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My wife gets to go to a lot of medical conferences. I think she feels sorry for me so she told me I could go to my pick. So, I'm in wherever it's held. I'm in British Columbia Canada so anywhere in N.A. would be great but I'm willing to fly overseas too. I was a novice Wordpress developer before discovering ProcessWire a couple of months ago. Am completing my first site with it and I'm ecstatic. So much easier to use than WP. Aaron4 points
Thanks Raymond, I was able to reproduce that and am working on a fix now. Should have it within the hour.3 points
Took me quite some time to find a good solution to this issue, but I think I found one. Just updated module to 0.0.9. 1. It works now, and works much better with "Disable sub-folder for default language" option. 2. Improved some code also with the "Enable multi-langauge domains." setting, which also was suffering similar issue. It might be obvious but these two module options can't be used together. Also added notes in admin to be aware.3 points
Wow, tried this and it worked <script> InputfieldTinyMCEConfigDefaults.skin = "default"; </script> put it on the default.php of your theme after all the other scripts or before </body>2 points
2 points
A colleague just ordered the Form Builder, exiting. Can't wait to try it.2 points
Yes you can add "div" to the theme_advanced_blockformats. But then you can set a div, but not have paragraphs or headers inside. But what you could do is create tinymce html templates, you can select and insert. In this template you can have something like: <div class="errorbox"> <h3>Heading3</h3> <p>Text Paragraph</p> </div> It will insert this code, and you can then simply edit the content. To setup templates you add the button "template" and the plugin "template". Also add ,div[class] to the valid elements config string. Then in the Additional TinyMCE settings you add this on a new line: template_external_list_url: /site/tinymce/body_templates.php Then you create a folder /site/tinymce/ and create a body_templates.php (could also be a static .js) this will server as a proxy to add templates. So a list with js array. You should have a structure like on the screenshot. Then in the body_templates.php have this code: <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/index.php"); ?> var tinyMCETemplateList = [ // Name, URL, Description ["Table Simple", "<?php echo wire("config")->urls->root; ?>site/tinymce/templates/body_template1.html", "A simple table."], ["Error Box", "<?php echo wire("config")->urls->root; ?>site/tinymce/templates/message_template.html", "Error Box."] ]; Now you can select the template via the template button in TinyMCE.2 points
I've just found this while searching for something else... Maybe it would come handy to someone... http://tinymce.swis.nl/2 points
I wanted to give you a little preview of a new module I've been working on recently: the Form Builder module. This module lets you create simple-to-complex forms and place them in your site without any need for development. In this video we show how we can create, publish and test a simple contact form in less than 5 minutes. Then we take a quick look at a more complex form (already produced). I recommend viewing the full screen + HD 720p version so that you can see it more clearly than in this small forum embed. (note: there's no sound, so no need to adjust your volume) More about the Form Builder The Form Builder has many options for the developer to customize output and create their own themes, markup, etc. But the goal here was to build something that could enable you (or your client) to publish a form in less than 5 minutes, so that's the focus of this video. This tool is literally easy enough for your clients to create and manage their own forms. Or from a developers perspective, it takes something that used to consume hours and makes it happen in minutes. Form results save in the database and optionally can be CC'd to you by email. Result entries and be viewed, filtered by date, and even edited in the admin. You can export results to a spreadsheet as well. I'm working on the ability to export to pages, though that isn't quite ready yet. How the Form Builder will be licensed This module will be individually licensed on a per-site basis for a small license fee. It will also be available for free personal use to established forum members. Basically, I want to see if I can substitute some of my client work to focus on ProcessWire instead. And in order to do that, I need to have an income (I have a family to support). So I thought that building a special tool like this would be a way to make a go of it. A lot of you have asked to make donations to the ProcessWire project, and while we still won't be able to take donations, you will be able to support the ProcessWire project by purchasing and using the Form Builder in your own client projects. So a lot of motivation for this module came from wanting to provide something really special for all that had wanted to support ProcessWire. After a few months of work, I'm pretty happy with how this module has turned out -- it's already saved me tons of time in my client projects. So I'm thinking and hoping you guys will really like it too. I look forward to your feedback.1 point
In case anyone is interested in using IRC to chat about ProcessWire, and having consulted with Ryan about it, I have registered #processwire on irc.freenode.net for that purpose. If you are a regular on freenode, just pop into #processwire. If you are not then the fastest way to get online is probably via the webchat interface at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=processwire&uio=d4 Hope to meet a few of you in there sometime.1 point
I'm excited to announce that the ProcessWire Form Builder is now available from the DesignIntelligence bookstore: http://store.di.net/...re-form-builder I'm initially giving a 20% discount on the prices there (coupon code PWFB-BETA) because I'm still adding new things to it at a rapid pace, and feel it should still be called "beta test" (and not full price) until it's been out in the wild for a bit. However, a few of us here have been using the Form Builder on production sites for awhile already, and it's working great. But if you don't mind using a pre-release version and giving me feedback or suggestions where appropriate, then there's a nice discount for now (which will expire when we reach version 1.0). If you are wondering what the DesignIntelligence bookstore is, they are one of my long time clients and have agreed to let me provide the Form Builder through there. I actually setup and manage this online store already for them (and have for years), so feel very comfortable putting the Form Builder here. But when we grow big enough, we'll setup our own. When you get Form Builder, you'll also get access to the new Form Builder Support board (in this forum). This is where regular software updates are posted (ZIP files), among other things. So PM me when you do so that I can add you to it. Thanks for your support of ProcessWire and Form Builder!1 point
Since a latest updates to TinyMCE inputfield there's an option to add custom plugins from outside the core to TinyMCE on a per field basis. Here's an example how to add the bramus_cssextras plugin. Ok download the plugin http://www.bram.us/p...xtras/#download 1. create a directory in your site folder i.e. "/site/tinymce" 2. create a plugins folder in it i.e. "/site/tinymce/plugins" 3. put the folder "bramus_cssextras" in there 4. put a content.css in the "tinymce" folder (this is where you can define classes or id's, like: p.lead {...}, ul.list {}, h2.red{ ... } ) (see bramus_cssextras homepage for further infos) 5. now go to the TinyMCE field you want to use it. Under tab "Input" you'll see a "TinyMCE Advanced Configuration Options" collapsed. Open it. 6. add the buttons to one of the theme_advanced_button fields: "bramus_cssextras_classes,bramus_cssextras_ids" if you don't need id's leave it out 7. add the content.css to the content_css field setting like: "/site/tinymce/content.css" 8. add plugin to "Third-party plugin" textarea field like: "bramus_cssextras: /site/tinymce/plugins/bramus_cssextras" as one line. Done. You should now be able to select the class "lead" when cursor inside a <p> tag. Add as much css classes or id's to the content.css as you wish, bramus_cssextras will autodetect them. Have fun.1 point
Well you never can read enough and try So the correct version would be following. Here's what I implemented in my Teflon theme now. ... <script> // overwrite TinyMCE skin setting globally // as defined in /wire/modules/Inputfields/InputfieldTinyMCE/InputfieldTinyMCE.js // and loaded before if('undefined' != typeof InputfieldTinyMCEConfigDefaults) InputfieldTinyMCEConfigDefaults.skin = "default"; </script> </head>1 point
WillyC's example above would be the way to do it. The core is specifically built to support that hook exactly the way that he used it, so this is not a hack, this is part of the API (combined with using urlSegments). But maybe somebody will come up with a module that enables it to be automated from the admin at some point. I'm of the opinion that you will see the greatest benefits by using a structure that is consistent with the navigation. So if one is having to redefine URLs outside of the structure, that's a good reason to reconsider whether the chosen structure is ideal. You've got an infinitely nest-able tree (in a manner of speaking). Every branch is its own tree if you want it to be. It's just a question of how you perceive and use it. Regarding labels, take a look at mindplay.dk's Template Badges module, which might have some of what you are talking about.1 point
1 point
Soma to the rescue. Just add new line to "Additional TinyMCE settings" field in "TinyMCE Advanced Confoguration Options" under "Input" tab: skin: default or skin_variant: anything Enjoy!1 point
Raymond, I have posted an update that fixes this issue in the Form Builder Support forum. I'm not sure if you have access to that board because I don't see your name in the list. Was your order placed under a different name? Let me know and I can update or add to it in the fulfillment system which should correct your access, but just need to know which order to edit.1 point
Just an idea: As long as it doesn't clash with the ServInt ad on it, maybe processwire.com could feature a list of hosting providers suited/recommended for PW? This could be sorted/sortable by countries. I'm sure we have PW users in at least the bigger countries all over the world now who could come up with recommendations for hosting. (I know I could name one from Germany which people should not use, but we probably do not want those listed on processwire.com.)1 point
An alternative (and relatively cheap) hardware based token generator.1 point
1 point
I know your comment will be fully backed up with good reasons Ryan and indeed I had a big problem with (mt) when I was a customer of their gs product. However I have been using their dv product for nearly two years and have found both hosting and support to be excellent. Real people to call or ticket, fast hosting, a good knowledgebase to augment the support when doing one's own research. I am guessing I am paying more perhaps for an (mt) dv than a lot of other solutions and I know I got hurt when I used their entry level gs service, but right now I am so happy with the service and product I don't feel inclined to move for a cost saving. Maybe I've had a lucky two years; but it doesn't feel that way, it feels like it's simply a good product with good support now I am at the dv level. As always, "your (my) mileage may vary" PS: And I find pingdom.com to be great for site monitoring.1 point
apeisa I've not tried that, but one thing I got working yesterday was alerting for non-technical editors if they mistakenly have the STRONG tag with an H tag. Of course an editor (with appropriate CSS) might want to use STRONG in an H tag so I allowed for that: h1:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h2:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h3:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h4:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h5:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after, h6:not(.BoldAllowed) strong:after { content: "[info] (H)eadings should not be (B)old."; background: #ffffcc; font-weight: normal; border: 1px dashed red; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 12px; } h1.BoldAllowed, h2.BoldAllowed, h3.BoldAllowed, h4.BoldAllowed, h5.BoldAllowed, h6.BoldAllowed { font-weight: normal; background: #ddffdd; } The result is on-the-fly warning as the editor is editing copy in the TinyMCE textbox, fantastic. And this is only one thing I saw I could do now I have Soma-powered CSS control over TinyMCE. I'll try and add a screen-grab here of how this looks but if I don't I'm sure you see what this would look like to the user, simple and instant 'auto-help'.1 point
Dear Process Wire (Ryan Cramer) I was thrilled when I heard the news for this module! Best of luck in your new modules. I hope this is just the start of many more successes to come. Regards, PS: now i am using this form with License its really easy to use and work with it,1 point
I added a few lines to the imageSizer based on code linked to above and tested with regular and transparent GIF and PNG images. Not sure how to submit it. I committed the changes on github and made a pull request. Hopefully this will be added. I don't think it's reasonable to require users to convert GIF to PNG before uploading.1 point
I think, partially, you view this from the point of someone who knows the codebase inside and out - which is natural, since you wrote the thing. It's a relatively small codebase, and it's well-documented, so it's far from inaccessible to others. But someone who uses an IDE would be able to get up to speed much faster with better IDE support. Whatever enables static analysis - mostly more complete PHP-DOC annotations. It would eliminate a lot of code-browsing to learn about hidden/invisible properties. I know there's a lot of dynamics (magic) in PW, so not everything can be documented - but generally, anything that uses __get() and __set() could be completed, to the extend that this makes sense... for example, the "fuel" type could define properties for the built-in standard "fuel" objects. As we've discussed previously, class/file-name mapping also could be more consistent. Basically, open PW in Storm, and you will pretty quickly see countless things light up in orange or red scribble throughout the codebase - basically, where static analysis fails, the reader's analysis will fail too. For things that are indeterminate and can't be documented, you can often document with function-level annotations in the consumer-code what you're expecting - for example, in my code you can see me doing this consistently; in this particular example, it's pretty obvious what comes out of $this->modules->get('InputfieldText') but often class-names do not match property-names, and you have to dig to learn what comes out of this or that property...1 point
Actually it's now in there without advanced. And it should work for all fields I think.1 point
I think it's great! And I hope some flaws can be found by doing this. It's a bit scary to think that someone alone has built such a perfect piece of software. If some flaws are found, I can sleep a bit better Ok, now seriously. It's great that someone can confront Ryan with other perspectives. Maybe in some cases, Ryan won't have a good answer and will think better about it. This can only make PW as good as it can get.1 point
Not yet. Lots of context and security considerations with this that are different from what they would be on the admin side, so going to approach this inputfield separately from the ones already included with PW. However, anyone that purchases FormBuilder now will get file/image fields (and a lot more) as soon as they are ready.1 point
It is a lot of fun when you get playing with it. I've been building some test forms earlier this evening to try it out and will build some more serious ones later in the week. It's powerful, impressive stuff which seems to be the ProcessWire way1 point
If WillyC's suggestion is a viable solution and applicable for more use cases it would be great if stuff like this is documented outside of the forum. I, and i'm sure more people would have a hard time figuring this stuff out.1 point
i.am first you can puut this in your head.inc tamplate or some includeded file before.u are doing $page->url $pages->addHookAfter('Page::path', null, 'hookPagePath'); function hookPagePath(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; if($page->template == 'article') $e->return = "/blog/$page->name/"; }1 point
Although I already played around with it some. BUT I'M STILL AMAZED! Thanks Ryan, some more of these ingenious strokes and PW is taking over world.1 point
Soma, sounds like you've got it right. If you want the default language to be German, then just throw in the German files into the default language. There's nothing English about the default language except for the name "default" (which you uncovered the reasons for). But if you want to connect the language to a code like "de", then I suggest creating a new field called language_code and adding it to the language template. When you want to select a language, just use "language_code=de" in your selector. When you create your English language as an alternate, you won't need to upload any JSON files for the admin side of PW unless you want to change the English that is already there. I don't think there's any reason to gravitate towards keeping 'default' as English, unless it really is your site's default language. But if you want to do that for some reason, then you would just edit the 'guest' user account and change guest's language to to be 'de' or whatever you want your site's default language to be.1 point