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Release: Thumbnails


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Thanks for the quick answer! I wasn't sure about support, but well, with all the great additions around images lately, it's probably hard to keep up with that. Is horst's CroppableImage module the recommended way to get this running now? And what to do about legacy websites?

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I'm using this function to resize my pictures for responsive images


function respImg($img,$description="",$class="") {

  $mini   = 200;
  $small  = 400;    
  $medium = 640;
  $large  = 960;
  $xlarge = 1280;
  $xxlarge = 2400;

  $out = "<img 
            {$img->width($mini)->url} {$mini}w, 
            {$img->width($small)->url} {$small}w, 
            {$img->width($medium)->url} {$medium}w,
            {$img->width($large)->url} {$large}w, 
            {$img->width($xlarge)->url} {$xlarge}w'
            {$img->width($xxlarge)->url} {$xxlarge}w'
    class = '{$class} lazyload' /> ";
  return $out;
When I try to commit a cropped image I get following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function width() on a non-object in D:\xxxxxx\site\templates\_functions.php on line 80

Is it possible to crop the via module cropped images again in order to deliver responsive images? What would you do?

Many greets, Jens.

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Maybe it is possible for you to switch to croppableImages as it returns pageimages that you can resize further. The original CropImage does return a URL, not a pageimage object.

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Maybe it is possible for you to switch to croppableImages as it returns pageimages that you can resize further. The original CropImage does return a URL, not a pageimage object.

Hey horst,

thank you for this hint! Exactly, what I've searched for!

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