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I did another quick module, which plugs something I always kinda missed in ProcessWire. It's just a raw overview over the access management from the templates. Nothing fancy, but useful. The visible roles and the visibility of system templats can be setup in the modules settings.


I'll add this to the modules directory later. But for now it would be great to hear if anyone is missing anything or if someone does have a better idea how to name the module.

12.03.15: Renamed the module and fixed wrong information for superusers and inherited rights from the required guest role.

GitHub: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/ProcessAccessOverview

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I love it - very handy!

Just a couple of small things.

  1. Need a nice icon for the module to show up under the Setup menu
  2. I would use the same labels as the template access tab, ie: VIEW PAGES, EDIT PAGES, CREATE PAGES, ADD CHILDREN and also in that same order.
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  On 2/7/2015 at 7:15 AM, marcus said:

Nice one! For larger installations and/or a larger set of roles this will really be a boost. As for naming, I'd root for "Permissions Overview" :)

I did think about this, but wanted to avoid confusion with Permissions itself. This would be more about "template access" but it would be kinda long with "overview" appended to it. 

  On 2/7/2015 at 10:27 AM, Nico Knoll said:

Looks really nice!

But what about the "guest" user? It's not on the screenshot but it's created by default and maybe interesting to see its rights in comparison :)

You can change the visible roles in the modules settings. The guest user was not so useful for me, as only the viewable tab would be from use. All the others can't be assigned to the guest role. I did this, too, because I have used roles before to differ between different frontend-only user groups, so these roles could be excluded as well. 

Edit: Added the info about the settings in the intro post as well.

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I've updated the module, I'll update the Screenshot above, too:

  • Templates now show access rights inherited from parents, which are in the parentTemplates array. 
  • Templates show up in the "Free Inherited Access" if they don't define special parentTemplates or at least one of the defined ones does not lead to a template, which defines access on it's own.
  • A checkbox in the settings to enable, that the paths of inherited access' is shown. By default this info is reachable via mouse over on the icon.
  • A small description below the table to make it clear what's going on.

I would also like to have some input regarding these features. First I'd welcome any recommendations about the descriptions (mouseover / below the table). Secondly I'd like to know what you'd find more understandable regarding the paths. E. g.:

products - Defines Access
category - Must be child of products, does not define access
product  - Must be child of category, does not define access

The row for product could display either "products > category", which it does currently, or it could show "products > category > product", which would show the current template's name, too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated the module to show the right access rights for superusers (can access everything no matter what) and access rights inherited to every user by the guest role. Also changed the modules name and will post it now to the modules directory.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Pushed a small update, which removes path-details when access rights are not available, as it would falsely suggest that only under this path a role would have no access. Also added a bit of a description about how templates are distributed over the tabs. Also made the module officially 2.6 compatible.

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  • 2 years later...

@LostKobrakai Hi, is this module 3.x compatible? I'm asking this 'cos it is not stated here: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-access-overview/

Checking out Ryan's blog post on access control/permissions I gather that nothing has changed since ProcessWire 2.7 in this regard, so the module should be ok with PW 3 I guess, but to make sure I thought I'd ask...

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I'm not sure, I haven't used in in a while. But I haven't added the 3.0 flag for a purpose, because the module was build before the ability to assign additional permissions on a per template level was added. I'm not sure if the module does take those into account properly.

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  On 5/18/2017 at 12:23 PM, LostKobrakai said:

But I haven't added the 3.0 flag for a purpose, because the module was build before the ability to assign additional permissions on a per template level was added. I'm not sure if the module does take those into account properly.


I tried the module a bit in PW3 and it works well - it's a really handy module and I wish I started using it sooner. I think the permission overrides per template only apply to the sub-permissions of page-edit (page-move, page-delete, etc) and these won't affect the module because those sub-permissions aren't displayed in the tables.

One issue I came across is that where a template has a numeric name ("404" being an obvious one) the edit link to the template is not displayed properly in the table. Have created an issue on GitHub with a proposed fix.

I also thought that where the the 'muted' class is used the text colour is too faint.



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Thanks for the report @Robin S

  On 5/18/2017 at 10:59 PM, Robin S said:

these won't affect the module because those sub-permissions aren't displayed in the tables


However, we are missing them, aren't we?

Anyway, this module with extended features to support permission overrides per template would be a great addition to the core modules.

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