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Weird characters with datefield and umlauts


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I'm using

$date = utf8_encode(strftime('%d. %B %Y', $child->getUnformatted('date')));

to render dates from a datefield in German. If the date contains umlauts like "March" which is "März" in German it renders a weird charakter and capitalises the "Ä":

<span class="date">14. März 2014</span>

The admin is not localised, the entry in the datefield is: 14 March 2014 3:23 pm

Any ideas? Thanks.

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It's a guess here, maybe it's helpfull.

Looks like it has something to do with encodings. Did you copy & paste in some codes as that could leave some artefacts.

If you're on the mac, use TextWrangler/BBedit and use the command 'Zap Gremlins'.

Or what is also worth trying:

1. copy the code to a textarea.

2. create a new document.

3. copy the code from the textarea to the new document.

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I and another developer friend have also struggled with this problem on a few sites with different hosting companies. There was a previous post about issues with umlauts and dates but I never found a workable solution. It is either a bug with Processwire or an issue with the hosting company and how they have configured the server (from what I remember, it does not seem to happen in local development). 

My hack around it was to create a little function that checked for March and assigned it the correct März - something like this :

$monthNumber = strftime("%m", $child->getUnformatted("dates"));

if($monthNumber == 3){
$monthName = 'März';
else {
$monthName = strftime("%B", $child->getUnformatted("dates"));

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Did you copy & paste in some codes as that could leave some artefacts.

I did import a XML file with the new wordpress importer. As I have > 80 posts I can't correct them by hand.

What leaves me clueless is that even if I set the date say to today, save the page, and then set it agin to somewhere in march the problem remains the same.


you posted while I was replying to Martijn. I'll give your solution a try. Sounds promising. Thanks.

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Why do you use utf8_encode? Should be working without it. Or try htmlentities()


Only for you a special service:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-27 um 16.21.32.png

The code of this:

    <meta charset="utf-8">



setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8");
echo 'Using utf8_encode:<br>';

$date = utf8_encode(strftime('%d. %B %Y', 1395929985));
echo $date;

echo '<br><br>Without utf8_encode:<br>';

$date = strftime('%d. %B %Y', 1395929985);
echo $date;

echo '<br><br>Without utf8_encode and with htmlentities():<br>';

$date = htmlentities(strftime('%d. %B %Y', 1395929985));
echo $date;



Edit 2:

Here is the resulting source code:

    <meta charset="utf-8">


Using utf8_encode:<br>27. März 2014<br><br>Without utf8_encode:<br>27. März 2014<br><br>Without utf8_encode and with htmlentities():<br>27. März 2014



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  • 2 years later...

Very strange.

On one site it works using:

<? setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8"); ?>
<?=strftime('%e. %B %Y', $page->getUnformatted('mydate')); ?>

on the other site i have to use:

<?=utf8_encode(strftime('%e. %B %Y', $page->getUnformatted('mydate'))); ?>


Is that an error in processwire? Or a matter of the webserver settings?

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