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Checking if page shares a parent and has same name


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Hi guys, I'm currently trying to add events to a calendar where each event will have a date as a parent.

I'm trying to error check duplicate entries under the same date to avoid having the system error show.

So an event can share the same name and title if it has a different parent essentially.

But I can't seem to find a selector to test this.

In words: 

if parent's name is $input->post->date and name is $input->post->name

then set error to 1 

Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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Anyway, if you would decide to do that check, you could do it like this:

if ($pages->get("parent.name=$input->post->date, name=$input->post->name")->id) // set error to 1

edit: Ryan has some important additions to this on a post bellow

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Anyway, if you would decide to do that check, you could do it like this:

if ($pages->get("parent.name=$input->post->date, name=$input->post->name")->id) // set error to 1
Be careful not to pass values from $input directly into a selector. They would need to be filtered before going into the selector. 
// convert to unix timestamp then back to string, just to ensure it's valid (this is just one way)
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($input->post->date)); 

// sanitize name to be a pageName
$name = $sanitizer->pageName($input->post->name); 

if($pages->get("parent.name=$date, name=$name, template=event")->id) { 
  /* set error to 1 */ 
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You're right Ryan. I knew that onjegolders knows this, and just wanted to give him the idea of how to do it. But we can't forget that more people can follow these advises...

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