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twig and "if" error


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I'm having an error "Method Page::template does not exist or is not callable in this context" because I'm using {% if page.template == "project" %} in a template.

I'm passing $twigvars = array("page" => $page) to the template.

Is there any workaround for getting this conditional on a template? (started learning twig yesterday... :)


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Hi Manaus,

how about adding page.template to $twigvars before the call, eg.

$twigvars = array("page" => $page, "template"=>$page->template->name);

then in your twig template having:

{% if template == "project" %}

disclaimer: i haven't tried this, i'm just thinking out loud.

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  • 1 year later...

This works too:

{{ page.template }}

no way! This leads to:

Error: Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Method Page::template does not exist or is not callable in this context") in "partials/nav-sub.twig" at line 3. (in /../public/site/modules/TemplateTwigReplace/Twig-1.15.0/Twig/Template.php line 291)

I'm just able to debug this statement {{dump(page.template)}}.

See the reason above:

The error message suggests that Twig is trying to call $page->template as a method, like $page->template() -- which doesn't exist. 

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Well, it works for me on the dev branch (2.5.28) with the latest TemplateTwigReplace... Perhaps a magic method was recently added.

Update: This seems to be what's doing it (from core/Template.php)

 * The string value of a Template is always it's name
public function __toString() {
	return $this->name; 

Not sure when it was added though... (Seems like it's there in 2.5.3 too...)

Edited by Mike Anthony
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I downloaded and installed the module yesterday so it should be up to date. But I did not notice that you be able to choose the twig version in module settings. Default is set to 1.15.0. I changed the version to 1.18.0 but I still get the same error message. Maybe it depends on the ProcessWire version!!, I use 2.5.3 in this project.

Error: Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Method Page::template does not exist or is not callable in this context") in "partials/html-end.twig" at line 25. (in /../public/site/modules/TemplateTwigReplace/Twig-1.18.0/Twig/Template.php line 304)

Edit: It works on the dev branch using twig 1.18.0  ;)

Thanks for your feedback  :rolleyes:

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  • 1 year later...

I tried to use the TemplateEngineTwig in PW 3.0.22 (devns). It did not work. Then I downloaded the latest version of twig from their website and replaced the lib folder in the modules\TemplateEngineTwig folder but I still get the same error:

Error: Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Method Page::homepage does not exist or is not callable in this context") in "logspot_profile.twig" at line 20. (in K:\xampp\htdocs\logspot-pw\src\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\TemplateEngineTwig\TemplateEngineTwig.module line 111)

Here is what I try to do:

 {% if page.homepage %}
        <a href="{{ page.homepage }}" target="_blang">Homepage</a>
            {% endif %}

Anyone got a simple solution?

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Found the solution by myself. Maybe this helps others. It works if you use the so called subscript syntax

From the Twig docs: You can use a dot (.) to access attributes of a variable (methods or properties of a PHP object, or items of a PHP array), or the so-called "subscript" syntax ([]):

So instead of using

{% if page.facebook %}

Just use

{% if page['facebook'] %}

and it works :)

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