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Access "Selectable Pages" settings for Inputfield module


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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build an Inputfield module to provide an alternate interface for creating multiple page references. I'm trying to access the "Selectable Pages" settings for the current field within my module. Does anyone know how to access those settings using the PW API?

I'm specifically looking for:

- Parent of Selectable Pages

- Template of Selectable Pages

- Custom Selector 

- Custom PHP code to find selectable pages

These settings are found in Setup -> Fields -> (fieldname) under the Input tab.

Really appreciate any insight anyone might have...



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Well, as usual,  that was easier than I thought. In case others overlook the same thing, I was able to access those settings with the following:

$field = wire('fields')->get($this->name);

$template = $field->template_id;
$parent = $field->parent_id;
$selector = $field->findPagesSelector;
$code = $field->findPagesCode;
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I think you are looking for parent_id and template_id

I make use of these in this module: https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator/blob/master/ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator.module#L377

To find these, just right click and inspect element - the id of the field without the "Inputfield_" is what you want to use.

Hope that helps

EDIT: You beat me to it :)

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