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Building a website online


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I have build a website for a customer where I offered the client two options:


During the build up I send you screenshots/pdf's and the client can give feedback on that what needs to be changed.


I build the website online on a testserver and the client can see live how the build up is going and give me feedback on that.

The client chose for option 2 because a live website is much more convenient than screenshots and pdf's. Now the website is finished and I have moved everything to the online server and connected the domainname with the website.


Google search still shows results from the time when the website was on the test server. Never had any problems with this but now for the first time a client complains about this.


How can I build a website online without Google seeing anything so that Google search results will not show up from the time the website was build on a test server ?

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Or use: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/protected-mode/

If you are giving them a user account for the admin anyway, you may as well make use of it for accessing the front-end during development also. Much cleaner for them rather than having to login via the htpasswd entry, and then again for the PW admin panel. If you don't want them to have admin access you can still use this module and give them a guest role only!

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You guys are great, got it working. Just had to figure out that it is a combination of .htaccess and .htpasswd

Inside .htaccess

AuthUserFile /path/to/password-file/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Identify"
Require valid-user

Inside .htpasswd



Thanks everybody for all the solutions.

Unless you give the password to google

Maybe there is a protection against this also :lol:

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If you are giving them a user account for the admin anyway, you may as well make use of it for accessing the front-end during development also. Much cleaner for them rather than having to login via the htpasswd entry, and then again for the PW admin panel. If you don't want them to have admin access you can still use this module and give them a guest role only!

Yup, you're right. Just installed that module.

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Many valid solutions above. Here is another method:

Make the site only accessable when logged in to the manager

if (!$user->isLoggedin()) die();

Put it somewhere in /site/templates/_init.php or /site/config.php

That certainly works, but is not very friendly as you can't send them a link directly to a subpage.

You could redirect them to the admin automatically, but then they still have to get back to the page they were looking for, so you'd need to redirect from login success back to that page.

Hence the reason I created Protected Mode :)

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