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Just in case anyone was wondering why I've been silent for the last week, it's because I've been away on vacation, so have a lot of catch up to do here (didn't have internet access while I was gone). Just got back last night, and it seems my hands have to re-learn how to type. :) When I click on "view new content" I have 9 paginations of unread messages–ouch. :blink:  This is probably going to take me a week to get through, especially with the Christmas holiday here. But I've been anxious to get back into the swing of things here and looking forward to getting focused on PW 2.4 now. Because I'm behind on the messages here, if there is anything urgent that you know of waiting on me, please reply or PM me and I'll make sure to get those right away. Thanks to all of you for taking good care of the forum while I was gone. Also Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to everyone. 

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Had a good vacation ? Got your batteries charged now for a while. Ok, meanwhile processwire still going strong,

found a new job and upgraded my php skills and oh yes 2 pw forces joined each other in Milktop.

Good to have you back Ryan.

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I finally caught up with those 9 pages of posts and am down to 0 posts in my "new content" list. Sometimes things escape my new content list, so if anyone is waiting on me for anything or aware of something that I might have missed, please let me know. 

Happy New Year to everyone! Hope that you all have a great New Years day today. 

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Soma you and some other guys here make my job easy because most of the hard questions were already answered. So thank you for all the help and support give here. You all make this forum great. 

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I think if you searched the entire web of forums you would be hard pressed to find a more responsive forum with such dedicated members. I hope those of use trying to learn ProcessWire everyday can help out in the future. It also baffles me that Ryan leave no question unanswered. 

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@Ryan et al:

Can't help writing a line to say thank you for this amazing project and forum and community!

I've been lurking around here for a few weeks already, attempting to set up a project to migrate an existing static web site. I quickly figured out that PW was the way for me to go, because of it's technical features and concepts. What surprised me, though, was the fact that I was able to get answers on nearly every question that arised during that process "in an instant" - thanks to the excellent resources of this community and forum contributors devotedly offering a helping hand. That's simply impressive - I hope to continue to maintain a steep learning curve to be able to return a little bit of that at some time...

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Hi Ryan, it's great to have you back! Can't wait for the new PW launch!

@Hertha, welcome! Yes, the nice people on this community also caught my attention, with the nicest of all being Ryan - it's impressive how helpful everybody is around here! You have chosen the right CMS, don't worry! I used to use Wordpress, CMSMS, Drupal, Joomla and will never look back after getting to know PW - there's great future ahead of it, but not only that, it's the most intelligent and flexible CMS you'll ever come across.



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