtypes Images and Pages, and how they're handled. I.e. The single <-> multiple difference. This basic understanding has come up a gazillion times and everytime you find yourself explaining the same thing over and over. . The second most thing that comes up IS NOT PW related but, raw HTML JS and PHP things, that has nothing to do with PW at first. I can't see much else where newbies struggle with except maybe with plain PHP and coding as general, which I think goes maybe to far to cover all this in a PW documentation. One thing is how to SETUP a field which is already covered inline in PW itself a good part! And the other using it in code and understand technical backgrounds and best practices in making front-end code. For me this is where it get's interesting, but has not much to do with PW at the end.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I can confirm as well that height:auto works without making the other changes.
    1 point
  23. Another example.. build from ProcessHello and really fresh: https://gist.github.com/4289451
    1 point
  24. I have implemented TinyMCE, AlohaJS (when it still had ExtJS dependencies) and now CKEditor 4.0 in various projects and I have to say that I really loved how the CKEditor 4.0 works. It was very fast to implement, easy to customize, works fast and it supports both inline/textarea... It has brilliant documentation (http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide) and as a cherry it looks very pretty. After I have implemented it in this project (I use it for frontend editing in this case) I will definitely look for implementing CKEditor Inputfield. I think the table editor alone is so much better than what TinyMCE that it is worth it. But also looking for some nice scenarios to implement CKEditor on frontend - maybe with AdminBar 2.0... (there isn't yet a thing called AdminBar 2.0, but who knows...)
    1 point
  25. ProcessWire has a class called WireUpload that's worth checking out.
    1 point
  26. How about: $page->images->removeAll(); $page->save();
    1 point
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