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MembersMessaging module


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Hi Everyone! So I've been working with PW for over ten years now!!! Big thanks to @ryan and everyone in the community (genuinely such a warm community). I've made a few modules in my time as well as tutorials and this was the first that I thought might work as a commercial module:


This module enables you to easily setup a messaging system for your users through your site. Allow your website users to message other users on the site given a user name or similar information.

Module uses the notions of threads, messages and users to describe the message relationship -> A thread is a page storing n messages including: time posted, created by user and message text, the user ids in that thread, which users have unread messages in that thread, whether messages are encrypted (and it's salt). User pages have a list of all threads they are apart.

In your templates you can add: a compose message form, threads and their messages, thread reply forms, message and threads counts, as well as delete and delete all messages. You can view messages in the admin (unless encrypted set to True) and view message stats and module usage in admin page Members.

Purchase here

How to install?

- Install Processwire
- Add MembersMessagingModule folder to modules folder in processwire: /site/modules/
- Login to your site admin and navigate to Modules: yoursite.com/[admin]/module
- Configure the module settings: yoursite.com/[admin]/module/edit?name=MembersMessaging`
- Follow the instructions below to add messaging to your templates

How to use

Example usage:

$mm = $modules->getModule("MembersMessaging");
echo $mm->execute();
echo $mm->js();
echo $mm->css();

Full api here.


Module allows you to configure whether:

  • to allow new threads to yourself
  • to allow new threads to guest user role
  • to trash or unpublish threads deleted from frontend
  • to use select or textinput for username input
  • to allow an All keyword to signal thread should include all users
  • to change all keyword to something else
  • to notify a user via email they have been sent a new message
  • to set email sender address
  • to change username output from user name field to some other field specified
  • to change default max threads and messages to display
  • to encrypt messages (using basic encrypt strategy that encrypts each message on server before DB save, and is decrypted on request)

Roadmap: Available here.


I'm not really sure how much interest there would be in this module so I've posted it to GumRoad for now, but will be looking to work on a PW store front if theres any interest in it and other modules - I've got ideas for other modules such as deffered page publishing, image folder GUI, protected field, field dependencies, pages contraits.

I'm also available for hire currently to work on sites or modules https://www.benbyford.com

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Edited by benbyf
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@benbyf good idea to build this kind of module. At least I have one project where I think this module would be more than suitable. About the license and price - first, is it per site or can I use it on other projects, too (like developer version of pro modules)  and secondly is there a time limit (one year) or is it one time payment only.


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1 hour ago, Seppo said:

@benbyf good idea to build this kind of module. At least I have one project where I think this module would be more than suitable. About the license and price - first, is it per site or can I use it on other projects, too (like developer version of pro modules)  and secondly is there a time limit (one year) or is it one time payment only.


Really good point, totally forgot to add it in the information. Have added now.

Summary of license:

  • Unlimited use of software on own projects

  • No modifications or derivative works

  • No commercial use other than applications and services produced by Licensee

  • No attribution is required

  • Free software updates up to next major update e.g. where major release is v1.0.0 to v2.0.0 not v1.0.1

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  • 4 months later...

Hi @benbyf I've just downloaded, installed and tried out the module. It worked fine to start with: I could send between 2 users and see the messages. I was viewing source and accidentally hit one of the 'delete' thread buttons and since then, I am unable to see any message threads. I can send between clients and it acts like there are messages (with unread message counts, etc), but no messages are displayed. Not hidden by CSS either (they don't appear to be in the DOM). Any suggestions? PW 3.0.210, PHP 7.4.33.  Thanks.1550222683_Screenshot2024-07-31at16_42_27.thumb.png.38b7515c5bf03245da53e9777caba7f4.png

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