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  1. Hello, after upgrade from 3.0.62 to 3.0.229 my webserver (www.bimaq.de) displayed only a completely blank page: First I tried it directly using the "upgrades" module and following the instructions given by this module, later the steps proposed by "DV-JF" in https://processwire.com/talk/topic/28252-updating-an-old-site-3062/ and the tutorial https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/upgrade/ but the result was always the same, even when I made a backup of the complete "site" directory before the upgrade and replacing it from the backup after the wire-upgrade. I also followed the https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/#troubleshooting-upgrades instructions, but there are no messages in the error log and the debug option does not help, because the admin login is also completely blank after the upgrade. Only if I hide the /var/www/html/index.php, the apache default page is displayed. I need the upgrade because I want to migrate the website from an outdated centos7 server to a newly setup ubuntu22 server on which I installed a LAMP-stack and processwire master (3.0.229). What can I do now to find a solution?
  2. Hi i'm having a recurrent problem I found on this forum: when using the image uploader I get the following error on console "Unexpected token < in JSON". But I couldn't solve it with any of the other proposed solutions: setting debug to true setting $config->uploadTmpDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/uploads/'; setting uploadTmpDir in php.ini BUT This problem only appears for non superuser users (ie editors). Running on a Digitial Ocean Server with NGINX and PHP 7.1. Version is ProcessWire 3.0.62 Note: Im using Fredi plugin, but i doubt that's the problem because I'm using it in other sites with no problem Any idea how i could solve this (even with non ajax image upload) I need to sort this as fast and simple as possible Thanks in advance
  3. Hello! Looking for a bit of advice or suggestions here. I don't claim to be a nginx expert, but I have PW version 3.0.62 powering an app running on a cloud server with nginx. Everything operates fine for the most part, but from time to time I am getting a network error message when trying to navigate in the admin or just a plain ole 500 error. Specifically when logging in initially and trying to view the page tree. A pop up window appears with the network error message (I will grab a screen shot next time I see it). Also when navigating through the admin I get random 500 errors. php 5.6.x nginx cloud hosting service A couple of corresponding logs below. Error log in pw admin: Error: Cannot instantiate abstract class ProcessWire\ProcessPageListRender (line 331 of /xxx/xxx/xxx/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageList.module) Nginx Error log: 017/05/12 10:11:47 [error] 7305#0: *14305329 readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream, client: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: theserver, request: "GET /login/page/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/xxxxx/dev/.php-fpm.socket:", host: "thehost", referrer: "http://domain/login/setup/logs/view/errors/" 017/06/21 14:15:29 [error] 29093#0: *106631997 readv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading upstream, client: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: server, request: "GET /login/page/edit/?id=1489 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/xxxxx/dev/.php-fpm.socket:", host: "thehost", referrer: "http://domain/login/page/" Thanks for your time.
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