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Menu Builder


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  On 6/8/2018 at 5:42 PM, bud said:

Thanks for your help so far. Your gif demonstration shows exactly why I mentioned that your module actually works great. I am personally only missing on little functionality or something similiar which you call "Using the Include Children Feature". The "Using the Include Children Feature" just seems to work if you choose the "page" option. It seems not to work together with the "custom" option you showed in the gif.


You are right. The 'Include Children Feature' only works for natural menu items, menu items that are ProcessWire pages. Your BMW (as per my example), are not ProcessWire pages but custom menu items. There is no way to tell what their children are since they are external items. 

  On 6/8/2018 at 5:42 PM, bud said:

In my example above I would use the "Using the Include Children Feature" to get all 1000 items in and afterwards customize that 50 items out of 1000 if I just could


Where would you be getting the 1000 items from? From my understanding, these 1000 items are not ProcessWire pages but external links. Maybe this is the bit I am not understanding. I have a feeling that your 1000 items are also actual pages in ProcessWire (part of the ProcessWire tree) and you want to include only their parent and have the children automatically added. If that's the case, that is not how MenuBuilder works. We currently don't support such a feature.

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OK, I now get what you are saying. However, I don't want to introduce confusion regarding terms. Custom items are not ProcessWire pages. Also, the include children feature you currently see in the backend is for influencing what happens in the frontend. It's not about including children in the backend. 

  On 6/8/2018 at 9:51 PM, bud said:

I am talking about the default menu which you would also become if you would use the module simple markup navigation in its very basic configuration. 


Here again, I don't want users to get confused. There is no default menu in MenuBuilder ?. I get your point though. I'll think about making it possible to select a ProcessWire page and have all its children added to the menu, hierarchically, according to their position in the ProcessWire tree. Please add this as a feature request in the module's project page.

As for customising links of ProcessWire pages that are part of a menu, I don't think that's a good idea so I will not be heading in that direction.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello community.

For a new project of my company I would like to implement a checck if a menu exist (by ID, name etc.) and only if yes, to render it. So far I was googling and reading the pages here, but could not find a way to implement that. Could you kindly assist me in that?

So far what I've tried and obviously it did not work was this:

if ($menu->render(1234)!='') {
	echo $menu->render(1234, $options);        

It might be useful to have this check added to the MenuBuilder instructions as I always like to have a check for existence with any field/template so the menu would not differ. It sort of prevents the "danger screen" during website setup or if a typo in a call was made ?

P.S. As far as every menu added is a page, I found a way to check for the page existence and it work, however I am not sure if that is the simplest and most elegant way to achieve the needed:

   echo $header_menu->render(1234, $options);        


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  On 7/17/2018 at 9:51 AM, MilenKo said:

For a new project of my company I would like to implement a checck if a menu exist (by ID, name etc.) and only if yes, to render it. So far I was googling and reading the pages here, but could not find a way to implement that. Could you kindly assist me in that?


Hi @MilenKo,

Your code was close. If a menu is not found AND the user is a supersuser, Menu Builder will throw a WireException. If the user is not a supersuser, it will return false (boolean). In such a case, you can do your check like this:

$mb = $modules->get('MarkupMenuBuilder');

$out = $mb->render(1234, $options);
if($out) echo $out;
// OR
//if($mb->render(1234, $options)) echo $mb->render(1234, $options);


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Hi @kongondo I almost guessed the check on my first attempt, however the result came the same - I got a whole new "red page" while being logged on as SuperUser and the menu was not rendered if logged out (I did not yet add a non-SuperUser yet).

The thing is that once I hand out the profile, it wont be only me the person to hold the SuperUser but an IT team as well. So if someone gets the "red screen" and is not aware of MenuBuilder rendering way, they will report the issue as a profile failure. I found out though, that if I treat the menu as a page and check for existence of a title, than it does not matter whether you are a SU or not - if the page does not exist, nothing would happen and that is it (that is what I need as if someone reports to me, that the menu is not rendered, then I would simply advise to make sure that the menu ID or name is added with the links needed).

Following the initial logic, I reworked a bit my check up as to add an OR statement that besides the ID would also look for the menu name (page->title):

// Check if the menu has an id of 1234 or has a title equal to my_menu_name
// If no match for the ID but a match for the page title, then stil the menu would be rendered
// If no condition match, the error page would not be shown on any user and the menu would simpy not render
if($pages->get(1234)->title || $pages->get('title=my_menu_name') !=''){
   echo $footer_menu->render(1047, $options);        

In a real world scenario, the check would work, but in a case where the page title matches another page being added with the same name outside of MenuBuilder, than it would force the menu to be rendered, but I can live with it for now, as the profile would already have the page added and it would be too much for someone to delete and recreate the menu (which would change the ID), then add another page with the same name as my original menu title and then test for rendering. This way I avoid any error page for all users and the only result would be that the menu would not render ?

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  On 7/19/2018 at 9:48 AM, MilenKo said:

In a real world scenario, the check would work, but in a case where the page title matches another page being added with the same name outside of MenuBuilder, than it would force the menu to be rendered


You can also do a check using the template 'menus'. That's the template used by menu builder menus.

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Well I've tried to check for the template earlier and it worked, but it was rendering the menu if any page had that template. After you brought this, I thought to re-create the query and this way just add it in the get statement:

// Check if the menu has an id of 1234 or has a title equal to my_menu_name
// If no match for the ID but a match for the page title, then stil the menu would be rendered
// If no condition match, the error page would not be shown on any user and the menu would simpy not render
if($pages->get(1234)->title || $pages->get('template=menus, title=my_menu_name') !=''){
   echo $footer_menu->render(1047, $options);        

So we are adding an extra check to make sure that a similarity with another custom added page would be minimized. For sure it could happen, but there are already 3 criteria to match and I believe this would be enough.

Thanks very much, @kongondo for the perfect module and the shared knowledge (as usual) ?

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  • 1 month later...

Update: Menu Builder 0.2.4


  1. Fixed a bug where default_class was not getting applied to menu items in getMenuItems() context.
  2. Fixed bugs where last_class was not getting applied correctly/at all to some menu items.

In modules directory.

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  • 2 weeks later...


This was probably already asked, but can't find something like this on the forum.

Im having some problems adding some extra html to the menu.

I'm using

	$menu = $modules->get('MarkupMenuBuilder');
	$options = array(
		'wrapper_list_type' => 'ul',// ul, ol, nav, div, etc.
		'list_type' => 'li',// li, a, span, etc.
		'menu_css_id' => 'menu-main-menu-1',// a CSS ID for the menu
		'menu_css_class' => 'menu',// a CSS Class for the menu
		'submenu_css_class' => 'sub-menu',// CSS Class for sub-menus
		'has_children_class' => '',// CSS Class for any menu item that has children
		'first_class'=>'',// CSS Class for the first item in 
		'last_class' => '',
		'current_class' => 'active',
		'default_title' => 0,// 0=show saved titles;1=show actual/current titles
		'include_children' => 4,// show 'natural' MB non-native descendant items as part of navigation
		'm_max_level' => 1,// how deep to fetch 'include_children'
		'current_class_level' => 1,// how high up the ancestral tree to apply 'current_class'
		'default_class' => '',// a CSS class to apply to all menu items
	echo $menu->render(1032, $options);

as my menu which is working great, but for the mobile menu I need to add extra <span class="toggler"></span> to the parrent so the html will look like this:

	<a href="#">Home</a><span class="toggler"></span>
		<ul class="sub-menu">
			<li><a href="#">Sub Menu 1</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Sub Menu 2</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Sub Menu 3</a></li>
			<li><a href="#">Sub Menu 4</a></li>

Is it possible to achieve this somehow?

Thank you


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Hi @Roych,

How are you building the mobile menu? Is it a separate menu or built on the fly? The usual way to tackle this is to use the Menu Builder's getMenuItems() method to return menu items either as an object or an array which you can traverse using a recursive function to build your menu with your markup and logic as you see fit. Please have a look at this post for examples (including 3 recursive functions you can edit to suit your needs). The functions (somewhat modified) can also be found in this gist.

Give us a shout if you run into issues.


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Thank you, made it work using

  Reveal hidden contents

So far so good. ?


Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


I'm struggling a little getting a menu rendered here. After having build the menu I want to manipulate it; I want to add all menu items to an array, grab an image from each of the target pages in the menu and then render each menu item with some pictures from its target page. I tried using getMenuItems() for this but somehow it fails, I probably don't really get how to properly use it. Here's what I have so far:

$menuBuilder = $modules->get('MarkupMenuBuilder');
$menu = 'mainNav';

$menuItems = $menuBuilder->getMenuItems($menu, 2, $options);
$bundledMenuItems = array();
$menuItemsWithPictures = array();

//build an array that holds the random picture for each category in the menu

foreach ($menuItems as $menuItem) {
    $targetPage = $pages->get($menuItem->id);
    $menuItemsWithPictures['title'] = $targetPage->title;
    $menuItemsWithPictures['pictures'] = $targetPage->get('images'); //this array is intentional, I want to do some slideshow thingy there
    array_push($bundledMenuItems, $menuItemsWithPictures);

$view->set('menuItems', $menuItems);
$view->set('bundledMenuItems', $bundledMenuItems);


(This code is probably highly questionable, I'm not really proficient in php; love ProcessWire but despise php...., but what the hell.)

I can't, however, seem to render all the items with their corresponding pictures in the frontend.

I'm using twig as a template engine; this is what var_dump returns in the frontend:


            array(4) {
  array(2) {
    string(4) "Home"
    object(ProcessWire\Pageimages)#235 (2) {
      array(1) {
        string(26) "steinlampe_2_grayscale.png"
  array(2) {
    string(5) "Admin"
  array(2) {
  array(2) {
    string(5) "Pages"

... which aren't the pages that I declared in the menu with menuBuilder. I there something I'm missing here?

My desired menustructure should be:



Does anyone have an idea what I got wrong here?

Best regards, derelektrischemoench



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Hi @derelektrischemoench,

This code:

$targetPage = $pages->get($menuItem->id);

is the problem. For objects returned by getMenuItems(), id refers to the internal menu item ID in the collection AND NOT the corresponding ProcessWire page ID :-). Apologies, documentation could be clearer. To get the ProcessWire page ID of that menu item, use pagesID instead. 


$targetPage = $pages->get($menuItem->pagesID);

By the way, please note that menu items with a pagesID of 0 are external menu items (e.g. an item pointing to google.com, etc). 

And while we are here..



Could be changed to:


However, your code shows that you are returning the whole 'images' field object. That is why you see this:

    object(ProcessWire\Pageimages)#235 (2) {
      array(1) {
        string(26) "steinlampe_2_grayscale.png"

Is that intentional? Aren't you really after the url of the image? Secondly, how many images are in each menu item's images field? Is the image field a multi image field or single? If multi, you need to loop through it if you want multiple images from it, or get the first one using first(). If it is a single image field, you are fine, you can just grab the URL.

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Hi Kongondo,

thanks for the quick reply; I fixed my mistake by nesting the loops. I'm totally not used to php, which treats arrays very differently than other languages. What I ended up with was this:


foreach ($menuItems as $item) {
    $targetPageId = $item['pages_id'];
    $randomImage = $pages->get($targetPageId)->images->getRandom();
    $menuItemsRendered[] = array(

which works perfectly fine. Thx  for the support.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this module very useful, However I still need one more option and I'm not sure how to get it.

The builder in the admin has the option to write a class(es) for each link. So far i cant find a way to retrieve that class and print it in the menu I create with the MarkupMenuBuilder.

Is there any other param in options or maybe someway to rewrite the part that print the links ?

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@aolba, welcome to the forums.

  On 11/7/2018 at 4:53 AM, aolba said:

The builder in the admin has the option to write a class(es) for each link. So far i cant find a way to retrieve that class and print it in the menu I create with the MarkupMenuBuilder.


How are you rendering your menus? If you are using render() then the classes are already included in <li> or <a> depending on the $options your send to render(). If you are using getMenuItems() with the array option, i.e. second parameter $type = 1, you get your classes in the index css_itemclass. If using getMenuItems() to return an object, you get the classes at $m->cssClass where $m is a single menu object/item.

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  On 11/8/2018 at 9:56 PM, kongondo said:

@aolba, welcome to the forums.

How are you rendering your menus? If you are using render() then the classes are already included in <li> or <a> depending on the $options your send to render(). If you are using getMenuItems() with the array option, i.e. second parameter $type = 1, you get your classes in the index css_itemclass. If using getMenuItems() to return an object, you get the classes at $m->cssClass where $m is a single menu object/item.


Thanks for the answer. You were right. I was thinking the class could be printed on the <a> tag.

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I hope someone can help: I get an error message and can't figure out what's wrong. I'm getting the following errors:

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .../site/modules/ProcessMenuBuilder/MarkupMenuBuilder.module on line 302
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in .../site/modules/ProcessMenuBuilder/MarkupMenuBuilder.module on line 305

I use the same code on two sites, in the same environment, one works, the other one doesn't. Latest module version: 0.2.4 and latest Processwire dev.
The code:

  // Output the main menu
  $menu_builder = $modules->get("MarkupMenuBuilder");
  $menu_options = array(
    "menu_css_class" => "navbar-nav justify-content-end main-menu",
    "current_class" => "active",
    "default_class" => "nav-item"
  echo $menu_builder->render("main_menu", $menu_options);

It looks like the menu items get lost somewhere but I'm not that great with reading code and debugging.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kongondo, it's just a fresh install of PW 3.0.118 with a site profile that I took from the previous site.
All modules were added by the site profile backup. I use the same code in the template to output the menu.

My development machine is a Mac running AMPPS with PHP 7.1
The menu doesn't render, I get the error message instead.

Steps I tried (to no avail):
- Delete and recreate the menu
- Uninstall and delete the module, download a fresh copy and reinstall
- Downgrade the core to the same version as the other (working) site by overwriting the "wire" folder


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I also deleted the content of the file compiler and cache folders.
TracyDebugger shows the same two php errors I quoted before but I don't know how to dig deeper, I don't have a lot of experience with PHP debugging.

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ProcessWire\WireArray #1f8a
	data protected => array ()
	extraData protected => array ()
	itemsRemoved protected => array ()
	itemsAdded protected => array ()
	duplicateChecking protected => FALSE
	useFuel protected => TRUE
	_instanceNum private => 0
	localHooks protected => array ()
	trackChanges private => 0
	changes private => array ()
	_notices protected => array (3)
		errors => NULL
		warnings => NULL
		messages => NULL
	_wire protected => NULL


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