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Audio MP3 Flash Player (no longer maintained)


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Module is no longer maintained. Github Repo deleted!

Hello community,
based on the freely available flash mp3 player (http://flash-mp3-player.net) I set a module, which creates a field to store mp3-audio files in the backend and an audio player in the frontend.

mp3 files can be added by drag and drop. The audio player is configurable in module settings. (Size, colors, display of buttons, volume control, etc.)

About third party Code

More information



The Initial Developer of the Original Code is neolao (neolao@gmail.com).

How to install

download the 2 Files:

Download from github the module, unzip, copy module and the 2 swf Files in a folder /Audio_MP3/ and add the folder to your /site/modules/ directory.

Click *check for new modules* in ProcessWire Admin Modules screen. Click *install* for the module labeled: "Audio_MP3".

Now you will be on the module config screen. Please make note of the config options and set as you want.

How to use

Add the Audio field to your Template in Setup > Templates.
Add the following code to the template file
to get the title list:


to get the player:


Create a page using the Template.

Drag and drop mp3 or mp3.zip files in the audio field in the Page-Edit-Area.

How it works

If you store just one File in the Page-Edit-Area the Maxi-Player will be loaded. For 2 or more files the Module will switch to Multi-Player. If you want an alternative title, you can put it in the Description-field of the Audio Field, which is visible after the file upload.

Module Configuration

- width: Forces the video width.
- height: Forces the video height. //only Maxi-Player only one file stored
- volume: The initial volume, between 0 and 200. By default set to 50
- showstop: 1 to show the STOP button.
- showinfo: 1 to show the INFO button.
- showvolume: 1 to show the VOLUME button.
- showloading: 'alway','never','autohide') to show the LOADING bar// By default set to 'alway'
- showinfo: 1 to show the INFO button.
- buttonwidth: The buttons width. By default set to 30.
- volumewidth: The width of the VOLUME button. By default set to 30.
- volumeheight: The height of the VOLUME button. By default set to 10
- loadingcolor: The color of loading bar in hex format without #//default: ffff75
- sliderovercolor: Hover color of the bar in hex format without #
- buttonovercolor: Hover color of buttons in hex format without #

feel free to add more configuration options to the module. More information here:


Need some help!

I would like to make the code available via
but I don't know how.


README.txtFetching info...

Audio_MP3.moduleFetching info...

Edited by kixe
no longer maintained
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  On 6/13/2013 at 6:35 AM, kixe said:

 Need some help!

I would like to make the code available via


but I don't know how.

Hi Kixe, sorry not much time, (will look at it later)

//for example: 
wire()->addHookProperty("Page::player", null, "PageHookPlayer");

function PageHookPlayer($param) {
   // your code
   if('code'==$param) {
      // show player ...

don't know if you can use it like $page->player['code'], but you can use it like $page->player('code').


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@ horst
Thank you for your help, will try out later. Have still to learn more OOP and the PW's Api.

@ kongondo & horst
Thanks. Had a look at Horst's  audio profile. Well done, looks nice.

I prefer the flash-mp3-player before using Yahoos and Google players, because it is more simple in layout and can be adaptet very individual to customer pages.

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Like discribed in the helloworld.module of ryan I put the following code to the module:

   public function init() {
        $this->addHookProperty('Page::player', $this, 'render');

    protected function render() {
        $embedCode = "... code ..."  
        $titles = " ... code ..."
        $event->return = array('code'=>$embedCode, 'title'=>$titles);


and that in the template

echo $page->player['code'];


But still doesn't work. What is wrong here?

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wow that's great. I'll try to help out when i get more time.

I was trying to turn this one into a plugin:


it's really nice and html5, but the problem is that html5 audio isn't quite there yet...

so then i ended up using soundmanager2 which is super reliable (and in mass use now on sites like soundcloud) – it's cross platform and does hybrid html5 and flash; Since i'm doing mostly responsive design, doesn't make so much sense for me to do flash only; but i'll look at this module and see if it can be modded for a different player;

one reason why i didn't bother making a module is because it's easy to setup the template to output the desired markup for any given player, but then you also have to remember to include all the scripts and stylesheets and when applicable the flash objects etc,, so i can see a module being a good thing to house everything, and make it easier to re-use in different sites.

it would be good to eventually have audio modules for Soundmanager2, jPlayer, and maybe mediaelement.js; the latter 2 support video;

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got it:

public function init() {
   $this->addHookProperty('Page::player', $this, 'render');

protected function render($event) {
   $page = $event->object;
   $embedCode = "... code ..." 
   $titles = " ... code ..."
   $event->return = array('code'=>$embedCode, 'title'=>$titles);
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  On 6/14/2013 at 8:33 AM, kixe said:


I prefer the flash-mp3-player before using Yahoos and Google players, because it is more simple in layout and can be adaptet very individual to customer pages.

Hi Kixe,

the Local Audio Files MP3-DB isn't meant to be a Player. The only reason why there is the YahooPlayer in it, is to show some of the possible functionallity of the DB and because it could be embedded with only one line of code. (lazy me)

The Local Audio Files MP3-DB was created to manage your MP3-Collection and let you import hundreds or thousands songs at once, and read the ID3-Tags to build the DB. It gives you some comprehensive tools to assist in building forms and playlists and that like. But all frontend stuff, including Player embedding has to be done by your self. So if you have some time you may want have a closer look to it and may be than you find it useful to setup your Audio MP3 Flash Player on top of it. (This was my intention when writing it) :)

Anyway, nice to see other audio related work here!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome motionmindz,

you have two install options:
1) Go to setup/Modules Manager (if module: 'Modules Manager' is installed) and click 'refresh', then choose from the list 'Flash MP3 Player' and click 'install'.Done.

2) conventional install (choosed by you?)

Check if all the following files exists under the path: site/modules/Audio_MP3/


Check if you have file-access to these files?

Go to: admin/modules , click 'Check for New Modules', select from the list (under the headline 'Audio') 'Audio MP3', click install. Done.

Tell me if the problem still exists.

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  • 1 month later...

hi kixe,

i have problems to get the template-codes to work. 1st i see is that the moduleInfo shows version 101 where it should be 102, isn't it? ---> ah, ok, forget this. got version 1.02 from git, it's not linked on module sites download.

while $page->player['title']; outputs the file-name or description ok, the $page->player['code'] does nothing. I get no errors, only notices for the undefined $titles and $string vars. am i doing anything wrong?

thanks for looking into it,


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  • 2 years later...
  On 1/16/2014 at 10:04 AM, martind said:

hi kixe,

i have problems to get the template-codes to work. 1st i see is that the moduleInfo shows version 101 where it should be 102, isn't it? ---> ah, ok, forget this. got version 1.02 from git, it's not linked on module sites download.

while $page->player['title']; outputs the file-name or description ok, the $page->player['code'] does nothing. I get no errors, only notices for the undefined $titles and $string vars. am i doing anything wrong?

thanks for looking into it, 



Same thing here Martin, is this a bug? Did you find out how to fix this? If so please share. Thanks.

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This Module was one of the first modules I have written for PW. By myself I didn't use the module since a long time. Now I integrate Audioplayer normally with html5 audio tag and beautify it using the following 2 Javascript Libraries.

But if you like it, I pushed an update (v1.2.0) to github and the modules directory and tested it under 3.0.x without problems. :)

Please read instructions, create a template file like:

// template file
echo $page->player['code'];
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  • kixe changed the title to Audio MP3 Flash Player (no longer maintained)

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