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Need help with subfield selectors for Files


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Hello, everybody!

I've been experimenting with manipulating files through the API recently and I cannot get my selectors to work with Files.

I read about subfield selectors but I cannot get the following code to work:

$myFile = $page->get("basic_page_file.name=6121970044ELEPHPANT.jpg"); // field basic_page_file is of type "Files".

if (!$myFile)
    echo "Nothing was found"; // does not get displayed

echo "File name is " . $myFile->name . "<br />"; // nothing is displayed for '$myFile->name'

Actually, neither error nor the name of the file get displayed.

So, I am curious as to what the correct way to use subfield selectors with Files is?

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When searching pages with images field, there's no subfield "name" for images, but you can use images.data. And you won't get the image but a page(s)

$p = $wire->pages->get("images.data%=mode"); // get return the first match
echo $p->images->get("filename%=mode")->url;


$p = $wire->pages->find("images.data=modelifestyle.jpg")->first(); // returns a pagearray and we access first
echo $p->images->get("filename%=mode")->url;


echo $p->images->get("name%=mode")->url;


echo $p->images->find("filename%=mode")->first()->url;


echo $p->images->get("modelifestyle.jpg")->url;


echo $p->images->get("modelifestyle.jpg")->name; // image name


echo $p->images->get("modelifestyle.jpg")->filename; // full path
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Very extensive--thanks! While this is quite helpful, I was wondering if there is a way to rename files and images from the API. But as you have pointed out in your reply there is hardly any option besides updating the database manually.

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$p = $wire->pages->get("images.data%=mode");

All fields are assumed to have at least a "data" field, so you can also query it just by specifying the field name without "data", i.e. 

$p = $pages->get("images%=mode"); 
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