Installing ProcessWire

Information on how to download and install a new copy of ProcessWire from a ZIP file, from GitHub, or with Composer.

Installing ProcessWire


Before installing, please double check that your server meets the following minimum requirements:

  • A Unix or Windows-based web server running Apache or 100% compatible.
  • PHP 8.x is recommended. PHP 7.x versions are also supported.
  • PDO database support in PHP.
  • MySQL 5.6+ or newer (equivalent MariaDB versions also supported).
  • Apache must have mod_rewrite enabled and must support .htaccess files.
  • PHP's bundled GD 2 library or ImageMagick library

Installation from ZIP file

Download the latest version of ProcessWire (ZIP file).

Unzip the ProcessWire installation file to the location where you want it installed on your web server.

Load the location that you unzipped (or uploaded) the files to in your web browser. This will initiate the ProcessWire installer. The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation.

Installation from GitHub

Git clone ProcessWire to the place where you want to install it (from the command line):

git clone

Load the location where you installed ProcessWire into your browser. This will initiate the ProcessWire installer. The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation.

Installation with Composer and Packagist

ProcessWire is available from Packagist and can be installed using Composer by typing the following from the command line:

composer create-project processwire/processwire

If you prefer, you can pull ProcessWire into an existing project (which will place it into the /vendor/ directory):

composer require processwire/processwire

Other installation options

See our download page for additional download and installation options.

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“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.