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bug with admin theme


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I have this one installation where the messages, warning and error appear on top of the header and also float above the button on the top right in the admin GUI, see screenshots.
I thought it had to do with some admin theme that I once installed, namely AdminThemeBoss and somehow I can still see its effects even though I switched back to Uikit theme.

I now also uninstalled, deleted that AdminThemeBoss, cleared compiled files, refreshed the site, downgraded PW /wire/ folder, upgraded back, nothing seems to help.

How can I get rid of it? It's quite annoying because the floating messages cover the button and I have to wait till they are gone so I can push the button.

Or is the issue unrelated after all?

Thanks for help!


Edited by froot
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If the JavaScript filenames are the same per theme (likely), your browser might just be caching them. Do a hard refresh and see if that updates how the alerts are rendered. I can't tell what browser you're currently using, so...

Firefox: CTRL+F5

Chrome and Microsoft Edge: SHIFT+(clicking on)?

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OK, your screenshots don't look like plain UIKIT to me (what mine is set to).  A few things to check ...

First, check the Module->Configure for AdminTheme stuff.  Make sure the right ones are installed and configured correctly.  I think at least some of this is stored in the database, so deleting files and upgrade/downgrade stuff is going to miss what is in your database.

Second, Have you tried opening the floating messages that are in the way in Chome's inspector (or Firefox, whatever).  This will show you the CSS/JS in charge of positioning the elements.  It will tell you what file it loaded those from, which tells you what files are the problem.

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Ok... that looks really weird.

First... make a backup, then...
Check all installed admin themes, disable, and uninstall those you don't use.
Stick with the default for now.

Do you use any other modules that change styling and or behaviour in the backend?

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OK I found a way to disable it, not necessarily the root of the problem though.

I had the core module SystemNotifications installed and "Notification status" was turned on. I turned it off now and the issues disappeared.

It's a core module, so is that the expected behaviour? Or is it a known bug? I'm reluctant to install it on other installations just to investigate it further…

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Good catch. Neither of those modules are enabled by default. Looking up that module and finding a discussion, this might be useful to read up. In the description of the module, it states that it is under development (i.e.: not finished). ?


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As you can see in the screenshots, the PW logo (and maybe other less apparent stuff too) have links to files inside the AdminThemeBoss folder that don't even exist anymore, because I uninstalled it and deleted it. So that must mean, that this is set in the database but when uninstalling the theme, links are not reset? 

What to do? Can't find anything when searching the database for "boss" or "adminthemeboss". 


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