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Blank Page after upgrade from Version 3.0.62


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Hello, after upgrade from 3.0.62 to 3.0.229 my webserver (www.bimaq.de) displayed only a completely blank page:

First I tried it directly using the "upgrades" module and following the instructions given by this module, later the steps proposed by "DV-JF" in https://processwire.com/talk/topic/28252-updating-an-old-site-3062/  and the tutorial https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/upgrade/ but the result was always the same, even when I made a backup of the complete "site" directory before the upgrade and replacing it from the backup after the wire-upgrade.

I also followed the https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/#troubleshooting-upgrades instructions, but there are no messages in the error log and the debug option does not help, because the admin login is also completely blank after the upgrade.
Only if I hide the /var/www/html/index.php, the apache default page is displayed.

I need the upgrade because I want to migrate the website from an outdated centos7 server to a newly setup ubuntu22 server on which I installed a LAMP-stack and processwire master (3.0.229).

What can I do now to find a solution?


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Getting stuck like that is not fun! Hopefully we can help you out. First though is a little self-help question: Have you referenced all of the steps from the following page?


I suspect there's some sort of error being generated and either debug mode is off (due to the website being in production) so you can't see the messages by default, but the error messages should be in one of your log files, or in your server (apache / php) error logs.

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As I already wrote, there was no entry in the error-log, but I finished the last upgrade attempt with a rollback from the snapshot I had taken before and in consequence the logfile was also rolled back.
To be shure, I repeated the upgrade procedure today again, beginning with switching on the debug option, keeping the upgrade active for more than one hour and saving all the logfiles at the end externally: Then I could see, that during the upgraded time there was not a single entry in "errors.txt"

In between I took al look at the "Debug Mode Tools" within the PW-admin console an made screenshots of them, but as soon as I tried to navigate to another menu, the admin-console also disappeared.

It looks like the upgraded PW is completely inactive, but as soon I restored the internal copies of "wire/" and ".htaccess" (index.php is up to date) the website and the PW-console worked again completely normal.

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Yes, I did, but I could not find individual config changes made by my predecessor - it has not been changed since 6 years:
-rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 12428 Jul 10  2018 .htaccess

The last core update seems to have taken place 3 years ago:
drwxr-xr-x  5 apache apache   110 Jun 21 14:31 wire/

For a test I have just replaced the original .htaccess with a new version:
-rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 24625 Jul  4 16:27 .htaccess
This seems to work without any problems - try it out:



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There is no error message and no number.
Below I add screenshots of the webpage and the source view in upgraded version.

Then we tried out another proposal from

but this also did not work.

And we only switched back to the original "wire/" (version 3.0.62), leaving the upgraded versions of ".htaccess" and "index.php" with which the website works fine.



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Apologies for the confusion - my response was a bit generic since other people do visit topics like this for reference in the future.

A blank page, with PHP, (especially when view-source also is blank) is typically indicative of a server-level PHP error - and if PHP is being used to redirect that error to an application's log file, if it fails before it can redirect the logging to that custom location, then you'd need to check the server's error logs. I mentioned both for thoroughness, but in your case since you didn't see any errors in ProcessWire's error log file, you'd want to check your webhost's server's logs.

The question about the response being 200 - that's the HTTP response code. You can check that in the browser's developer tools. You can see it under the "Status" column of the Network tab in both Firefox and Chrome browsers. I suspect it's a 500 (error) response, and if it's not sending the error to ProcessWire's error log, the error messaging should be located either under your server's webserver error logs, or if separated out, your webserver's PHP error logs.

I would check there. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what the problem is, but like Jan mentioned, the upgrade process rarely fails so it's hard to know for sure.

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